Monday 28 March 2016

Movie Review - Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

So we have 2 of the greatest superheroes in a full on battle to see who's best. On the left, its the Dark Knight himself, a rich billionaire who lost his parents one evening, the smartest man on the planet and one that can either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain and its what he is that defies him, its the most interesting DC hero ever, Batman. On the right, the Man of Steel himself, sent from Krypton to find a home in Earth and become a hero, a hero that isn't known for his intelligence and can be taken down despite what people say one way or another, its Superman (seriously I don't have anything else to add there). Oh and Wonder Woman is in there too along with Alfred, Lex Luthor (if that is him or not) and Doomsday I guess (I honestly don't know what that thing is). Anyway, let's see these two battle it out, for the infinity-th time (I honestly have lost count on how many times these two have been at it before this film and yes, this isn't the first ever time. Read the comics, watch the cartoons, the TV shows, the live action and animated films and play the games if you don't believe me):

The film begins by giving us a brief Batman (played by Ben Affleck who swore to never play a superhero again when he played Daredevil) origin story before taking us into the battle of Metropolis where Bruce Wayne tries to warn his employees of the impending danger that Superman (reprised by Henry Cavill) poses while he's fighting Zod (reprised by Michael Shannon in some way), but ultimately fails and loses a Wayne Enterprises building and many of his employees in the process. 18 months later, Superman saves Lois Lane (reprised by Amy Adams) before investigating on Batman in his Clark Kent persona. Batman sees him as a threat and while looking into other meta-humans, formulates a plan to take him down, but a certain young entrepreneur by the name of Alexander Luthor (played by Jesse Eisenberg) has some other ideas for the two heroes.

So here's where I stand with this film. Its not a bad superhero film and its not a great superhero film, but it is a superhero film that succeeds in giving fans what we've been wanting for years. Granted that its not the first time these two heroes have battled it out, but you'll get your moneys worth here. It is serious, but it does have not many but a few funny moments in it so if you hear the critics say otherwise, don't believe them. I think Gal Gadot fits the Wonder Woman character well, Ben Affleck as Batman is great but I still think Christian Bale and Kevin Conroy are still the best ones for me. Jeremy Irons has got Alfred done right. And Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, I really wasn't sure about him, but after seeing this film, he's got the part done right. So what about the problems I have? I do feel that its too unnecessarily long, but I'm sure the extended cut when that comes out will make up for that. I also felt that the second half was more action packed than the first and there were some moments where I was just shouting in my head for there to be some emotion if any. But the outcome of the fight is satisfactory and there will be one moment that will be tear jerking and I'm shocked that a film that has a scene that people will cry at, got a low percentage on Rotten Tomatoes. Don't believe what the critics say, go out and see this film, or wait till the extended cut comes out because believe me, you will get your moneys worth and you'll leave satisfied on the overall outcome. And I also do like that they didn't expand on Bruce Wayne's origins too much because just like with Superman, everyone knows it to death. 7/10

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