Tuesday 28 May 2024

TV Season Review - American Horror Stories (Season 3)

So originally this third set of short American horror stories was supposed to be longer. But as you may have expected, the Hollywood Labour strikes of last year, meant that ultimately it would just be 4 stories long. Maybe those lost ones will make it to the next series, but yeah, you have to make do with what you got during those difficult times. Anyway, let's dive in and see what horrible and disgusting things await us:

An interesting set of stories, with one about those with disabilities being bullied (I can definitely relate to that) and the impact it has on those people. Another about an Alexa like machine that begins to manipulate the actions of its owner. One about a woman's rise to fame and the steps she takes to achieve such a thing. And the last one is about a man who becomes victim to organ harvesting.

The third story really put me off eating for a while, which can be a good thing because I'm unlikely to forget about it. But this season wasn't perfect to me. At least 2 of the stories were very predictable, but the acting is OK and the unsettledness of it all, really packs a metaphorical punch. So yeah, not much else to it really. Was hoping for something better and longer, but it's OK for what it is, and I hope the episodes that were going to be included, we will see in another season. 7/10

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