Monday 10 July 2017

Movie Review - Spider-Man: Homecoming

Well its another reboot so let's get right to it. Now for those of you who have been living under a rock in the past few years, allow me to get you up to speed. When Amazing Spider-Man 2 came out, we got a lot of promises made in the film such as a film based on the Sinister 6, a third film with Andrew Garfield and a spin-off film on Venom. In other words, Sony had plans to expand their Spider-Man films to create their own cinematic universe. However, shortly after the release of Amazing Spider-Man 2, none of this happened as Sony weren't too sure how to move forward and with Marvel wanting their characters back, a 50/50 deal was made. Spider-Man would be implemented into the Marvel Cinematic Universe on the condition that Sony distribute the solo films and receive help from Marvel in making Spider-Man films moving forward. So this deal began just before the start of filming for Civil War so that Spider-Man (who played a crucial role in the comic book version) would make an appearance and plans for Phase 3 were changed to allow a Spider-Man film to be made and here it is. Now from the look of the trailers, some people will say that this could very well be what Iron Man 4 would be like. But the film itself says otherwise, so let's get to it:

The film begins with a scene taking place after the Battle for New York where Adrian Toomes (played by Michael Keaton and seeing as this is long after Batman, its not blasphemy) and his company have been contracted to clean up the city. But when Tony Stark (reprised by Robert Downey Jr. for the 8th time total) and his government endorsed company the US Department of Damage Control, takes over his operation, Toomes is enraged. But realises that the stuff he and his team have scavenged can turn things around for them and as such, makes it his business to sell alien technology and weapons to the black market. 8 years later (though that could be an exaggeration), Peter Parker (reprised by Tom Holland from Civil War) does a vlog of him helping Tony with an internal dispute within the Avengers before being sent back to his studies as Tony believes he's not yet ready to become an Avenger himself. Desperate to prove himself, Peter quits the academic decathlon team at his school to focus on being Spider-Man (known as the Stark Industries internship for cover), eventually learning of Adrian's activities and makes it his business to stop him before he takes away everything from him and his mentor.

So earlier this year, we got what many have called the best reviewed Batman film (although its only 3% below what Dark Knight got on RT) and I got to say, this is a very good film. Its nice to see a younger and more correct version of the character in the sense that Spider-Man is effectively a kid in a world where most of the superheroes are adults. Tom Holland fits the part very well and even though we get characters from other MCU films, its nice for the film to actually feel like a Spider-Man film that can stand on its own without having to focus too much on building the MCU like other films have done. Yes it does have other Avengers in it like Iron Man and Captain America, but its largely just a solo Spider-Man film with the occasional appearance of other MCU characters and settings. Is it the best Spider-Man film? I'd say it is. I'm not saying that the other films are bad, but this film really feels like a more accurate take on Spider-Man as opposed to what we have seen in the past and its a decision that both Marvel and Sony will not regret. Plus Stan Lee's cameo is great as well as the fact that it has the famous Spider-Man song being heard during the logo sequences at the beginning. And for once, people at the cinema actually waited for both credits scenes (though the last one as funny as it was, was very disappointing). 9/10

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