Monday 20 January 2020

Best of the 2010s - Viral Videos

Well of course most of the viral videos out there are memes in some capacity. So the 2010s saw over billions of videos made for those that use YouTube and other sites like it and seeing as in the early days of this blog I actually looked at those videos, its time to look at the best ones of the 2010s. Now as billions of videos are made every year, this will likely be one of the hardest posts to do that concerns the best of the 2010s. But I intend to get it done in time no matter how difficult it may be. So the viral videos in question are videos that were uploaded to video sharing sites like YouTube and had several hits, likes, comments and the like. All the videos in the list are ones I have seen and like. We can have more than one video from the same people, but only one will take the cake per year with some runner ups. So get yourselves online and let's look at the weird, the bizarre and the crazy world of viral videos (and for obvious reasons, only still images will be used unless there is a need for the actual video):

2010 - CeeLo Green's F**k You Music Video
Yep even music videos can turn viral within an instant for better or worse. So in a year that had the famous Beiber fan that cried as well as the unlikely partnership of Adidas and Star Wars and some double rainbows, the video I went for was that feel good CeeLo Green song I was talking about last week. I won't go into too much detail, but it started off with a lyrics video and then the actual music video. Both became viral and well the rest is history. It's a good song with a great music video so I can't really complain there. Yeah still a great song and a great video to go with it.

Runner Ups:
  • Crying Beiber Fan
  • OK Go's Goldberg Machine 
  • Adidas and Star Wars
  • Double Rainbows
2011 - Nyan Cat
In the year that had people wonder what two little babies were talking about and why a dog was teased so bad as if it were human, the bizarest thing to come out of this year was the Nyan Cat. Having already had the double rainbow experience from the year before, here comes a cat that looks like its got a Pop Tart as a body while riding on a rainbow. Of course this is worthy of being a meme and a gif much like most of the stuff on here so of course it would turn into an instant classic. Cute, funny and combines the most watched animal on the Internet with a rainbow. How can you not say no to that as well as the following below.

Runner Ups:
  • Talking Twin Babies 
  • The Ultimate Dog Tease
2012 - Gangnam Style
Well let's have another song that I put up previously. So again I won't go into too much detail, but one has to admit that Gangnam Style was for a while a huge deal. Everyone would be doing the dance moves, YouTube's famous end of year Rewind video would feature it and Psy himself would have so many interviews far and wide about it all. Eventually it would become old and everyone would move on to the next thing, but it served its purpose of being a viral video from some guy in Korea so yeah. But it wasn't the only viral video this year that people really liked as you can see from the list below.

Runner Ups:
  • BGT's Jonathan & Charlotte
  • Somebody That I Used To Know music video
2013 - Harlem Shake
This year was the year of Frozen. The film came out and everyone and every station out there would play and/or sing Let It Go and even with the sequel, people still sing the song. But rather than be predictable and have it as the best thing of 2013, I decided to go with something else. So you have a video which has some build up music which just a guy or two and then suddenly the room is filled to the brim with lots of people partying down. Yes people this was the Harlem Shake and everyone would give it a go. It was a fun time and people really enjoyed doing it. So yeah it was great fun as are the videos below.

Runner Ups:
  • Chris Hadfield's David Bowie tribute in space
  • Disney Movies After Happy Ever After
  • Breaking Bad parody by Jimmy Fallon
  • Star Trek version of Let It Snow
  • Real Harry Potter seeks out real Hogwarts
  • Let It Go scene from Frozen
2014 - Hero Cat Saves Child from Dog Attack
In a year where almost everyone was raising money for ALS by doing the famous Ice Bucket Challenge (some being more clever about it than others) and apparently there was a kid that apparently kept saying apparently, I went with something a bit more heroic. So we all know that every cat and dog are not perfect and we know that many of them are bad and misbehave. But as owners, we aim to train them up to become the best they can be. This video is a difficult watch, but it shows how loyal a cat can be to its owner that it will do anything to protect them. Caught on security footage is this kid just cycling along with his little bike until a dog comes up behind him and grabs his leg. Wondering what is going down, a cat (presumably the owner's one) comes out and basically rams into the dog to scare it away. Some pets can be heroes and many owners can forget that. This may put you off from adopting a dog, but don't forget what I said in that every dog and cat are different. Still though, having this video up as difficult of a watch as it is, is just one of many examples of a pets' loyalty to its owner and how some pets can cross the line. So yeah a video worth watching as are the following below.

Runner Ups:
  • Apparently Kid
  • Everyone's Ice Bucket Challenge
2015 - Bear Family in Human's Pool
So 2015 saw Katy Perry dance with sharks, dogs doing some weird and bizarre things and this family of bears. So most of us have big gardens that allow us to put things in like swimming pools and have it be given an almost playground like feel. But somewhere in the States, one family had this pool out and a family of black bears came to visit and well they had the time of their lives. Its not often stuff like this happens, but they came across as no threat and it was just good fun. Bears in a human's pool is just plain bizarre and I love it as well as the runner up below.

Runner Up:
  • Dog sounds car horn
2016 - The First Class Airplane Seat that cost $21,000
In one of the worst years ever, YouTube and other websites like it were there to entertain us in what felt like a doom and gloom year. This year had a new kind of Gangnam Style that involved the use of a pen, a pineapple, and apple and another pen. We also saw the insides of a rattlesnake's rattle and in the peak of its popularity, James Corden did one of his famous carpool karaokes with Adele. But of all the videos to pick from, I went with this one by Casey Neistat. Now as someone who has dreams, one of those dreams is to one day experience the joys of travelling in first class (or the next best thing if such a thing exists) and Casey has done a few videos around this as he reviews all the different types of a first class seat. This one was on an Emirates flight and quickly became an instant viral video because of how much it cost and just by seeing how much fun Casey is having. I thought for this one that it would be best to have the video. So yeah, we all have dreams and this is one of them. Also check out the other videos below.

Runner Ups:
  • The Insides of a Rattlesnake's Rattle
  • Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen/PIKO-TARO
  • Carpool Karaoke with Adele
2017 - Child Interupts BBC Interview
Well 2017 got one of the predictions that The Simpsons made right which is the now infamous Lady Gaga half time show at the Superbowl. But with that as well as a very funny version of Ed Sheeran's "Shape of You", the video I went for was this very funny news interview. Now we all know that lots of things can happen with interviews like this especially when its live. But my word, this was funny. What was meant to be something serious, just wasn't as soon as the children appeared in the background. It is very funny and unexpected that we all forget what the interview was all about. So yeah a bit of fun even though interviews are known to be serious. Also check out the videos below.

Runner Ups:
  • Lady Gaga's Infamous Superbowl Half Time Show 
  • Shape of You (The Google Translate Version)
2018 - Donald Trump's Umbrella
A few confused dogs and a major acquisition by Disney are just some of the big things to come out of 2018. But I guess one thing we also like is when politicians unintentionally do something funny. Now with Donald Trump, there have been several times where he goes into Air Force One, but there is always something wrong. On this occasion, its the fact that the umbrella cannot fit. So instead of taking it down, he just leaves it on the walkway as he goes in. So funny from an otherwise very controversial figure and it probably will not be the last time we see stuff like this regardless of where this impeachment goes. Also see the videos below too.

Runner Ups:
  • Dog confused at a magic trick
  • Dog waits for a window door to open (even though its already open)
2019 - Keanu Reeves at E3
So at long last we come to the end of this very packed list. In the final year of the 2010s, we got Dobby on a security camera, the calmness of seeing a turtle eating a watermelon (which in a stressful year like 2019 was a much needed break from all the chaos) and the New Orleans food tour sequence from The Simpsons being recreated in real life. But let's go back to when E3 was still going. Now everyone knows that E3 is the biggest gaming event of any year as its the place where we find out about all the games coming out, all the new devices (if any) and so on. Sometimes there are some celebrity appearances, some more unnecessary than others. But the biggest bombshell of them all was Keanu Reeves who plays a character in Cyberpunk 2077 and well his appearance caused a stir. Nevertheless, him appearing at such an event remains to be one of the best things to be seen in an otherwise year of pain and suffering for those of us in the UK, USA and maybe even Russia too. So yeah, that was the video I went with and check out the other ones below.

Runner Ups:
  • Dobby on Security Camera
  • Turtle ASMR eats a watermelon
  • Real Life recreation of The Simpsons New Orleans food tour
And that's it for viral videos. Let me know your picks in the comments below and next up on Thursday, its those stage musicals.

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