Monday 9 November 2015

Boxes of Stuff - October 2015

This time, My Geek Box gives us tickets to the afterlife, Loot Crate travels through time and space, Nerd Block has a trick or treat feast, Infinity Crates gives us a Plague, Geek Fuel goes back to its random ways and its a villains takeover in Marvel Collector Corps:

Nerd Block - Trick or Treat
You know for a theme that is trick or treat, you'd expect there to be some sweets. That may not be the case here, but we get some other treats instead. So if you're a fan of Bob's Burgers and/or play Mad Libs, then you'll love the item in this box as its both of them together. Ripley and an Alien from Alien appear in the box as Titan figures and its said that they are Nerd Block exclusives. Moe has a coaster in the box for ya if you want it. If you like Gem and the Holograms then there's a sealed annual that you'll like. If you're hunting down some zombies, then look like a badass and wear these dog tags that come in the box. And finally, no water and no eating after midnight, there is a Gremlins t-shirt in this box which is said to glow in the dark so fun will be had here. This was a pretty random box, but it had at least 3 things that I like from franchises that I'm familiar with and it has sparked my interest to check out Bob's Burgers and Gem and the Holograms just to see what they are like.

Loot Crate - Time and Space
So Loot Crate have promised that the box will be 100% exclusive and after countless research, all of the items, you can't get anywhere else so well done Loot Crate. So with a theme like time and space, there are 3 franchises that come to mind and each of them involve time travel and space travel in sense. As October marked the month and date when Marty McFly goes to the future to stop his kid from causing problems, we have 2 Back to the Future items which are a display hoverboard and a Pop! vinyl of Doc Brown. Doctor Who is one of the greatest British sci-fi shows out there so Loot Crate put in an unusual item for us Whovians which is a spork (part spoon, part fork in case you're wondering or confused). Loot Crate also as always have a badge and magazine with a poster of the 3 franchises represented with quotes and other things. And finally, we have an excellent t-shirt of Bill and Ted. Well I have to say, Loot Crate have done well this time and all the franchises are franchises that I am a big fan of so that's great.

My Geek Box - Afterlife
My Geek Box this time just went straight for the most common theme to have in the month of Halloween which in their case is the afterlife. A place that can be depicted in many different shapes and forms. So right off the bat, we get a t-shirt that goes Boo! because you know, can't be Halloween unless you get scared or jumped. Dracula is in the box, but as a puzzle and I wish anyone attempting to solve him, good luck. Just so you're prepared for the zombie apocalypse, here's a metal sign telling people to go away. The tea towel in the box may be dirty with blood, but you're fine as its only printed on it. There is a sticker, but I can't work out what it says, nor do I know where it comes from so you may want to help me out in the comments below. And finally, we have a graphic novel from a guy who loves comic books and likes making stories based on random people and tries to make them as dark, twisted and somewhat depressing as possible, you should check out his work here. Quite a predictable box to come at this time of the year, but has some very interesting if not bizarre items inside so at least they made it interesting despite how predictable the box is.

Infinity Crates - Plague
When I hear about a plague, the only thing that comes to my mind is an illness that affects everyone. So what we have in the box is as always, different for everyone. For me, I got a Pumpkin King Pop! vinyl who comes from The Nightmare Before Christmas. I also got 2 stickers from the likes of Resident Evil and what I can only guess is Gears of War but I could be wrong. A zombie notebook if you need to take notes about the apocalypse. A Walking Dead keyring for all you Walking Dead fans out there. And the t-shirt I guess is meant to show poison of some description. Like I said, its different items for everyone and these are the items I got and despite how low the amount of items there is, its an OK box. Not a great box, but an OK one at that.

Geek Fuel - Randomness
So after looking at a number of theme boxes, it seems that Geek Fuel have gone back to their roots to give us a box full of random things. We got 2 Back to the Future items which are a Delorean sticker with the date that as I previously mentioned, Marty McFly goes to along with a newspaper article from a moment in the franchise with a number on the back which if you call up, you could be in a chance of winning some prizes (unfortunately as I live in the UK, I couldn't call this number due to charges and that my phone wouldn't recognise the number so I miss out, but good luck to you all). Our Steam game for this box is Over 9000 Zombies and comes with some hints on how to succeed in the game or survive for as long as you can. If you're an avid gamer, there's a Halo themed energy drink in the box to keep you going. Yondu from Guardians of the Galaxy is in the box in Pop! vinyl form if you're a fan. Star Wars fans, take a nap with a Star Wars pillow case in the box. And along with the badge and magazine that comes with every box, we also have a gaming t-shirt that has all the video game controllers of the past and present are rolled into the form of a space invader with headphones. Despite the randomness, its a very well done box with plenty to offer and I like it.

Marvel Collector Corps - Villains
After having done 2 boxes based on the Marvel films that were released this year (except for Fantastic Four of course) as well as a box based on the Secret Wars storyline, we now get a box that is just about the villains and not based on any films or ongoing storylines. So we have Loki in the form of a big Dorbz. We have Venom in the form of a Pop! vinyl keyring. We have Morbius in the form of a Pop! vinyl figure. We have Green Goblin as this box's pin badge. We have Red Skull as this box's patch. All of the more well know Marvel villains appear on the t-shirt. And finally we have an Iron Man comic book which presumably features zombies. Well its certainly a villains galore with a lot of exclusive items so well done Marvel.

Quite a difficult one this time as most of the boxes have great items inside. So this month, the winner will be based on the amount of items and the exclusives inside the box. Its a hard one, but I will call it a 3 way draw between Loot Crate, Geek Fuel and Marvel Collector Corps. But at the end of the day, you all did well this time and I hope you continue to bring us stuff like these in the future.

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