Friday 31 July 2015

1000 Posts Special - Top 25 Villain Songs/Themes

So as I said in my last milestone post, all milestone posts will be dedicated to the things I love and as I generally root for the villains in a majority of films, video games and what not (unless they are those sorts of villains who you just want to die because of how annoying they could be), most of them would have a song or theme to describe how evil or dark they can be. So I've picked 25 songs/themes that are normally associated with villains and the rules that apply here are that these have to be villains that I have come across in the films and video games that I've watched and played, the song or theme has to have something that makes it great whether it be fun, over the top or very dark and most importantly, the song or theme has to be able to describe the villain well such as their appearance and their plans and motives. Doesn't matter if the villain did or did not sing the song, its the music that counts here. So let's get to it:

25 - Toxic Love (Hexxus from Ferngully)
Hearing Tim Curry's voice when he sings and throws in some sexual innuendos into the mix, makes the villains he plays, fun which is no exception for Hexxus. The film Ferngully is one that is best described as a feature length environmental message about why destroying a forest is bad with a fantasy element thrown in and this song sums it up quite well. It describes how Hexxus would enter the forest and using the power of machinery to destroy it, while he also sings about how he can manipulate the people who chop the trees down into doing just that and letting him roam free. Evil is all here in this song.

24 - You're Only Second Rate (Jafar from Aladdin: The Return of Jafar)
Return of Jafar in my opinion, is not the best of Disney's direct to home media sequels/prequels with the criticism drawn onto the poor animation compared to its vastly superior predecessor and the fact that Robin Williams didn't return due to a depute (which prior to his passing, has since been resolved). But the thing that this film has that its predecessor doesn't, is a song for the villain Jafar. Now the first film also had a song for him, but that was more of a reprise of Prince Ali more than anything else. This one on the other hand is better as Jafar is basically trolling Genie, making remarks and telling him how he is better than him and it stands out as his true villain song. I like it a lot.

23 - Cruella De Vil (from 101 Dalmatians (the animated Disney one))
So we now have a song which isn't sung by the main villain, but rather someone who just wants to mock her more than anything else. The song perfectly describes the villain well and why she is who she is, all the while the characters around show their displeasure for her and also humorously mock her as they go. Even the dogs get in on the act too. Maybe if Cruella wasn't out to get dalmatians for her new fur coat, things may have played out a lot better than it did. But we still got a great villain so I'm happy.

22 - Its Our House Now (Disney Villains from House of Mouse)
This was every Disney fans' dream come true, seeing the villains that Disney have made over the years, come together and sing a song. Its entertaining, there's plenty of fan service all around and its fun. Only thing I would say is that if this was done more recently, then some of Disney's more recent villains and maybe even some from the likes of Star Wars, Marvel and Pixar would be in it. Now that I would pay good money to see. But we all have dreams. A lot of fun is to be had here with Jafar being the kingpin.

21 - Friends On The Other Side (Dr. Facilier from The Princess And The Frog)
So we have Dr. Facilier, a man who throughout the entirety of this song, claims that he has friends on the other side. Friends with magical powers such as voodoo and so forth. In it, he is singing to 2 ordinary men and chooses to have one as an ally and one to be manipulated and turned into a frog with only the kiss of true love, returning this man to his human form. It also forms the start of Facilier's plan to take over New Orleans and there is no better way than to do it in song. I like it, its got a good beat to it and it builds up to the characters' transformations. Its just a shame that this was Disney's last ever traditionally animated film because so many of them, had great villain songs like this. But maybe there is some hope for the CGI ones too, but we shall see.

20 - I'm Number One (Constantine and Dominic Badguy from Muppets Most Wanted)
I've seen a lot of Muppet films. In fact, I could go on to say that I've seen them all, but chances are that there may be at least one or two that I haven't seen at the time of this post. It was tough to choose a villain song from any one of the Muppet films, but in the end, I went with the most recent one. So in the film, Kermit is replaced by a doppelganger and criminal called Constantine who puts himself into the Muppet scene to perform crimes along with his sidekick Dominic Badguy. This song is basically them trolling one another with Constantine making it clear that he is number one and that Badguy is number 2. But Badguy hopes to be at the top one day and sings about that as they go along. Its fun, catchy, full of trolling and is at the quality of stage musical songs which is a good thing.

19 - Carmen - Toreador (Freddy Fazbear from Five Nights At Freddy's)
Nothing is more scary than hearing the sound of a music box before death. That's pretty much the theme of Freddy Fazbear and because of the song used being a very well known classical piece, a lot of people are now going to associate the song to Fazbear more than anything else. And throughout all 4 games, this is the only theme Fazbear gets. No alternations and nothing new, this is it. There ain't no villain theme quite like this and for a lot of the time, it definitely shows the 2 personas of the animatronics. Their fun and upbeat nature during the day, and their anger and insanity during the night. All thanks to the Purple Guy, or so we think.

18 - Gaston (from Beauty and the Beast)
Of all the Disney villain songs I've heard, this one isn't dark at all. In fact, its very upbeat and its just really one that shows the side of the villain that is seen from the point of view of the villagers. But we the viewers and Belle know what Gaston really is. The song describes how great Gaston apparently is and what he will do to get the girl he wants, all the while no one knows what he truly wants to do and it works quite well.

17 - Its Terror Time Again (Zombies from Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island)
So throughout every single Scooby-Doo thing, there hasn't really been a good villain song until this came about. Now generally, the songs thrown in are just there to explain the situation more than anything else and this one does just that, but unlike those that came before it, its on a much more intense scale. A fight for survival against something that is real and not a guy in a mask like before. The film is great and the song is great as well. It perfectly sums up the situation and like I said, its intense and I like it. Not a villain song as such, but if you're running away from zombies, a song like this, is an absolute must as background music.

16 - Joker's Song (from Batman: Arkham Knight)
Yes everyone. Even the clown prince of crime himself has sung a song or two. Originally I was going to put Joker's song from Arkham City here, but after hearing this song, I had to put it in. So we're about halfway with the story and this comes in during when Batman and Robin are putting an end to Harley's invasion. They have to find 3 Joker-ized people and one of those people, is Johnny Charisma who is an entertainer of sorts, but became one of 4 people to be infected by Joker's toxin when it spread into Gotham in Arkham City. In Batman's mind, Joker is the one who is singing and the song is basically Joker trolling Batman over things like the people that have died because of Batman (though not physically by Batman) and other things too. Its like listening and watching someone you hate, telling you what they really think of you (though personally, I'd much rather have people say those sorts of things to my face). But keep in mind that despite them forever being enemies, both Batman and Joker share a bond that neither want to admit having. But back to the song at hand, its a very funny and bizarre song and there's no one better to sing it, than Joker (at least from Batman's point of view anyway).

15 - Sweet Transvestite (Dr. Frank N. Furter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show)
Before he became Hexxus in Ferngully, Tim Curry made his film debut as a character who which he played in the stage show of the film's same name. This would be Dr. Frank N. Furter, a character who is a transsexual and when he first appears, that's pretty much what he expresses about in this very song. Personally, I've never really seen Frank as a villain but more of a character with issues that affect those around him. But regardless, this song shows Curry's comedy side and is a lot of fun even if its about a topic that most people would be put off by.

14 - Savages (Governor Radcliffe from Pocahontas)
It may be a film that has high historical inconsistencies, but I find that Savages is a song that is basically about going to war with both sides claiming that the other side are savages and must therefore be killed. Of course Radcliffe knew this from the very start and uses this as a means to claim the gold that he is after, by attempting to eliminate the opposition. Its very dark, and a song like this would be perfect to be used at the start of a war, where both sides find the other side to be evil and must fight to claim the place. Say what you will about the film, but the songs in it, may only be the good things about this film and this song is one example.

13 - Airship Theme (Bowser from Super Mario Galaxy)
In light of the franchise's 30th anniversary, Bowser, Mario's main enemy, has had many themes, some being dark and others being bizarre and over the top. But nothing can match the airship theme that originally came from Super Mario Bros. 3 and was made even better in Super Mario Galaxy. When this music plays, it means Bowser's armada of airships are coming and s**t is about to go down. I'm sure there are other great music in the Mario games, but for me, this is where it gets epic and intense. There is nothing quite like it in the Mario games.

12 - Magneto (from X-Men: First Class)
So after 4 films in the trilogy or saga if you prefer, we get film 5 and Magneto finally gets his own theme and well its basically the same notes used throughout, but they are good notes. The theme is intense, it describes without lyrics how powerful Magneto is and what it will take for him to get what he wants and I like it a lot. Its a shame that you only hear the theme in First Class, but I think when you have 7 and soon to be 10 films in a trilogy/saga, you wouldn't want to hear it over and over again as it would get repetitive (something of which Mr. Bay needs to understand among many other things). That's not to say its a bad theme, you just wish it was heard early on. Its intense, dark and describes how powerful Magneto is. He is one mutant that you don't want to mess with (unless you're Wolverine of course).

11 - C.L.U. (from Tron Legacy)
I will admit, the soundtrack for Tron Legacy is a great one because its Daft Punk who are great at music for things like this. For the theme of C.L.U. it sounds very dark, menacing and is perfect for his introduction. All he wants to do, is make the perfect system, but the way he does it, makes him sound like a dictator. In many ways, this is another one of those themes that when heard, makes you think that s**t is about to go down just how the start of it goes and slowly builds up. It may not be a great film, but the music is quite possibly, the only good thing about it. And the visuals of course.

10 - Poor Unfortunate Souls (Ursula from The Little Mermaid)
In the early Disney films before the 00s came around, most of their animated films would have the villain get his/her own song and its no exception for Ursula of the Little Mermaid. In her song, she manipulates Ariel into thinking that she can fix her problems and make her dreams come true. But what Flounder and Sebastian find out very early on, is that Ursula is actually planning on using Ariel to get to King Triton and claim the throne as her own. There is a lot to like in this song as it shows how evil, insane and in a weird way, gracious Ursula can be and its finale is pretty darn epic and over the top if I do say so myself. She is there to help poor unfortunate souls, but in truth, she just wants to have those souls all to herself.

9  - Oogie Boogie's Song (from The Nightmare Before Christmas)
In one of Disney's darker films, we meet Oogie Boogie who to summarise, is a sack of bugs. When Jack Skellington delivers Santa to him, Oogie then sings a song about what he plans to do with Santa and well, its a bit mad, but also a bit weird too. But this being Tim Burton (who didn't direct this film), all his films are weird or have some kind of weird element in them. There's even a casino like feel in this too. Anyway, a sack of bugs he may be and insane he also is, but Oogie knows how to handle his victims which this song says about pretty well.

8 - King K. Rool's Theme (from Donkey Kong Country)
So in his return to gaming, DK returns in full form and the final boss is near. The theme plays out like a ship like theme before going into an intense and epic battle theme as DK and Diddy battle King K. Rool on his ship. In my opinion, I would say while the original theme is a great theme and a great piece of boss battle music, the Brawl version makes it even better. Still, the original is great and definitely one of the best boss battle themes that I have heard and I hope that King K. Rool will return in a future DK game even if he was only there to steal the bananas and in later games, kidnap DK and Diddy.

7 - Goodbye (Gus Fring from Breaking Bad)
Throughout the course of Breaking Bad, we get introduced to a bunch of characters and most of these characters, are the competition that Jesse and Heisenberg face. For Gus Fring, he was the last person they needed to eliminate not because of the competition, but because of the threats he made and his stance with Hector not to mention he wants to be the sole meth distributor. Anyway, so despite not really having a main theme as it were, this song is a great way to end the villain that he is. It makes it sound like this is the end of Gus. The man who was calm and ran several businesses including a chain of restaurants, but is an enemy to the meth competition. It just so happens that both Walt and Jesse (the latter of which he despises more than the former) were able to take him out and also take out Hector in the process and they both went up in the explosion of a bomb, leaving Gus's face deformed and left for dead. There is no greater way to end a villain, that to put in a very fitting song.

6 - I Can Change (Saddam Hussein from South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut)
So its now back to the fun and bizarre villain songs and next we have Saddam Hussein. The South Park version. So in the show, some of us will know Satan as a guy with issues and is kind of a gay lover to Hussein. In the film, their relationship gets complicated as Satan wants to express his feelings about things, only for Hussein to just throw it all back in his face to have sex with him instead. After a bit of encouragement from Kenny, Satan then tells the guy to leave him be and let him rule the world without him. But through the means of song, Hussein tried his best to change for Satan. Did it work? Well kind of, sort of. You'll have to see the film to find out. But a villain trying to change his ways, doesn't always work for people, but they can try.

5 - Main Title and First Victim (The Great White Shark from Jaws)
Now we have one of the most iconic of villain themes and its just a simple 2 note piece repeated over and over again with the speed going up each time like as if a shark is following you and the climax is the shark eating you up. That is how intense this theme can get. Despite a troubling production, this film became a huge success and part of that, is down to the theme. If there is any theme that can be heart pounding and get you at the edge of your seat, this would be it.

4 - Be Prepared (Scar from The Lion King)
So with all the great music in The Lion King, the one that surprised me was Be Prepared. You got Scar (one of a few villains who was right about things) being a dictator to his army of hyenas who just want to be fed, but with Mufasa and his son Simba in the way, that doesn't happen. So Scar chooses to have both of them eliminated so he can take the throne for himself which he expresses in this song. The other thing that surprised me but has surprised others as well, was that this was Jermony Irons singing, something of which hasn't been done before until this film. But not only that, but after Irons's voice gave out, Jim Cummings took his place. Anyway, great song for a great villain and a great actor. Its a win win all around.

3 - In The Dark Of The Night (Rasputin from Anastasia)
The thing that I find great but also bad about this song is that without the visuals, its left up to the imagination on what could happen. As the Nostalgia Critic said, the visuals could be something like the cover of a rock band's album with all sorts of things like skeletons all singing and dancing. What we got in the end, was still good, but not as spectacular like the song. Its once again, another one that has the villain sing about his plans and how evil he can be which Rasputin does quite well. In fact, I saw a Disney version of this with all the villains appearing at the song's climax which just goes to show how one song can make your imagination run wild. Its great.

2 - Hellfire (Judge Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Quite possibly the darkest and most mature of all Disney villain songs. Hellfire describes Frollo as a tragic villain who's one goal is to be rid of the so called gypsies and in the song, believes that Esmeralda is the leader and therefore must be eliminated. Its either a case of let her taste the fires of Hell or let her be Frollo's and Frollo's alone. He had a bit of trouble with the fireplace. I think it was a lot more than that. Anyway, Frollo's wishes are all in this one song and he begs to have the things he wants done, to be done. Its dark, over the top and very tragic. It even has a choir to make it more epic than it needs to be.

Honourable Mention
  • The Emperor Arrives (Darth Sidious from Star Wars) 

1 - Imperial March (Darth Vader from Star Wars)
The most iconic of all villain themes is also my personal number one favourite. Darth Vader is one of the greatest villains of all time so naturally his theme had to be something that says he means business and thanks to the powers of John Williams and the London Symphony Orchestra, we get just that and like with Jaws, it is iconic and in my opinion, one of the best if not, the best villain theme ever made. But go with this version as its more powerful and epic than the original in my opinion. The force is well and truly strong with this one.

So once again, I say thank you to those who have followed me this far and have made my blogging such a joy to do. From now on, my milestone posts will be for every quarter so next one will be post number 1250.

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