It's been 13 years since the Scott Pilgrim film, hit the big screen and despite being a box office bomb, it managed to gain a cult following from people who enjoyed the video game and anime elements that it showed off. Not long after the film, we got a video game which came onto some platforms, then got removed for reasons and now it's back. Now we have an anime take on the comic book series, featuring the entire main cast from the film, reprising their roles. Also interesting to note that the film itself, had a cast which at the time of release, were mostly unknown. Now everybody pretty much knows the likes of Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Chris Evans, Anna Kendrick, Brie Larson and more. So let's see if this is another win for Netflix's selection of anime shows:
Following the plots of both the film and the comic book series, we have an alternative retelling of both, in which Scott Pilgrim (reprised by Cera) is the bassist in an indie band. He one day comes across Ramona Flowers (reprised by Winstead) and falls in love with her, which attracts the attention of her 7 evil exes. Scott battles the first of the evil exes, Matthew Patel (reprised by Satya Bhabha) and in a surprise twist, seemingly loses. This fundamentally changes everybody's fates and lives, and Scott must figure out what the heck is going on.
The show does well in remaining faithful to the film and having a fantastic animation style that is reminiscent of the comic book series. It also does well to carve its own path and not feel chained down by what came before it. It's wonderfully animated and a great addition to the cult following franchise that it spawned from, and definitely another win for Netflix's anime offerings. 9/10
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