Friday, 25 December 2020

Christmas Day Special: Top 12 Santas

Well merry Christmas everyone. Its not a "normal" Christmas I know, but let's all try to enjoy it while we can. So as Christmas is perhaps the holiday that has the most films to be tied into or set around, there is of course no shortage of actors that have played the big jolly old guy himself and today I give you my picks of the best. To make things as fair as possible, all the Santas are those seen in films, TV shows or video games that I have watched and/or played. They will need to have had a lasting impact on me and others and need to have had a lot of screen time so no shoe horned in ones like the one seen at the end of The Polar Express. And even though Christmas Present from A Christmas Carol looks and behaves like Santa, he is not Santa. And those of you new to my blog, it's top 12 instead of 25 because the number 12 is used a lot during the festive season (most famously in the "12 Days of Christmas" carol). So let's see who is the jolliest of them all shall we:
12 - The Grinch
OK so the Grinch isn't technically Santa in any shape or form. But he may as well be because right at the end, he gives the presents back and becomes quite jolly and happy after years of despising the holiday and all it stands for. Whether it's the energetic Jim Carrey, the sophisticated but sinister Benedict Cumberbatch or the original animated one from way back, the Grinch is one Santa that does good even if what he did before is not something that the real Santa would condone.
11 - Nick Frost (Doctor Who: Last Christmas)
There have been so many Christmas Special for Doctor Who ever since its revival back in 2005. So of course it would be inevitable that they would want to include jolly old St. Nick in one of them, and they do just that in Peter Capaldi's first one, played by Nick Frost. I would never think of Frost as being that great of a Santa and yet here he does a wonderful job. Sure he's not jolly as such or in a positive mood, but his one comes across as realistic as he often pointed out the issue that the Doctor and Clara faced and ultimately became the most unlikely of companions to ever have an adventure with them. A good portrayal from the guy who has faced murderers, zombies, aliens (three times), ghosts and so much more. This is just another great role to go into his career.
10 - Santa (Saints Row IV: How the Saints Saved Christmas)
The fourth Saints Row game is bonkers. So bonkers that it got something quite rare in gaming; a festive DLC campaign. In it, the gang are greeted by a Terminator like Shaundi from the future who gets the Saints to save Christmas and prevent a future where a demonic Santa has well basically taken over the world that they go into a simulation of. There has been Santas that have been weak and are not all that jolly and this game has one of those Santas. Jolly as he may be, he kicks some butt, uses guns and is basically what the Saints Row Santa should be and I personally really like this one. Not often you see Santa in this way, but sometimes even the jolliest of men must man up.
9 - Robot Santa (Futurama)
Those of us who like to believe that Santa is real, get a load of this guy. In the world of Futurama, a "real" Santa exists, and he is a killing robot. Originally made to easily tell who was naughty and who was nice and act accordingly, he would eventually malfunction and become judge, jury and executioner to all on Christmas Eve regardless of being bad or good every year. That is except for Zoidberg occasionally. As a result, the holiday once known to bring people together for joy and happiness and peace (to a certian degree), ends up being the opposite thanks to him. But when you really think about it, a robot seems to be the most logical of beings to do Christmas and not some make-believe human man who may be real or not. Still though, he is a great Santa and one most of us will not forget any time soon (much like the show he came from).
8 - Nicholas St. North (Rise of the Guardians)
When looking back at the film Rise of the Guardians, we can honestly say that it is the Avengers if the members were all characters associated with a particular holiday or event. This Santa is arguably one that knows how to kick some butt and be funny too. No one would ever think that Santa could be Russian or be able to be a warrior in his own right. Another memorable Santa for sure and one we can all strive to be like one day.
7 - Klaus
The film Klaus (which I have previously reviewed) is one of those films that plays on the idea of there being an origin to Christmas. Of course there is an origin, but this one is particularly interesting. What is most interesting is the film's Santa who doesn't take up the name at first, but is a keen toy maker and wants to give his toys to children which speaks true for all or most Santas out there. We are all too used to the typical Santa, but this film does well in being about the man and how he made Christmas what it is and I really like that.
6 - Kurt Russell (The Christmas Chronicles duology)
With Kurt Russell gaining renewed recognition in recent years, his turn as Santa became inevitable. His version was unlike anything that came before. No fur coat this time, it's all leather. He knows fake news when he sees it (unlike some people), doesn't play by the rules and took life like a rockstar. Plus with Russell's charm and charisma, he was one Santa who shouldn't be messed with and did it like a champ. A shame most people won't see his portrayal due to his films being Netflix exclusives.
5 - Sandy Claws (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Yep even Tim Burton went there too. This Santa is grumpy, stressed and has some anger thrown in. But this is what happens when someone from another holiday decides to get in the way and have him be a prisoner or plaything for a sick twisted bag of bugs. Still though, Santa takes all the pain and still comes out as complete as ever. He tells Jack to stick to his own holiday and even sprinkles his world with snow before leaving. He even inspired him to bring some new things to Halloween without interfering with his own holiday. This Santa is as Santa as you can get. Not so much jolly, but great for advice for sure.
4 - The Clauses (Arthur Christmas)
In the world of Arthur Christmas, the males in the Claus family each take up the mantle of Santa Claus kind of like how the Royal Family plays out. When one retires or dies, the next of kin takes his place. But the problem is that Arthur and his brother are both next in line, and it takes an entire film to determine who is the best of the two and I like that. To be Santa for so long is impossible if he is real and despite the spaceship, this could be the most realistic way to continue doing the job. But then again, it is still one man and it will take more than one man to get the job done hence why there are elves.
3 - Tim Allen (The Santa Clause trilogy)
Similar to the ones above, The Santa Clause version is seen as a role that must be inherited when the predecessor dies all of a sudden. Its not a family thing, it's a thing given to the guy who wears the suit and Tim Allen plays a good Santa. Jolly, full of life and love and always keeping his best interests at heart even though he was once a space ranger going to infinity and beyond. We probably won't see another film any time soon, but for the films we got, his Santa was unique and great.
2 - Edmund Gwenn (Miracle on 34th Street (1947))
Now normally at the end of these list posts, most people tend to have the two Miracle on 34th Street Santas on top and there is good reason for that. Both are warm, jolly, full of life, love and hope and even crack a joke or two as well. They even dismissed the mall Santas who are in it for the cash and are otherwise drunken fools. Edmund's one is a great one for sure, but this was not the first Miracle on 34th Street that I saw.
1 - Richard Attenborough (Miracle on 34th Street (1994))
It was actually this one that I saw first. Lots of us forget that the late Richard Attenborough has played more roles outside of Jurassic Park and his take on Santa is nearly identical to Edmund Gwenn's one. But he makes it his own with more jokes, smiles and even one instance where he spoke to a deaf girl through sign language. This is one Santa who is dedicated to his job and even makes the point that reindeers only fly on Christmas Eve which is kinda true in a way. But yeah, the late and great Richard Attenborough is my personal favourite Santa of them all and one many of us will not forget about any time soon.

And that is my list. Merry Christmas to you all and if you have your favourite Santa, leave them in the comments below.

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