Friday 20 March 2015

Review of the Week

Let's see what's been happening this week:

Rockstar News - BBC to make a documentary about the developer
So its been reported that the BBC will be making a documentary on Rockstar, the developers and creators of the critically acclaimed but controversial game franchises Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead and Max Payne as well as stand alone games like L.A. Noire. It will be 90 minutes long and will have its main focus on the Houser Brothers. Aparently, the BBC believe that the youth will need to improve their digital skills as they believe that there will be a time where we will need to use those skills and in doing so, are making an initiative program with the Rockstar documentary will be a part of. Aside from all that, not much else news has emerged on this documentary, but I will keep you guys posted when I hear more news about it.

In other news, Capcom faces trouble with upcoming game Deep Dawn, upcoming Tom Clancy game to value gameplay over story as confirmed by UbiSoft (not the best way to go about it, but we'll see), Konami and Kojima confirm that the latter will remain involved for the development of MGS5: The Phantom Pain until its release with the latter hoping that it will be the greatest game he has ever directed to date (following rumors of his departure which still as of the time I'm writing this are still unclear), John Williams for the second time ever backs down from doing the score of an upcoming Steven Spielberg film due to a minor health issue, Family Guy: Quest For Stuff boldly goes where no chicken fight has gone before as the game starts its Star Trek event, Avatar 2 (the James Cameron film in case you're wondering) is getting its first trailer in June 2015, an new console by Nintendo dubbed the NX is in the works and Microsoft decides to kill another one of their things as Internet Explorer gets scrapped.

Now onto the week's film and video game releases in most areas:

Insurgent (Most areas with many more to follow)
The Gunman (Some areas with more to follow)

Video Games:
Battlefield Hardline (all current MS platforms, PS3 and PS4) (NA and EU only)
Tales from the Borderlands - Episode 2 (all current MS platforms, PS3, PS4 and iOS) (Worldwide)
Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries (Win, PS4 and Xbone) (Worldwide)
Mario Party 10 (Wii U) (JP, NA, EU and AUS only. Review coming soon)

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