Thursday 9 March 2017

Video Game Review - Horizon Zero Dawn

So Sony have had a bit of a history when it comes to releasing new IPs to the world and by that, I mean its been a very mixed bag of games. While some of them have been great such as The Last of Us, Uncharted and Killzone (which have all turned into highly successful franchises), there have been a few more recently that are not very good like The Order: 1886 and No Man's Land (both are two examples of graphics isn't everything). Now with Horizon Zero Dawn, its a new IP made by the makers of the Killzone games, but at first glance, the concept and premise may not sound very original when you think of the whole possible future where machines have taken over and have made mankind go back to the stone age as a result. But enough talk, let's have a look at this game. So follow:

So the world we once knew has for lack of a better description, goes downhill and machines soon takeover. This as a result, sends humans back to a stone age like time and the handful of humans left choose to co-exist with these machines, occasionally hunting them for resources as and when needed. The main character we play as, Aloy (voiced by Ashly Burch) is what's described as an outcast, hated by those who are part of tribes. She is looked after by another outcast called Rost (voiced by JB Blanc) who tells her of the world she lives in and trains her to become a survivor like him. During her childhood however, Aloy discovers a device that allows her to scan for things and other stuff which much to the dismay of Rost, she uses to help her in being a survivor. But as years go by, not only will she learn about her past, but she will also learn about why the world is what it is. So something that I've noticed with this game is that it borrows gameplay elements in other games like hiding in tall grass, crafting arrows, hunting things (in this case, machines), gathering items to craft other items with as well as healing Aloy as and when needed and other things too. That's not to say its a bad thing as most people have for many years enjoyed those gameplay elements, but its not great when its supposed to be an original IP. Though having said that, it is a graphical masterpiece with plenty of colours and just making you feel like you're in this world. One major advantage this game has over other games is the use of a day and night weather system in a big open world, as opposed to too many loading screens which is always an advantage to have. And despite it being not that original, I actually like the concept of being part of a world where machines have taken over and we could one day, experience that ourselves if robotics gets its way.

So from playing it, its a great game. Some things in it as previously mentioned have been used in other games before it. But somehow, the game manages to simplify it a bit and does the brave thing of not having a tutorial at the beginning, giving us more time to experience this world and what it has to offer. The PS4 still has a way to go before anyone can really do their best PS4 games lists, but for me, this game will most likely be in it and has given me hope that Sony have learned their lesson with original IPs following what happened with The Order: 1886 and especially No Man's Land. 9/10

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