Sunday 31 May 2015

Monthly Update - June 2015

The month of gaming is nearly here. That's right, June. The first month of summer and also the month for the biggest gaming expo of the year, E3. So let's have a look at what I'll be doing for this month:

Regarding film reviews, I am aware that we are in summer blockbuster season so I'll be reviewing mainly those films, but not all of them. The ones I will definetly be looking at are Mad Max: Fury Road (with a review of the previous Mel Gibson films), Jurassic World (again, with a review of the previous films) and Tomorrowland (which will be up tomorrow). May also look at Inside Out and Ted 2 (in which case, I will also review the first film), but we'll see how things play out.

But of course the big posts this month will be video game posts. Among these will be reviews of LEGO Jurassic World, Batman: Arkham Knight (though this one may be delayed until July because chances of me being able to finish the game before the Thursday in the week its released is pretty slim), a few games on Steam and of course, my E3 2015 report.

I'll also be wrapping up my Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode reviews as season 2 will be finished here in the UK soon. Which leaves me to decide on what to do for Tuesdays, but considering this month will be packed anyway, I will only do posts on Tuesday if I have the time to.

Now as this month is E3 month, here are my predictions:

So the 8th generation of gaming is well and trully here and last year was the first official year with Nintendo getting a head start with the Wii U with Microsoft and Sony following them a year later with the controversial Xbox One and the powerhouse that is the PS4 respectively. Of course the mobile markets have been trying to get there as well. So this E3 seems to have more press conferences than it has done in the past with Sony, Microsoft, Ubisoft, EA, Square Enix and Bethesda doing one each, Nintendo opting to do a digital event like last year and a conference dedicated to PC gaming. It looks to be a pretty packed event and I'm expecting a lot to come from each conference as well as what other developers and publishers have got.

For Sony, Its news on Uncharted 4, The Last Guardian and whether or not the Vita can still be used among many other things.

For Microsoft, less on hardware because its a gaming event and we want games, but news on Halo 5 and whether or not the Kinect can still be used among other things.

Ubisoft, news on Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Watch Dogs 2, another Rayman game perhaps, but most of all, I want reassurance that they won't screw up this year like they did last year with Watch Dogs not being up to scratch and Unity being full of glitches and not raising the bar that Black Flag left.

EA, as long as I'm not wasting my time listening to news about the next Sims or their sports games, then I'm happy. What I do want to hear from them, is news on Mass Effect 4 and Star Wars: Battlefront more than anything else. But that's just me.

Square Enix, the big one for all of us would be news on Kingdom Hearts III but we do have other events this year as well for at least some bit of news, if any. Also news on the next Tomb Raider and Hitman games as well. Not really that bothered on the next Final Fantasy, but I'm curious as to how that game is shaping up.

I don't think there is really anything that I'm looking forward to hearing from Bethesda, but I'm always open to hear what they ahve to say. Personally, I would like to know the future of the Elder Scrolls series (and yes, I do plan on getting Elder Scrolls Online at some stage) and also what the next Doom game will be. But aside from those, there isn't really much else for me with them.

Nintendo, any sign of DLC for Smash Bros. 4 and Mario Kart 8 would be great. New amiibos would be great as well. And of course, news on the next Zelda and Star Fox games would be great too. I'm also interested in hearing about any new IPs or indie games coming to Nintendo platforms as well as this rumor regarding this so called new console. But I would personally like to know if Nintendo would be nice to YouTubers and not like be nasty to them all the time.

PC gaming, well anything from them would be nice to know and whether there will be any games on Steam that would be worth my time.

As far as the others go, I look forward to hearing from Activision (not for the sake of Call of Duty), Bandai Namco, Capcom, Deep Silver, Disney Interactive, Nvidia, Oculus VR, Take Two Interactive, TellTale Games and WB Games among others. Should be a great E3, but we shall see.

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Movie Review - Inside Out 2

  I guess a sequel to the first makes sense here. I mean, for the most part, this franchise is all about the subject of growing up and with ...