Monday 8 June 2015

Movie Series Review - Mad Max

So when it comes to post-apocalyptic wasteland things, we gamers have Borderlands and Fallout to enjoy. But for us film buffs, the only thing we need for that, is Mad Max. Its been 30 years since the third film came out and with this new one around, it felt right of me to talk about this film series that in a way, helped make Mel Gibson an action hero, the result of which would then put him in a role in the action homage franchise The Expendables. So I've heard a lot of good things about this film series, so let's not waste any time and get right to it. The madness has begun:

Mad Max
We begin with the very first film which thanks to it being a mostly Australian film, helped in a way put Australia on the map, just like how the Middle Earth films did the same for New Zealand. This also came out at a time where Mel Gibson was very unknown and just so happens to be the only American actor in this film, despite the accent he puts on. The series takes place in some kind of dystopian future and we first see a car chase with a bike gang member called Nightrider (real name Crawford Montazano, played by Vincent Gil) and the so called MFP with their top pursuer Max Rockatansky (our titular protagonist, played by Gibson) being able to keep up with him, but through a sudden game of "chicken", Nightrider sees his demise in a fiery crash. The next day, a guy called Jim Goose (played by Steve Bisley), attracts Max's attention to what looks like a Police car all in black, being made. Turns out the car is for Max, but unbeknowst to him, the force want him to stay on, using the car as a sort of bribe as it were. Nightrider's gang meanwhile, start causing problems in the neighbourhood, promoting Goose and Max to hunt them down and stop them. But it then comes to terms that Max may be losing his sanity and begins to suspect something is up with the MFP and this biker gang. So this was George Miller's directorial debut and I have to say, for a medical doctor turned film maker, he did a good job. I will say that some of the costumes for the characters are a bit weird and peculiar, but I know that will be a staple in the franchise. Still, I thought it was action packed and I enjoyed seeing Gibson in it. Nothing else to say really, I think its just a great film all around. 9/10

The Road Warrior
So for a lot of us who grew up in the 70s and 80s (not me as I'm a 90s kid) may have first come about of Mad Max with this film. A film that its predecessor wasn't popular in the states and as a result, Warner Bros. decided to have the name simply be The Road Warrior, making it sound like an original film and not being a Mad Max sequel. But in the end, regardless of the name and whether you've watched the last film or not, this film has been regarded as a masterpiece and one of the greatest films ever made and just like with Toy Story, its a sequel done right and may have just surpassed its predecessor. The film takes place following a major energy crisis and a global war with Max roaming the desert in his car from the last film, scavenging for food, drink and gas as he goes with an Australian cattle dog and a shotgun that is lacking in ammo, as companions. He spends the film dealing with biker gangs and a group of marauders, but will ultimately get his way somehow, even if his life is on the line and it may involve some kind of car chase. A lot of people have praised this film and even call it a film that helped change how artists see there look and feel of similar works to Mad Max. In addition, there's also fan clubs and road warrior activities and it even has its own museum in Silverton, New South Wales, Australia. Honestly, I agree. It is a great film that shows how a wasteland world should look like as well as how survival films should look like. I think its great and again, I personally have no problems with it and feel that its done enough to surpass the first film. Hell its got cult status, so that should mean something, right? 9/10

Beyond Thunderdome
So now we come to what I call, the most bizarre of the films so far. I say bizarre because it kind of felt like the film makers didn't know what else to do and thought of a Fight Club-esque setting for the film. Anyway, so after the last film, Maz continues to roam the dessert to find fuel, food and drink. He eventually finds himself in a place called Bartertown where the leader called Aunty (played by Tina Turner who is "Simply the Best" in a lot of things, but this film, I'm not so sure) offers to resupply Max's vehicle and equipment, in exchange of him teaching one of her bodyguards a lesson in this thing called the Thunderdome to which Max accepts. But following this, Max discovers a small group of survivors outside Bartertown and it isn't long before some kind of war and chase ensues. This one compared to the vastly superior Road Warrior, I thought was OK, but could be better. It is watch-able, but I felt like seeing 2 films in one with the first half being in Bartertown and the second being about this tribe of survivors. Not that anything is wrong with that, I just felt as Mel Gibson's last film in the series, it could've been better, but I did find some enjoyment in the film despite this like I enjoyed the fighting, the action scenes and while Tina Turner of all people being in this film is questionable, I enjoyed seeing her as well. Not the best film, but it could've been better. 7/10

Fury Road
30 years later and we get the fourth instalment. Following a nuclear war, the world has become a desserted wasteland while civilisation has crumbled. Max (this time played by the Bane of our existence, Tom Hardy), gets captured by a group who call themselves the War Boys and is bought as a prisoner to a place called the Citadel which just so happens to be a sanctuary led by a ruthless and tyrannical war lord called Immortan Joe (played by Hugh Keays-Byrne who just so happens to have played a main villain in the first film and therefore, is the only actor of a previous film to be in this film) who controls the water and has people believe that he was resurrected from the dead and all this other baloni that he has his followers choose to believe. Anyway, so he sends out a group led by Imperator Furiosa (played by Charlize Theron in what I think is her first bad ass role) to get supplies and other things, but when he finds that she has taken his trophy wives (one of which is pregnant), he then leads his entire army to go after her and her rig with Max being the blood bag of one of Joe's more enthusiastic allies Nux (played by Nicholas Hoult who you may know as the young Beast in the X-Men films) who attaches him to the front of his car while on pursuit. En route, Joe calls upon his allies in Gas Town and the Bullet Farm to assist in capturing Furiosa and his wives and unborn child. Where does all this mayhem lead to? See the film to find out. I have to say, I actually really enjoyed this film. Its full of action, over the top but awesome designs for the vechiles and costumes and while light on dialogue, is one of a few films that just says that your body can say a lot more than your mouth can. I will however state that a lot of people have said there is little to no dialouge in this film, but when I saw this, there is dialouge, but it very light so they do have a point. Anyway, great film and it also shows that a new entry in an already established series of films, doesn't entirely need the original actors for it to be good (something of which I hate people saying when they find out who is in a film, only to find that an actor in a previous film who played a significant role in the series, isn't in it and then go and say the film sucks because of that and are put off from seeing it, those guys are really dumb). Go see it. It is awesome and you will not regret it. 9/10

So that's Mad Max and you know, for it to be Mel Gibson's breakout role, it is great. It shows how survival in a world where civilisation has collapsed, should look like and it makes car chases, look awesome with all these different designs. Its mad, over the top, but pretty darn awesome to watch and they are all great popcorn films if you need something to get your adrenaline pumped up big time. 9/10

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