Monday 31 August 2015

Monthly Update - September 2015

Hey guys,

So normally in September, I would have a theme in the month and this time, I will be reviewing some films made by some of my personal favourite film makers so you have that to look forward to.

On the gaming front, there will be some reviews for Disney Infinity 3.0, Mad Max and Super Mario Maker as well as another top 25 list for you to enjoy.

Doctor Who will be returning to our screens so I will be doing reviews of the new episodes every Tuesday until the series ends.

And as always, expect my usual weekly and monthly posts of news, videos, songs and unboxings.

Now for a theory that I just came up with:

Could LEGO Dimensions be the new Kingdom Hearts?
With LEGO Dimensions releasing next month, something has occured to me that this could very well be similar to that of Kingdom Hearts. Let's break it down:

  • Both games have you go and explore hub worlds based on a variety of franchises with one being strictly Disney and original worlds and the other one being franchises that either have been licensed to LEGO as a theme or are exclusive to this game.
  • Both focus on 3 main characters with one on Donald, Goofy and original character Sora and the other on Batman of DC, Gandalf of Middle-Earth and Wyldstyle of The LEGO Movie.
  • Both have a villain who's one goal is to cause chaos in the worlds with one wanting the worlds to be consumed into darkness and the other wanting all worlds to collide.
  • Both have very similar stories, but are ultimately very different because of the style that both of the games' developers use in the stories of their games.
  • Despite the advertising for LEGO Dimensions, both games do have some original characters, but more in one game than the other.
  • Both games make every fans dreams come true (from a certain extent).
  • Both are massive crossover games.
So that's the similarities that both games have, so now let's look at what makes them different:
  • Characters from different franchises are allowed to explore other worlds as well as their own in one game, whereas in the other game, only a handful of characters are allowed because of possible meddling.
  • One game uses NFC technology and is therefore, the most expensive to play while the other doesn't.
  • Exploring worlds will require the right NFC figures in one game while the other will have worlds unlock gradually as you progress in the game.
  • One game follows the simplistic gameplay of the LEGO games made by TT while the other follows the more complex RPG style of the Final Fantasy games made by Square Enix.
  • Only one of these games has had many games released in the series while the other is a first in presumably a brand new series of games.
  • In one game, the characters have to blend in with the world's setting (so an example would be if the world was completely underwater, they would have to turn into underwater creatures) while the other, it doesn't really matter as such.
  • You do get to use vehicles in both games, but its quite limited in one, but you have more freedom in the other.
So based on all that (and possibly other things as well), it would seem that LEGO Dimensions could very well be like Kingdom Hearts. Ultimately though, they are both different games for a lot of things, but they are very similar as stated in the above bullet points. So that's my theory on that and you know, I'm a fan of LEGO and a fan of Disney so really its personal preference at the end of the day.

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