Friday 30 September 2016

Monthly Update - October 2016

Well I hope you guys enjoyed my reviews of films considered by many to be the best as well as my additional posts as well.

So for October, surprise surprise, I'm doing reviews of films and games that are Halloween related so this can be anything such as horror films, video games with zombies and other types of monsters and a number of other things too. Among these, I will be reviewing another Paranormal Activity film and the newest Blair Witch film too (with a review of the original film to go with it).

Now as for Boxes of Stuff, this will be the last time I will do a Loot Crate box and a Nerd Block Classic box. The reasons behind this are that I've not been too happy with Loot Crate for the same reasons as others who haven't been happy with them. Nerd Block on the other hand, I have now had 2 boxes that have given me items that I already have so in order to make sure I don't get into further situations like that, I have swapped blocks and will now be doing their Arcade Blocks from now on. But I am still getting Geek Fuel and Marvel Collector Corps so nothing has changed with them as such.

And as always to finish off the month of October, I will be doing yet another top 25 list and while I don't plan to top what I have done in the past, I hope you enjoy what I put together for that last day.

So that's all I need to say. I know I tend to do theories or news after every monthly update, but at present, there isn't really much to theorise or talk about.

But I will say, Gene Wilder you were great as Willy Wonka as well as your roles in Blazing Saddles, Young Frankienstien and just a whole array of fantastic films and TV shows and wherever you may be now, I'm sure there will be Wonka bars everywhere. RIP

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