Monday 18 April 2016

Random Movie Review - V for Vendetta

So here's the thing. In light of DC and Marvel finally battling at the box office, I will make every effort to review as many films based on graphic novels (superhero or not) as possible this year. It won't be every single one for various reasons, but it will be a fair few of them. Today I'm going to talk about the film that unintentionally became one of the reasons why Anonymous exists. It's really all about expressing one's self in a somewhat similar way to how terrorists express themselves. By blowing s**t up. Well the film and I guess the book (which I haven't read by the way at the time of writing this review) isn't all about blowing s**t up, though if you're someone like Michael Bay then blowing s**t up is all around in his 3 hour+ films. But anyway, blowing stuff up and oppressing the government, that's the film in a nut shell. So let's get to it:

Scarily enough, this film takes place in the 2020s which is only 4 years away from now so this could very well happen to us. Anyway, so in the film, the UK is seen as a fascist police state by a government party called the Norsefire. So people that are considered "undesirables" are imprisoned in concentration camps as a result of this. A man simply known as V (played by Red Skull, Agent Smith, Elrond and Megatron, otherwise known as Hugo Weaving) decides to oppress the government and their ways by blowing up the Old Bailey criminal court building and to begin an uprising in the hopes to bring an end to what the Norsefire party are doing to the country.

As much as I would like to expand further on the story, it can be very confusing so I hope you guys get the gist of it at least. There are lots of people out there who hate their government for what they do and all these silly decisions they make to keep running the country. I think this film does well to show how far oppressing the government can go to a point where it can be classified as terrorism. I'm even surprised that such a film like this was based on a graphic novel because its just insane. Clever and a tad confusing, but insane to think that such an uprising could very well happen, especially since this film is mean't to take place in a future that we are very close to reaching. It may not happen, but as they say, the future can always change for better or worse. 9/10

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