Thursday 3 December 2015

AC3: Top 45 Characters that should be in Disney Infinity

So as I did a list of franchises that I personally wanted to see in LEGO Dimensions, it feels right of me to do something similar for Disney Infinity. This time however, we're going to focus on characters because any franchise in this game can be easily put in as they all belong to Disney. For this list, these characters are my personal picks and that they have to be owned by Disney in some shape or form whether that be a franchise from their different assets (ABC, Marvel, Pixar, LucasFilm etc.) or the like. And keep in mind that while they do now own Marvel and LucasFilm, not every franchise from those two companies have the rights belonging to Disney (X-Men, Fantastic Four, Indiana Jones etc.). And it won't just be the films, but their other things as well. So let's craft some magic and dive into the list:

45 - Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
So as I said, not every Disney character on this list will be from a film of theirs. This is Sora from Kingdom Hearts. The Disney and Final Fantasy crossover series of games by Square Enix in which you can travel to different Disney worlds and fight alongside some characters from those worlds to save the universe from falling into darkness. Its incredibly unlikely that he would be in the game, but it would be pretty straight forward on how his move set would play out as well as his movements. Kingdom Hearts is present in Disney Infinity in some shape or form, but can easily be missed. Still, having Sora in the game would be great.

44 - Miss Piggy (Muppets)
So when Jim Henson passed away, it took a few years for something to happen to his properties, but in the end, the Henson estate gave Disney most of their assets to them, the main one being the Muppets. Since that time, Disney have distributed their older films as well as their more recent ones and with a new TV show in the works, it seems that the Muppets and their future are in good hands. Now from what I've read and seen, the Muppets are present in some form in Disney Infinity as one of the franchises you can use to make Toy Boxes as well as a select number of power discs, one of them being one to do with Miss Piggy. And speaking of her, why not have her as a figure. I mean this is a pig that can look after herself and would do anything to keep her precious Kermit out of harms way as well as her other Muppet pals as well. And let's face, we all love it when she goes "Hi-Ya". Its like the best thing about this pig.

43 - Genie (Aladdin)
If there is anything that Robbie Williams will be remembered for, its Genie. Yes there was some depute between him and Disney, but you can't deny how great Genie is. I mean aside from other great characters in Aladdin, he was the comic relief and pretty much stole the show. I mean anything with him in, is guaranteed to be great. I'm not entirely sure how he would work in the game, but just as long as Disney are respectful of the man who originally voiced him, there will be no fights or blood spilled.

42 - Daredevil
Well Daredevil is now owned by Marvel and Disney after Fox failed to produce another film and he's a popular show on Netflix right now and with him being in the MCU which Disney distribute, why not add him to the roster of Marvel characters. I mean we already have the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy and Spider-Man characters so why not add Daredevil to the roster. It would make things interesting and him being a superhero (and one where being blind has an advantage), he can look after himself. You can make a lot of characters from his world into the game, but for now, let's just keep it to just the main star.

41 - Ant-Man
So interestingly, Ant-Man has already appeared in the series at some point and yet no one has made a figure of him. Now earlier this year, Disney hinted at the possibility of Ant-Man being a figure for the game and now that he's part of the MCU, let's have him as a figure. Because everyone knows that when some new TV show or film is added to the MCU and features a new character, everyone knows they are going to like it and Marvel have made some risks before with Guardians of the Galaxy so why not have him. It would make the Avengers feel a little more complete, but we do have other Avengers that have yet to be made into figures for the game, but Ant-Man should definitely be one of them.

40 - Mace Windu (Star Wars)
There have been plenty of Star Wars characters added already to the game and I would love to see other characters added. One of those characters is Mace Windu who in my eyes, is just as cool as Yoda with regards to both being Jedi Masters. I mean he has a purple lightsaber which is unique only to him and he is a very wise man who knows how to kick some butt. So let's see him in there, but don't worry as he is only some of many Star Wars characters that could be a figure for the game. He's just my personal choice.

39 - The Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland (2010))
He is an interesting character, I'll give you that. In fact, I find him to be more interesting than the original Mad Hatter. I know one of Johnny Depp's characters is already in the game, but if the game's motto is endless possibility, why not have the Mad Hatter. I mean he can fight, he can be foolish and he can come across as a bit of a fighter if not, motivational leader. Plus he can say things in different accents that makes him quite feared among other things.

38 - Bolt
Say what you want about some of Disney's more recent animated films, but always know that it was Bolt that helped make Disney bring out big hits like Frozen, Tangled, Wreck-It Ralph and Big Hero 6, otherwise known as the Neo Disney Renaissance. And since the film's release, there hasn't been much regarding the film so perhaps as just a means of taking a trip down memory lane, put the dog in the game as a figure. And not just as a dog, but as the dog with powers as seen in the TV show he claims to be in. I'd doubt that Bolt will ever make a return, but we can all hope.

37 - Remy (Ratatouille)
Up until Tomorrowland came around, Brad Bird had a knack with making such big hits like Iron Giant and The Incredibles, not to mention his entry into the Mission Impossible film series. But of all his big hits, Ratarouille seems to have been lost and forgotten aside from it having a part in the so called Pixar theory. I know it sounds unclear as to how Remy could work in the game, but given his speed and the way he has with food, he could be a great character for keeping your sidekicks feed with good quality food as well as being fast around certain things. In other words, he could turn out to be a most useful character in the game. Need I say more.

36 - Piglet (Winnie the Pooh)
So I have a few characters from Winnie the Pooh in this list and they are here just for the sake of the games acknowledging that Disney still own the rights to the franchise. It has been a little while since Pooh and the gang were around last and them having played a part in the Disney Animation canon and a somewhat key part in the Kingdom Hearts games, they are Disney and so therefore, adding them is a must. Piglet is Pooh's best friend and so having him alongside Pooh would make sense. And that's really all I can say on that.

35 - Ace (Chicken Little)
Chicken Little is as everyone knows, Disney's attempt to make a full CGI film with no help from Pixar and for a first attempt, they didn't do well and it has in some way, aged horribly. But saying that and despite the things that happen in the film, there are some characters in there that people do seem to like. One of them is the main character's superhero (and far cooler) alter ego, Ace who is certainly a fighter in all ways and would do well in the battlefield should the game be too much enemy infested.

34 - Totoro (My Neighbour Totoro)
Much like with Pooh, this one I just added mainly because the majority of Studio Ghibli films have their English dubs and the worldwide distribution done by Disney and that's mainly down to John Lasseter who is a friend of one of the heads of that studio. Totoro seems to be the studio's mascot, so having him in the game would make the game have some heart towards those Disney fans that are into anime and given Totoro's popularity, he would sell like a hot cake. You can trust me on that.

33 - Tigger (Winnie the Pooh)
So the second of the three Pooh characters is Tigger. Now for years, I've never really got to see what his species is and in my eyes, he is often considered to be a tiger hence the name. But anyway, he can bounce really high and sing while he does it. In fact some could say that his tail is the most useful thing he has. So he too is a useful character to have in the game.

32 - Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet)
So as the above image may indicate, I am of course talking about the Jim Hawkins seen in Treasure Planet and not the one in Muppet Treasure Island (though both would be good choices as figures). So what can he offer? Well he has some sort of a hoverboard, he knows how to be sneaky and in some way, he's quite athletic and a good fighter. Yep, this treasure hunter is another useful character to have around.

31 - Milo (Atlantis)
I may have said this already, but I have to admit, the game does seem to be able to pay respect to films that have got a nostalgia thing going on. Atlantis was one of Disney's least successful films as it performed poorly at the box office and the reviews were very mixed. Despite that, it has since received a cult following for its artistic style and in some way, how somewhat mature it is from some of Disney's other animated films. So on that, I think it would be a no brainier to bring a character from that film into Disney Infinity. It was tough to pick just one as this is a 45 list and there are a lot of characters that are in the film, so I ended with just going for Milo. He may be a bit of a geek, but he can kick some butt and can find things that no one else could find and he has fought against some tough mercenaries as well so he is capable to look after himself. Just makes sure to give his brain a rest because it can go overboard at times.

30 - Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)
To quote the song, no one is slick, shoots, fights, quick and hits like Gaston. That good and all, but since that film, I would say that is the biggest understatement I have ever heard because of the amount characters that could easily match Gaston in many ways. But I digress. If what the people in the film say about him is true, it means that he would do well in Disney Infinity, even if he was just doing these things for his own personal gain. But if he was in the game, he would be useful in fights more than anything else. But that's just me.

29 - Jafar (Aladdin)
Of the Disney Renaissance, Jafar is one of Disney's best and most well know villains out there which is down to his ability to manipulate people and use magic to get his way. I get where he comes from in that he wants to be in charge of something big, anyone would have that dream. But his own selfishness and greed and his lack of intelligence compared to that street rat enemy of his, led to his downfall. But suffice to say, he is a great villain and has been regarded as Disney's second best villain with the first being Maleficent (though with them now owning Star Wars, that could very well change). But as Aladdin is already well represented in the game, I'm quite happy to just have Aladdin and Jasmine, but the addition of Jafar can add some interesting things to the game I would have to say.

28 - Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Now Hunchback is a very different film to Disney's other films. Its based on a very dark and mature book and adapting that into a child friendly film is a no go. So what do Disney do? They do what they do best and make a film that is more loosely based on the book to give it a more child friendly feel. However despite this, it is still considered today to be a mature film which is mainly down to the themes it goes with. But its a favourite of the Disney Renaissance despite reviews being low so have a character in the game would be a no brainier. It wasn't too hard to pick a character as Quasimodo is in my opinion, the most useful of the lot in that he's strong, has a heart of gold and can make non living beings to be living, but only in his own mind and he's quite athletic too.

27 - Flick (A Bug's Life)
So dating back to the 90s, Pixar and DreamWorks were at war and the war started with them releasing 2 very similar films. A Bug's Life was Pixar's film while Antz was DreamWorks. Most people were in favour of Antz over A Bug's Life for its mature setting. A Bug's Life basically served as nothing more than a more child friendly version of that film, just with a different story and a bit of creepiness (especially with the eyes). Still, some Pixar fans enjoy it and it wouldn't be too hard to have a character be thrown into the game so let's have Flick. He's the main protagonist and he can be fast, he's very ambitious (like me) and has proven that he can be tough in more ways than one.

26 - Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
You know, some people have overlooked the ages of some of these Disney Princesses and thinking about it, the film often has them look older than they would be in real life. Snow White is 14, Cinderella is 18, Jasmine is 16 and in the case of Belle, she is 17. I think the animators at Disney didn't really go out to see how girls would look at those ages, but despite this, many have made a lot of fan art, some of which have no been seen as quite disturbing because of these revelations. But if you're wanting to represent the film in some way, the beauty should be in there and that's where Belle comes in. She is smart, has a heart of gold and is always willing to do whatever it takes to look after people who can't look after themselves. She would be great in the game I have to say.

25 - Mary Poppins
As you may have seen in Saving Mr Banks, the chances of Mary Poppins appearing in the game are pretty slim, but we can all dream. She takes no nonsense, she is able to glide in the air and I'm not entirely sure if she can fight, but she knows how to talk down to those that try to mistreat her. I think if anything, having her in the game would give the game a bit more nostalgia in it more than anything else, but Disney Infinity is generally considered a nostalgia trip to Disney's long history from when they started to now. So Mary Poppins would be a perfect fit in that remark, but as I say, its unlikely to happen, but we can all dream.

24 - Oswald the Rabbit
Now this character has had an interesting history in that he was originally the mascot for Disney until Mickey Mouse came along and then Disney then for a while lost the rights to dear Oswald, but reclaimed them eventually which led to Epic Mickey and its two sequels to be made. Its one character who I would say has an uncertain future in Disney, but he does have some form of a fanbase so why not have him in the game. If Mickey got in there, then so can Oswald. I mean they have settled their differences so no harm will come of it.

23 - Pinocchio
With Pinocchio being Disney's second ever animated feature film, there has to be some representation of him in the game and the best way to do that is make him into a figure. As quoted more recently in Age of Ultron, he is a puppet tangled in strings, but thanks to magic, he can move freely and there are no strings on him. In a way, Ultron does have a point as some people in life end up being puppets in a more grander scheme of things. I personally have had that experience many times and its not nice at all. But for what its worth, I would quite like to see this little puppet in the game because he may be wooden, but has a heart of gold and has quite the fanbase too.

22 - Dumbo
While not the most useful of characters to have in a game like this, Dumbo knows how to fly and would almost certainly be willing to fight by your side and he's been fighting for almost all his life as seen in the film he came from which just so happens to be one of Disney's shortest feature films and one that came out at a time where a little bit of Disney magic was needed in the time of war. Who wouldn't want him in the game? No one, that's who.

21 - Bambi
I'm not going to go on about what happened in the film because you all know what happened so there's no need for me to go on about it like everyone else has done. So with Bambi, he's no fighter (at least in his younger years anyway), but he likes to explore like any deer would which would make him useful in any treasure hunting toyboxes that are going on and he is generally a gentle soul which helped during the time in the film when that certain incident happened. So in conclusion, Bambi would be a useful character to have in Disney Infinity when it comes to just exploring and finding things and I know there is a fanbase for him so he has a chance to appear.

20 - Goofy (Mickey and Friends)
With Mickey, Minnie and Donald already in the game, maybe the next person from that gang to add to the game, is good old Goofy. Now since being part of Mickey's world, Goofy has since made himself into a TV show and has become one of the main characters in Kingdom Hearts alongside Mickey and Donald. Just like with Donald, he is a good friend to Mickey despite being as his name implies, a bit goofy. So he would be able to fight in the game and having him as a figure in the game would make Mickey's gang of characters more complete, minus Pluto and Pete. In other words, it would make things more nostalgic if he was in the game.

19 - Mowgli (Jungle Book)
One of Walt Disney's last ever films before his death, The Jungle Book is a great film. Its got memorable music, has a light hearted story and has some good animation going for it. The Jungle Book has yet to be put into Disney Infinity so all I'm going to say to that, is put it into the game and the best way to do that is bring in Mowgli, the main protagonist. He is athletic, can climb like a monkey and can find things, plus he can be quite smart at times. He would be very useful if anything.

18 - Robin Hood
Having played a lot of 3.0, I notice that some of the enemies that spawn in the game, seem to be those rhinos from Robin Hood which makes me wonder, is that a tease for a character from Robin Hood to appear? Now the film was one of the many Disney films that likes to recycle ideas from other films such as the look and feel of the titular character which looks a little bit like Tod from the Fox and the Hound and Little John looking like the bear from The Jungle Book (he's even voiced by the same actor and is animated the same way too). I even have suspicions that the fox in the upcoming Zootopia was based on Robin Hood. But enough about Disney's history of recycling animation and character design and let's talk about the character of Robin Hood. Well if he's a guy who steals from the rich and gives to the poor and does so using a wide array of skills and abilities, then he is a worthy figure to have in the game. Nuff said.

17 - Pooh (Winnie the Pooh)
The third and final character from the world of Pooh that I want in the game, is Pooh himself. I mean if you put in Piglet and Tigger and not Pooh, well that's not really going to pay respect to the franchise now is it? Still though, is there much that Pooh can do aside from finding honey? Well I'm willing to bet that there is other things as well. He's no fighter as we all know, but if he can find honey, then he can find other things too, not to mention that he is a lovable bear and a lot of Disney fans love him so its a no brainier if he should or shouldn't be in the game.

16 - Basil (The Great Mouse Detective)
So if you're going to have Robin Hood as a fox in the game, maybe you should also put in Basil who is basically Sherlock Holmes in rat form. This makes him able to find things and look British and cool while doing it. Plus he can also pull out a sword and fight. The Great Mouse Detective is one of Disney's most overlooked films and its a great one. It was one of Disney's earlier attempts at using CGI with 2D animation which I have to say, they did a good job of it. So let's have him in the game.

15 - Oliver (Oliver & Company)
So we've had a fox called Robin Hood and a rat called Basil but having a strong resemblance of the great Sherlock Holmes. So next is Oliver who is basically Oliver Twist if he was a cat, was American and lived in New York, the city that never sleeps. He's a kitten so the big wide world is a scary place for him, but he can find food, has all the abilities and strengths of a cat and has a heart of gold. Is he a useful character? I'm not so sure. But if there is a fanbase out there, it would be great to have him in the game.

14 - Ursula (The Little Mermaid)
It was difficult to pick any character from The Little Mermaid to be in the game as most of them are water based and can't move on land. Saying that, some of those characters have shown that they can survive on land and one of them in Ursula. Not in the film, but in her other appearances in Disney media such as House of Mouse and Kingdom Hearts. She can fight, she can transform to huge heights if given the power to do so and can grant other characters some abilities but for a price. She may be a villain, but she is a useful one at that if she were put into the game.

13 - Bernard + Miss Bianca (Rescuers)
Much like with the Great Mouse Detective, the Rescuers and its sequel have been one of Disney's long forgotten films for all the wrong reasons. If this game is supposed to be a love letter to Disney fans old and new, they need to account for films that came out a long time ago that may not have the biggest fanbase, but if its a game to do with all things Disney, then this has to happen. Its been a while since I last saw the two films, but what I can say is that the two characters listed are both adventurous, strong willed and are willing to do anything to succeed in their mission to save children from the forces of evil. They may be small, but never underestimate a mouse because it will be your downfall if you do.

12 - Beast (Beauty and the Beast)
So we've had Gaston and Belle and so to complete the line up, here's the Beast or whatever his name was. I don't need to say how useful he can be because well you can just look at him and figure it out for yourself and even if the film doesn't convince you, the first Kingdom Hearts game will. Trust me, he can be a valuable ally to your set of figures.

11 - Kuzko (The Emperor's New Groove)
Post-Disney Renaissance, Disney had a downfall in animation and the company in general and most people will know that that was all down to one Michael Eisner who at the time was Disney's president and CEO until Bob Iger came around. Because of what he was doing with the company and its assets, it made many of the Disney films in the 00s to suck to great lengths. But through it all, Pixar still managed to make hit after hit and some pure Disney films managed to be a hit unintentionally and The Emperor's New Groove was one of those films. Despite being arrogant and at times heartless, Kuzco means well and while people are not particularly happy with his decisions, the journey he had as a lamer changed him for the better. So in a way, the main villain of the film made him better unintentionally. To be quite honest, for us to have Kuzko in the game, the developers would have to make either two figures of him with one being him as a lamer and one as a human or have both variations of him in one figure like The Doctor in LEGO Dimensions. Either way, both versions of him could very well work. As a human, he's quite athletic, good looking and knows what to do if people touch him. As a lamer he can move fast, eat all known things and can be a master of disguise. Whatever Disney decide to do, let's hope he makes it into the game because the game doesn't have an emperor yet, but it does have other characters of royalty.

10 - Herbie
Yeah I know, its a pretty silly pick for a character as Herbie really is only a car more than anything else. But he is a very unique car which could very well be alive. Having him in the game would be a welcome change of pace from bringing in characters from Cars which everyone except for the kiddies, hates. Now don't get me wrong, the first film was OK, but that doesn't warrant it to get sequels and spin offs and bad ones at that. But back to Herbie, he would only be useful for the Toybox Speedway, but that's OK. Any car character other than those from Cars would be very welcome in Disney Infinity.

9 - WALL-E
Its everyone's favourite robot from one of Pixar's more unique films and just so happens to be the first idea Pixar came up with before the likes of Toy Story, Monsters Inc. and the Incredibles and even Cars too came around. But it wasn't Pixar's first and came out much later than those other films. Still, its proven to have an impact in the Pixar Theory and the robot himself has been regarded at times to be Pixar's true mascot and not the lamp which does say something. WALL-E may be a robot, but if he was in the game, I'm willing to bet that he could very well be more than just that.

8 - Sebastian (The Little Mermaid)
So the only other Little Mermaid character that I thought could survive outside of the water is our favourite red crab Sebastian. I mean this little guy knows how to set the mood and is great at music and well he's a crab so he can fight and look after himself. He is small, but small isn't a bad thing. That gives him an advantage if anything.

7 - Dodger (Oliver & Company)
A dog who knows how to look after himself and look good while doing it, Dodger is one lucky dog, having been through so much. He and Oliver are the only two characters from that film that I think could appear in the game. Dodger is a dog, but he's a very good dog at that who knows how to fight and how to get food.

6 - Roger Rabbit
Before Wreck-It Ralph, Touchstone Pictures (a division of Disney who specialise in releasing more mature films until Disney themselves manned up a bit) made a film about a Rabbit in a world where cartoons and the real world live in harmony, or so we think. So in a way, Disney Infinity could pay respect to that great film by bringing in Roger himself into the game. He may be too much of a coward, but he can run fast and has all the makings of a typical cartoon character if he was a slapstick one. I personally loved that film and any fan of cartoons will certainly enjoy it too.

5 - Tarzan
Also coming from the Disney Renaissance is the last film of that era of Disney, Tarzan. This film I actually quite enjoyed as it made a lot of creative stuff and based on the animation and CGI elements alone, it looked very much like a 21st century film despite being released towards the end of the 90s. So if we already have Aladdin and Mulan and the possibility of adding the others I've mentioned here (and 2 more which I will get to very soon), then Tarzan should be added too. He's a jungle man so he's very athletic, curious and can fight a thug or two. So let's see him in the game is all I have to say on that.

4 - Kermit the Frog (Muppets)
Aside from Miss Piggy, if you need the Muppets represented in the game, then bring in Kermit, their beloved leader as it were. Believe it or not, Kermit was originally going to be in a Disney Infinity game, but he was scrapped and its unclear as to whether he will get to be in the game or not as a playable character. As a fan of the Muppets, he would be most welcome in the game and if the developers make him and Miss Piggy into a two pack, that would work quite nicely I would think.

3 - Hercules
So next from the Disney Renaissance is Hercules. The Greek mythology and Disney equivalent of Superman. I don't need to say what he can do because anyone who has seen him in action whether it be in the film, the TV show or even in Kingdom Hearts, will know that he can pack a punch or two any time. Plus he can be quite athletic at times too so yeah and he's been trained by the best in the business (according to Disney anyway).

2 - Tron
Sam Flynn and Quorra may be from the world of Tron, but if you really want to pay respect to the franchise, have Tron himself in there. I mean yeah Sam and Quorra are more recent and most people would be more familiar with them, but it was Tron who really got the franchise started and having him not in the game would cause chaos in the fanbase. Needless to say, his skills and abilities pretty much match that of Sam anyway (perhaps with more things going for it), but it would just be nice to have him in the game to both please the fanbase and in a way, give people not too familiar with the franchise a bit of history if anything.

Now for lists like these I would normally do honourable mentions, but this post is too long already so it will not happen this time. Now for my number one choice and if you know what my all time favourite film is, it will be obvious on who it is.

1 - Simba (The Lion King)
Of all the Disney Renaissance films listed, the one that everyone wants to have figures of in the game, is characters of the Lion King. The best way to represent it is with Simba. I know some of you may say that Timon and Pumbaa would be better choices, but keep in mind that while they are popular characters, its Simba who is the real star of the film. I mean he just wants to be king and anyone who has seen the film will know that he may get his way somehow. And much like with the others on this list, I don't need to mention about his abilities and skills because well, he's a lion and lions know how to fight as well as be leaders. But why he's my number one choice is purely based on the fact that I love The Lion King to death and it wouldn't be a Disney game without it.

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