Thursday 10 March 2022

Random Video Game Review - Risk of Rain

With the sequel currently on sale on Steam (depending on when you read this, of course), I thought it would be good to take a look at this game. A game created initially by two students from the University of Washington using the Game Maker engine (something of which I'm quite familiar with, having used it in a college course). It's also another Kickstarter funded game, which is often one of the more popular crowdfunding choices out there. Looks unique and interesting, so let's take a look:

Players get to control one of twelve characters, but at the start you can only play as the Commando. The only survivors of a space freighter that crashed on a strange planet. As you complete various objectives in the game, more characters become available to use. As with all games with multiple character choices, all characters have their own statistics and unique sets of skills and abilities. Each level has you find a teleporter, which is usually placed at a random place on every level. As you try to find it, you'll be tackling monsters, finding various chests with things inside, buy items at in game stores, using drones, praying at some kind of thing that grants a random item and more. There is a max total of items to find, but all are generally known as the ship's cargo. Each with their own benefits to each character when used. As you find the teleporter and activate it, you then must endure a period of time before being teleported away, so use your wits as you fight various enemies while waiting. There is a timer which length is dependent on your progress in the game and also the difficulty.

As a game, it's nothing innovative. But it is an interesting one. Very well-developed by the two students who really wanted to make the best game they can, and it is pretty good for what it is. It will be interesting to see how the sequel pans out, but for now, this is good. Not much more to say than that. 8/10

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