Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Random TV Season Review - Ratched (Season 1)

Ever remember the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? Well we have a sort of spin off about one of the characters from the film which itself is based on a book. Yeah, funny how we think the most original of films at the time are also based on something and not many people are aware of it. So Netflix have repeatedly said that they are fine even though there are lots of other streaming services now that are trying to take its spot as the most used and popular one there is. But I guess one of the strong things that Netflix has going for it is how big its library of original content and seasonal content is. Today we look at their latest original series which as stated is a spin off from a book that turned into a very successful film that starred big names like Jack Nicholson and Christopher Lloyd whom at the time would probably have not expected to be household names like they are today. So let's take a look at this first season (and yes there is another one on the way soon):

The series is about the titular asylum nurse Mildred Ratched (played by Sarah Paulson) whom in 1947, seeks employment at a leading psychiatric hospital where unsurprisingly new and unsettling experiments on the human brain are taking place. Upon being recruited, she presents herself as the perfect image of what a dedicated nurse should be. Much of this season sees her infiltrate the mental health care system where the wheels are always turning and a darkness leaks within.

There is a lot of cartoonish moments as well as some strange plot holes. But for a first season, it's great. Fantastic set pieces, great use of famous classical music and yes the darkness is definitely there. Plus its also quite stylish too which is normally a good thing in anything I watch or play. 8/10

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