Monday 25 September 2017

Random Movie Review - Event Horizon

So here we have a film that uses 90s CGI (the sort that looks cheap and dated by today's standards in other words) and has an all star cast which includes the doctor from Jurassic Park, Morpheus, Lucius Malfoy, Anita from live action 101 Dalmations and even Gotham's Alfred. It gained some form of a cult following and pays homage to films like Alien and The Shining. But I'd doubt that it would live up to those films and much bigger sci-fi franchises than that. Anyway, let's take a look:

So the film begins with the credits and considering this is a 90s film, I think the credits should be at the end not at the beginning surely. Anyway, so the year is 2047 and apparently we will have invented space travel by then (which I highly doubt). A distress signal is received from the titular starship which had been on course to some kind of planet, but seven years prior ended up near Neptune. A rescue ship called Lewis and Clark (though a better name would be Sacagawea but there you go) is dispatched to look for any survivors and determine what happened. The all star crew travel to the last known location of Event Horizon along with the designer of the ship, unaware of the designer's true intentions and for some, this will no doubt be a suicide mission if any.

While the concept is an interesting one, this film is pretty bad. The CGI is dated, it follows all the film trends of the 90s and leaves me puzzled with questions. But having said that, there is some things I like. Morpheus's plans make more sense than the JP scientist and I like how the film makers took into account that anyone going into space knows math. I'm actually amazed with how many cast members I was able to recognise. Small world eh? Anyway, its not a great film. But I have seen worst. 6/10

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