Monday 22 January 2018

Random Movie Review - The Martain

Yes everyone, it's another Mars colonisation film. For what it is, it is quite an exciting but ambitious venture to live on Mars and start life there. But for it to happen, we need the technology, resources and of course, people who are willing to give up their life on Earth to start anew on Mars. Everyone knows that until travelling across the galaxy like they do in a lot of sci-fi franchises becomes a thing (and I'm sure there is a shorter way of saying that), it will be a one way trip and you have to be ready for that. So here we are with The Martain which sees Matt Damon and Ridley Scott in their presumably first ever collaboration. Let's see if Jason Bourne and Aliens can work together:

Set in the year 2035 in what could be one of many possible futures for us, a crew of astronauts on Mars explore the Acidalia Planitia (which is a real life plain (landmass) on Mars) on the 18th-sol (planetary equivalent of Earth days) of their 31-sol expedition. But when a massive dust storm causes the crew to abort their mission, everyone manages to get off the planet back to their orbiting vessel, Hermes. All expect one member Mark Watney (played by Damon) who is knocked back onto Mars. With no way back home, Mark spends his days living on Mars until NASA and his fellow crewmates manage to find him still alive and kicking and formulate a plan that will either see him leave Mars or spend the remainder of his life there.

In a film that has an all star cast of action stars, Marvel stars, comedians and a Sean Bean who may or may not die, this is a very good film. Although I haven't read the novel that its based on, I believe that it could be a very faithful adaptation of the book. I'm also certain that this was among the first of what would be many takes on what Mars colonisation could look like for us with South Park and The Space Between Us having done their takes on it too. Back to the film though, it shows how social isolation can be a good thing when you are stranded alone with limited resources and that even if it looks like no one survives something catastrophic like a storm, sometimes a little investigation and research can prove you wrong. Great film from the man who is Jason Bourne and the man who gave us Aliens. 9/10

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