Friday 14 February 2020

Valentines Day Special: Top 25 Worst Ever Couples

So the last time I did a special post for Valentines Day, it was around the best fictional couples that were ever put on films, video games and TV. Since then there have been some new developments (particularly in the MCU) and well I thought its time to go into the opposite direction this time as we look at the worst ever couples. Now normally I'm not one to bring negatives to anything, but a list like this deserves to be made because there are a lot of bad couples out there and I'm not just talking about the fictional ones. But the fictional is the one we are looking at as always because I tend to not care much for the celebrity ones. So this list will have couples in films, TV and video games that I think are bad in the respective form of media that I have seen them in. Some of these couples are only unintentionally bad because of poor casting, lazy writing, poor chemistry or just plain bad acting overall. Some may be bad for story purposes, but still bad nonetheless. And some may have convinced others that they are good, but not me. One couple per franchise, but I am allowing extras if they come from a different series within said franchise like say there is a film series but also a TV or video game series as well which may differ from one another. So let's see how these couples could not get us invested in them at all in any way (and be prepared for the cringe with some of them):
25 - Ginny and Harry (Harry Potter)
Some of these entries are slight rehashes of the best couples list I did some time ago. That's because that some of those characters had been in relationships with other characters that were pretty bad so worth a mention here. Anyway so let's start with one that actually works well in its source material, but not so much on film. Where the main characters end up with their romance options seems to be a bit off so to speak. Most of us thought that Harry should have gone with Cho or Hermione. But instead, he goes for Ginny who is many years younger than him as well as the sister of his best friend Ron not to mention that she was once possessed by his arch nemesis. Now in the books, this works because she plays a large amount of roles in helping Harry out such as filling in for him in Quidditch matches as well as being among the few of Dumbledore's Army to battle the death eaters alongside Harry and members of the Order of the Pheonix. Where it differs from the books is the actual element of finding intense feelings for one another and this is executed well in the books. But in the films it feels very awkward and we still find ourselves puzzled with the three things mentioned already. Even the actors themselves thought it was awkward but I guess the films make out that we already know what happened in the books. And even J.K. Rowling admits that among the many regrets she had in doing the books, Ginny should have been with Neville (considering that they were a couple at the Yule Ball) and Hermione should have gone with Harry. But nevertheless, it is what it is and its still awkward to watch even now.

24 - Katniss and Peeta (The Hunger Games)
Like with Ginny and Harry, the thing with Katniss and Peeta also doesn't work. Many of us thought that Katniss would be better with Gale especially as they had feelings for one another throughout the series not to mention that they are almost equal in every way. Whereas with Peeta, she only knew him through the actual titular games and has very little in common with him other than they are from the same place like Gale. Its a complicated one, but one that poses the question of what could have happened if the tiular games never happened. Maybe then Gale and Katniss would be in a relationship. But I just think there isn't much going for her and Peeta because of their very different backgrounds and that Katniss is unwilling at first to actually tell Peeta anything about herself. Again its just something that at least to me, didn't work and the rest is history.

23 - Katara and Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
The show is really good. I can't think of anything that is truly bad about it apart from one of the many love relationships it has going for it. So both Katara and Aang have been through a lot and its Aang who is the first to admit that he has feelings for Katara. But the way the show executed their relationship felt very forced and unnecessary. In fact I would even consider Katara being with Zuko instead and that isn't because of the many fan arts of them together, but more because Zuko actually helped her find her mother's killer and paired up with her in one final fight with his sister Azula. It is one of those "What If?" scenarios that never really happened. Had this thing not be forced, maybe I would've been more appreciative of it. But it was so nothing that can be changed there unless the Netflix remake has anything to say about it.

22 - Eric and Heidi (South Park)
South Park (as I have said several times now) has always been great when it comes to tackling various issues happening in the world and with the rise of vegan things, they tackled that too. They did this by having Cartman become an item with Heidi. Initially this was because the pair had gone off using social media and it worked for a while. Where it stopped working for me was when Cartman sabotaged Heidi's food in an attempt to be able to eat meat again. That to me sounds like both a betrayal and abuse in a relationship and before we know it, we then get a female Cartman. Cartman has always been that one character in the series that is a jerk to many people (even his own mum) and this is just one of those things. So yeah a couple that were doomed the second he started going back to his old ways.

21 - Frank and Claire (House of Cards)
In light of everything that happened with Kevin Spacey after he got the Wienstien effect, his show House of Cards was brilliant. It perfectly captured the dark side of politics and gave us a couple who we just love to hate. Frank cheats, lies and does all sorts of other unspeakable things to get to the top as does Claire to a certain extent. But as far as love goes, there is just nothing there. Sure they say that they need each other and have been able to propel each others political careers. But they are a bad couple because there is just no love coming from them. No love and no affection. Just determination and some dark twists and turns.

20 - Belle and Rumpelstiltskin (Once Upon A Time)
The show does well to adapt much of Disney's long list of fictional characters as well as those from other similar stories like the Brothers Grimm and puts them all into a 21st century universe. A lot of things that happen in the story is built on the fact that the characters can have good hearts and bad hearts which can easily be taken from them which in effect would make them heartless (which could make for an interesting world for Kingdom Hearts). Of the couples that are in the show, the one I can't really invest in much is that of Belle and Rumpelstiltskin both of which are based on the titular characters of Beauty and the Beast. One is too much older than the other which can make it creepy and most of their screen time is them going on and off again when certain events take place that can affect their relationship. Not to also mention that Rumpelstiltskin is the most darkest one of all the beings in the show as well as ultimately the main antagonist for a vast majority of it. Yeah this isn't a great couple as its built on lies and the long overused thing of the girl attempting to see the man behind the beast. That's really all I can say about them.

19 - Piper and Larry (Orange is the New Black)
Most people may not know that Orange is the New Black is actually based on true events. Now for a while we saw Piper and Larry together as a couple, but things soon start to shatter when Alex also arrives at the same prison as Piper. They reconcile and Larry ends up breaking up with her. There is a reason why Larry remains to be one of the most hated characters on the now finished up show. At first he seems devoted to being with Piper, but soon starts to develop a self centered personality that makes him do things for personal gain without thinking of the backlash. Yeah this was never meant to be and Piper is of course better off with Alex so yeah not a great match really when things start developing.

18 - Archie and Veronica (Riverdale)
Yeah I watch Riverdale. I haven't read as many Archie comics as most, but I enjoy them and I enjoy the darker tone that the TV adaptation decided to go for against the more sweet and innocent tone of the comics. Most of the show is based on all the students of Riverdale High finding romance in all sorts of places and for Archie, there is a fair few. Teachers fancy him and members of the in universe band Josie and the Pussycats fancy him and even some of his class mates too. But ultimately, he decides his love lies with Veronica who at the start of season one had just moved to Riverdale with her high rolling and criminal but rich parents in the wake of a tragedy that saw the loss of someone the town held dear. While his parents approve of their love, hers try to destroy it through various means which takes them through a lot of dark twists and turns. So yeah maybe there is love there, but you should proceed with caution when going out with the daughter of one of your enemies that wants you dead. Yeah that's just how I see it.

17 - Arno and Elise (Assassin's Creed)
While the series has been brilliant in terms of giving us virtual history lessons, Assassin's Creed has had a mixed reaction to all the characters that are an item. Characters like Ezio and Edward are charmers through and through and are so lovable that they are able to charm any girl that they meet (the first two Ezio games even hint that there is some love making going on). But not every relationship works which speaks true for Arno and Elise from Unity. The game overall is not a great one with the basic thing being if it ain't broke, don't fix or change it and that's what Ubisoft did and the series paid the price when Syndicate (arguably a much better game) came out. So what really is wrong with them. Well their allegiances are conflicting with Arno being loyal to the Assassins and Elise to the Templars who are both factions that have been sworn enemies for a millennia. This along with her being his adopted sister makes this relationship not work out. Its a pretty bad game overall and this apparent love story is one that just did not work out at all.

16 - Bruce and Natasha (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Now when I did the best couples post, I honestly thought that Steve Rogers and Natasha would be an item following The Winter Solider. I mean that kiss had to mean something right? But when Age of Ultron came around, it became apparent that she and Bruce Banner are an item instead. What makes this not work is that one is a master spy and assassin while the other is a scientist who turns into a green monster when angry or excited. Neither can make love due to excitedness being a trigger for Banner to turn into the Hulk. And as for Natasha, she can't have kids due to experiments having been done on her many years ago (though in an ironic twist, Scarlett Yohanson herself was pregnant during filming of the film). A life of running away could not also work because of their statues as both heroes, but also potential threats too. So yeah, it felt forced and it wasn't bought up ever again after the film which can only mean good things. But its not ever being revisited again due to one of them having been killed during Endgame.

15 - Oliver and Felicity (Arrowverse)
They may be a cute couple with good intentions. But they are opposites of one another. Felicity is fun and a wise cracking genius that for a majority of her screen time, didn't take much of what was happening seriously. Oliver meanwhile is basically the opposite in that he isn't fun and takes things seriously but sometimes way too much. But those are OK for the pair of them. Its just when the pair have arguments, near death experiences and parts of having a relationship built on lies, just doesn't make it work for me. Much of the shows in the Arrowverse have lots of people in relationships with some being good, others being bad and some that makes us go "WTF?!". This is one that in theory should have worked out. But it just doesn't which is unfortunately the way superheroes have to go some times when love gets involved.

14 - Cole and Elsa (L.A. Norie)
Having an affair is probably the worst crime any man or woman can do. Especially if they are coming from a married life and with children. This is what L.A. Norie protagonist Cole does to his family. He sees Elsa singing and decides to go to her club after every work day to see her sing. During an investigation on stolen morphine, he tries to get close to her under the guise of finding a lead to his investigation and she welcomes it. But the affair is then used as a means to get the press to sway away from the corruption of the Vice branch of the LAPD and is used on Cole which demotes him into the Arson branch. But over the course of the game, both seem to genuinely love one another until Jack Kelso is bought into the picture and well you probably know the rest from there. Its one relationship that is just too complicated and started off as an affair and then became a love triangle. And I always think that any love relationship where its complicated is not considered the best kind of one in my opinion at least.

13 - Anna and Hans (Frozen)
No one in their right mind would want to marry someone they love but have only known each other for a very short period. It just doesn't work like that. Things like that take time for it to mature which is the case when Anna and Hans first started dating. Even Elsa thought it was off putting. But then we soon find out that all of that was just a rouse for Hans to rule over Arendelle and kill the sisters in an attempt to finally best his brothers who have bullied him for so long. Yeah this relationship was doomed from the start and sure Kristoff may have been a bit of an arse to Anna. But at least he genuinely cared for her even attempting to go back for her after she is handed in to her royal subjects. So yeah its a bad relationship, but one that gives us one of the best twists ever in a Disney film.

12 - Belle and Prince Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
Now before I go into this one, I want to first of all point out that I love the film. I enjoy it and I like that it has become iconic as well as important in the sense that it proved to the industry once and for all that animation isn't dead and can be taken seriously. The fact that it has won so many awards and even helped launch a new category dedicated to finding the best animated film at the awards, is just some of the things this one Disney film based on a French fairytale, has done and the rest is history. But why I put this relationship on here is because I'm now at the age where I can strip away the sweet innocence of Disney films and realize that there is something wrong here. You often here people use Stockholm Syndrome to describe this relationship, but I'm among the people that think its not that at all. Its not a healthy relationship because it all started with Belle wanting to take her father's place as the Beast's prisoner to which he accepts. She hates him and wants to get out and finds that his actions are unreasonable. In turn, he has lived a long life of being self-centered and very angry which was kind of the reason why he became the Beast in the first place. But despite all of that, they soon develop feelings for one another and Belle soon sees the sweet man that the Beast really is on the inside. Its still considerably a unhealthy relationship in many ways, but it has nothing to do with Stockholm Syndrome like many people think it is. Also parts of me think that the loving part may be too forced especially when the film outright makes that very clear with its title. But it is what it is. Still love the film. Just think the relationship is a bit forced and very unhealthy.

11 - Ethan and Madison (Heavy Rain)
People who say that David Cage's games are masterpieces are not wrong, but I wouldn't go as far as calling them that. Sure they are different from what is considered the norm and they are pretty good. But not masterpieces. So in his first game with his company Quantic Dream being partners with Sony Computer Entertainment, we get a depressing story about a man feeling guilty over the loss of one of his sons as he continues to go about life. But things soon change when his remaining son gets kidnapped and must go through a series of challenges set out by the kidnapper to save him. The kidnapper of course is known as the Origami Killer (and we later learn that one of the characters we play as in this game is that killer) who is only wanting to see how far one person can go to save his loved one. During this ordeal, the man called Ethan spends time at a motel where he meets and befriends a lady called Madison. Should the player allow it (because it is a decision driven game), they can develop feelings for one another and this is when it starts to become awkward, forced and just there as a means to drive the story but not the way we would have wanted. Heavy Rain gives us multiple endings based on how the player plays through the story and I really don't think this relationship is believable. But it is so forced that at the moment when the player decides to have them kiss, we then get this really bizarre sex scene that doesn't go full on pornographic. But it gives us more reason to find this relationship to be forced because of how interactive it is as well as the fact that this game has full frontal nudity in it anyway. But it then becomes more of a bad one than good when Ethan discovers what Madison has been up to and its at this piont when the player decides whether to push forward with it or leave it. So yeah probably more forced than an actual believable relationship, but one that may have consequences later on in the story.

10 - Lucy and Natsu (Fairy Tail)
Most people will say that anime couples are the cutest and you know what, they are right. Big googly eyes, hair that has bizarre features and good body builds. Yeah its clear as to why people may think that. But let's go to Fairy Tail where there is a relationship in almost every known character in the titular guild. Some work really well, others are one sided and some are just plain weird. But the one I find the baddest of them all is with Lucy and Natsu. Throughout the series, Lucy is always getting compliments or insults about how big her boobs are (not that I care because people should feel good about how they look) whereas Natsu has his muscular body shown almost all of his screen time. Some people even compare his looks to fellow guild member Gray who is always inconsistent on the way he looks and is often described as that one guy who keeps taking his clothes off (often only the torso, but sometimes everything too) which Natsu doesn't do. But all looks aside, many people like to ship Natsu and Lucy because of their cuteness and how much they care for one another. Where this doesn't work however is how many times Lucy has kicked, punched and slapped Natsu for invading not just her privacy, but her flat as well. Whereas Natsu has called her weird and as previously mentioned, he invaded her space. Like Belle and the Beast, their relationship is also considered unhealthy but for very different reasons. Part of it is Natsu not quite understanding that Lucy needs her space and can sometimes say or do things that are against her usual standards. Another part is Lucy being a bit violent towards Natsu. The main part though is that despite Lucy blushing over the thought of being with Natsu, they are both always in denial that they have feelings towards one another and that makes this relationship not work. Sure me saying that won't stop people from believing that there is a love thing going on even going as far as doing some fanart about it. But every relationship is different and some are just not going to work.

9 - Crash and Tawna (Crash Bandicoot)
One of the most common scenarios in video games is the main protagonist going out of his way to save his girl from a villain of sorts that kidnaps her. This has been the scenario for nearly every Super Mario game and that relationship is believable in that Mario really loves Peach and Peach goes as far as even trying to help Mario in his quest to save her (well not as much in the mainstream games, but definitely in the RPGs and sport games) thus proving that she loves him too. Crash and Tawna meanwhile is different. Tawna is one of those characters where you see her in a couple of games and then never again. Some people believe its because of Crash's childish ways or the good people at Naughty Dog (and later on Activision) not liking her character or something else that made her leave him. But to be honest, its not a relationship that works really if it feels pretty bland. Still a good series of games. Just need to work better on the relationship aspect of it.

8 - Peter and Mary-Jane (Spider-Man)
In almost every Spider-Man film, they always try to work in some kind of love relationship. Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy in The Amazing Spider-Man films works because of the director's history in doing romantic films and that Gwen does what she can to help Peter despite the odds against her even before death which was a forced thing to try and appeal to the comic book fans. Peter Parker and MJ in Spider-Man: Home something works because of the chemistry between Zendaya and Tom Holland behind the scenes as well as MJ being that girl who states the obvious and knows everything and Parker being that awkward nerd. And then there is the first series of Spider-Man films. Yes the one that made the hero popular, the one which feels like a frame by frame recreation of the comics and the one that has a fair few goofy performances. The relationship between Peter and Mary-Jane in this series is bland, unbelievable and feels a bit forced in a way. It just doesn't work at all and even when you get those iconic moments, it still doesn't work for me. Maybe its the actors themselves or the writing or the direction. But whatever it is, I don't see anything that works in this relationship so its probably just as well that only three films were made to feature it. Still good films. Just not a great portrayal of one of the most iconic relationships in comic boos. Speaking of which...

7 - Superman and Lois (DC Extended Universe)
And here is another iconic comic book couple. Now in almost every version of Superman, the relationship he has with Lois is pretty solid. But that's not to say every take is going to work out. Now while I personally have nothing against Henry Cavill and Amy Adams being cast as their respective characters in the DC Extended Universe because they seem like the perfect fit for their characters, the love they express in the films is at least to me, not very convincing. They say lines that are apparently well known sayings but really they are not. Neither show much emotion apart from when they have to emote their pain and sufferings as well as in situations that require answers. If I'm being honest, it really isn't the most convincing relationship on screen. So many better versions of this couple are out there and this is among the worst takes. But given that this cinematic universe is going in a new direction which is currently working in their favor, its probably good that we don't have to see this couple on screen again. Again, nothing against the actors. More so with the writing and direction than anything else.

6 - Light and Misa (Deathnote)
Perhaps one of the worst relationships out there are the sort that are just too one sided and for Light and Misa, this is just that. In a world where one being can become the grim reaper just by putting a name inside a notebook, this whole relationship is all based on manipulating each persons' actions to the point where there is just no love there. Sure Misa wanted to be around Light and actually showed signs of loving him and yet he never gave any back to her. Only to use her as a means to discover the identity of L. Yeah it doesn't work and a relationship should never be one sided nor be based around manipulation.

5 - Joker and Harley Quinn (Batman: Arkham and DC Animated Universe)
One of the most famous comic book couples of all time, actually didn't start in the comics. Joker for a long time was a comic book character made to be the arch enemy of Batman. Harley Quinn meanwhile made her debut in Batman: The Animated Series and has become part of the mainstream DC universe ever since just like Batman Beyond many years later. Most takes on the couple see Joker manipulate Harley Quinn (who was just a physio at Arkham Asylum) into becoming like him and she did so out of love for the clown prince of crime. But there isn't much love going on between them. Joker is so sick and twisted that he actually uses her more for personal gain than anything else and in almost every part of the two franchises listed above, she gets screwed over by him. Sure she still remains to be at his side despite his poor treatment of her, but a relationship based on domestic abuse and manipulation is not one that is going to work. They may be the most famous super villain couple of all time. But that doesn't make their relationship great.

4 - Jaime and Cersei (Game of Thrones)
Only one word can describe this relationship; incest. Yep, these two are brother and sister and they made out which forced Cersei to have three children who never knew the truth behind their existance. Not to mention that they are also the parents of Joffery, the most hated character in all of fictional television (though I'd imagine that the actor is a nice guy in real life). And yet despite everything, they still have feelings and even when their crime is exposed, they still continue to be in love even in death. Game of Thrones is full of all known crimes of adultery, but this is just the worst. Its probably just as well that these two met their end in the final season because there is no excuse that can be used for what they did.

3 - Anakin and Padme (Star Wars)
Its become both famous and a meme that Hayden Christensen is a terrible actor. So much so that his and Natalie Portman's chemistry is non existent with their screen time. Its awkward, unconvincing and also quite creepy too. Part of this is down to their acting, but more of the blame is on George Lucas himself who is a great film maker in his own right. But not very good when it comes to directing in that he has very minimal things to say to his people. What made the original trilogy work was that Lucas was involved in almost ever aspect, but only directed the first film. Here he directed every film and almost ruined Star Wars for everyone. The fact that there were some salvageable things in the prequel trilogy shows that even when its at its worst, Star Wars still goes on. Even with Disney at the helm, it still has some bad moments, but not all things there are bad. But I still think that Han and Leia's relationship is more convincing than these two here.

2 - Sonic and Elise (Sonic the Hedgehog)
So I'm kind of cheating with this one a bit. Sonic 06 is probably one of a few Sonic games that I have never played and I think given that there is so much hate for this game and is just a nightmare to play according to many players, I'm glad that I missed out. One of the biggest criticisms is the forced love thing between Sonic and Elise which is very creepy, disturbing and a form of bestiality in some respects. Not to mention that Sonic laughing is... well there is nothing that can describe how bad it is. Don't think I need to go on with this one, but I think SEGA and Sonic Team should stick to just Sonic and Amy possibly being a thing because that makes more sense than this. Going off topic a bit, its good to know that most of what happened in the game (spoiler alert), didn't actually happen in the end and thus it meant players can be annoyed, but be able to move on from it and hope that characters like Silver could be reintroduced properly in later games. And I guess the only thing it had going for it was the music which is ace. But yeah don't ever put Sonic and a human together and think they should be an item. But as a buddy comedy duo, yeah that can work right Paramount?!

Before we see what number one is (though it will come as no surprise to anyone what it is), here are some dishonorable mentions.

Dishonorable Mentions:
  • Romeo and Juliet (almost every version of the classic Shakespeare play)
  • Sandy and Danny (Grease)
  • Bruce and Rachel (The Dark Knight trilogy)
  • Jon and Daenerys (Game of Thrones)
  • Sky and Sophie (Mamma Mia!)
  • Ron and Hermione (Harry Potter)
  • Eric and Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
  • Margaret and Andrew (The Proposal)
  • Claire and Owen (Jurassic World)
  • Mon-El and Kara (Supergirl)
  • Nancy and Jonathan (Stranger Things)
  • Fred and Daphne (Scooby-Doo)
  • Shepard and some but not all romance options (Mass Effect)
  • Barry and Iris (The Flash)
And with that, let's look at number one...

1 - Bella and Edward (Twilight)
Stephen King said it right. You learn more in Harry Potter than you do in Twilight because the former has lots to learn from and the latter is just a lesson on how to get a boyfriend. Both have had rivalries over the years, but most will agree that Harry Potter is the best thing. What doesn't work here is that we all thought Jacob would be the one for Bella and yet she winds up with Edward who is just a depressing vampire. Nothing works in this relationship. Its not believable and it feels so forced in a way that in the penultimate film, we had to sit there and watch a uncomfortable sex scene and Bella giving birth to that CGI baby which I personally think they could have saved money on by hiring a real baby or two like Doctor Who did and that was made on a lower budget. I have already destroyed the Twilight saga already and I just don't like it at all so yeah that's ultimately why I have put these unlikable sparkling characters at number one. Great actors in other things, but not this.

So that's my list of the worst ever couples on screen. I have done a best couples list so please do check that out too. Enjoy Valentines Day and leave comments below of your picks. Enjoy your day and I hope that things work out for you.

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