Tuesday 22 September 2015

TV Episode Review - The Magician's Apprentice (Doctor Who, S9, E1)

Been a while since I last did any of these, but its good to be back. And you can be sure that I will be tackling season 3 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and season 2 of Gotham when they both return to our screens in UK shores. But for now, let's talk about Doctor Who:

So its felt like ages since we saw the Doctor last, but considering that filming took place earlier this year, I'll assume that the time we waited was worth it. So without giving away huge spoilers, we meet a boy who just so happens to have entered some kind of battleground somewhere and somehow manages to awaken hands with eyes on them. The Doctor (reprised by Peter Capaldi) throws him his sonic screwdriver in the hopes to talk to the boy, but finds out a horrible secret about him. Back on Earth, Clara (reprised by Jenna Coleman) is asked to come to UNIT HQ in the Tower of London when she and others discover that the planes have stopped in time and with UNIT, investigates on what is happening, while also trying to locate the Doctor in the process.

This episode, I mean it felt quite rushed and left us on a big cliffhanger. It was actually pretty good. It had suspense, plenty of action packed moments, a lot of twists and turns and had one of a handful of times when two (or three if you separate the Daleks and their creator into two separate beings) of the Doctor's biggest enemies, on screen together. Can't wait to see how this cliffhanger gets resolved and after watching this, you may see a big enemy of the Doctor in a whole new light. 9/10

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