Monday 17 October 2016

Movie Series Review - Human Centipede

Its as disgusting as it sounds. I mean the idea of having one human attached to another human in such a manner as is seen in the film, its just horrible. Its no surprise that the films (especially the second one) were almost banned or are banned in some countries. Its just messed up and horrible, but it does make for some good horror flicks. So get your barf buckets or bags ready as we look at The Human Centipede:

First Sequence
The first film has us meet a German surgeon called Dr. Josef Heiter (played by Dieter Laser) who through various means, kidnaps two female American tourists and one male Japanese tourist and fuses them together to create the first human centipede after countless attempts at finding what would make such a thing and manages to create the perfect one. But as he torments and trains it as his own pet, it won't be long before someone finds out what he did. I think this is where horror reaches its absolute limits. Its disgusting, makes people want to vomit and shows that some surgeons are messed up and will do whatever it takes to get their way. Its not a great film by any means, but its enough to make you vomit (though that one scene in Blair Witch makes me vomit even more). 6/10

Full Sequence
So rather than continue in its continuity, we go to a new reality where we meet Martin Lomax (played by Laurence R. Harvey) who becomes fascinated with the first Human Centipede film that he tries to do his own take on it. In doing so, he uses his job as a security guard at a car park as a means to capture people for his little experiment and acquires a warehouse when he kills the seller, to put his victims in. For lack of a better word, he has some problems and lives with an overbearing mother who hates him for putting her husband in jail for what he did to him. As time goes on however, he manages to become so obsessed with the film, that it gives him the courage he needs to overcome those who dismiss him. Like the first film, the main character is very messed up and its once again very disgusting to a point where the actual centipede is larger than the first one. Is it better or just as good as the first one? Well they make the centipede bigger, but otherwise, the film is very dull and can be quite sickly. 6/10

Final Sequence
So like the second film, we find ourselves in another reality where the first and second films are just films in this reality. So we meet a prison warden called Bill (played by Dieter Laser) who watches the second film with his accountant Dwight (played by Laurence R. Harvey) who pitches the idea to be used on the prisoners. But the warden dismisses the idea initially, only later to be in favour of it after having nightmares of his prisoners abusing him. But it will take a lot of work to do and the encouragement of a certain director and a political figure for it to go ahead. So one thing I will say is that its not as gross, sickly or disgusting like the first two films were and I like that the actors of the previous films were allowed to come back to do this one too. But I personally don't like it for one reason. Laser's character moaning. Now granted he is playing a psychopath, but just every time I watch this film, all I can hear is his screaming and moaning and I don't like it. But despite that, it is by far the best of the three thanks to it being less disgusting and having more cast members than previous films. 6/10

So it is gross. It will make you barf (probably), but it was an interesting concept that ultimately did not win people over the idea, but was a pretty good if not gross idea nevertheless. 6/10

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