Tuesday 31 October 2017

Halloween 2017 Special - Top 25 Villain Songs

So this year's top 25 list is a villain's song list. Everyone else has done it and everyone has there own opinion about them so this one is mine. Most villains that we have grown up with and watching to this day, have had a moment or two where there sing a song either about themselves, their plans, their struggles or just to annoy the protagonists. This list will be looking at the best and keep in mind that some of these songs you may have to hear from other sources aside from YouTube due to how they are handling copyright issues these days. So the rules are that the song has to be sung by a villain and preferably the villain alone (but this won't be the case for some songs), the song has to be from a film, TV show or video game I have seen and/or played and to keep things fair, one villain song per villain and franchise and there will be more than just Disney on the list. So get your singing voices out as we count down my personal top 25 villain songs:

25 - Mother Knows Best (Mother Gothel, Tangled)
The one thing I hate about some mothers is that they never seem to allow their children to do what they want to do. I know its all about protecting them and stuff, but nothing makes me more annoyed about it than hearing this song. Disney took a big risk in creating their own version of Rapunzel and they did it well to the point where it actually feels more like something original than just following the story word for word. But going back to the song at hand, Mother Gothel is one of those villains who only wants to be young and beautiful, but needs something for her to remain as such and while the song comes across as a mother being overprotective of her daughter, it unintentionally shows us how scared Gothel is of being ugly and crippled. It's quite a good song, but no one should really be overprotective even if its just these little things.

24 - Siamese Cat Song (The Siamese Cats, Lady and the Tramp)
When making this list, I had some doubts as to whether I should put this song into it. The Lady and the Tramp had quite a few villains and while its not the sort of film I would show a child (at least until they are older anyway), there is no villain that has had more of an impact on Lady than the cats. Two against one when its in the ones house is never a good sign and the song shows how willing they are to make Lady's life a living hell. Its just as well that Tramp came along in time to give Lady some much needed love if any. But still its a very good song that shows how cruel some creatures can be to other creatures.

23 - Sweet Transvestite (Dr. Frank-N-Furter, The Rocky Horror Picture Show)
Well I did say that there would be other films on this list and not just Disney. So Rocky Horror Picture Show is a lot of fun, but can at times be a bit disturbing. It was a tough call trying to find a suitable villain song, but I felt that the one sang by the main villain himself would be the best one. Its the sort of villains song where he is talking about himself and what plans he has for the protagonists. Its fun, disturbing when it needs to be and everyone loves it. Its the reason why the film gained a cult following because its just so much fun if not disturbing which I know I keep saying. So yeah.

22 - A Professional Pirate (Long John Silver and Crew, Muppet Treasure Island)
As we all know, the Muppets have had a number of musical numbers over the years so it was tough to pick a villains song. Of course there is the more recent "I'm Number One" from Muppets Most Wanted which can be seen as more of a silly villain song more than anything else as well as "Let's Talk About Me" from The Muppets which is more rap than actual singing. But the one that I feel has had more of an impact is in Muppet Treasure Island where we see Long John Silver and his Muppet pals tell young Jim Hawkins what A Professional Pirate (if such a thing exists) can do and their purpose. Its another one for Tim Curry to show off his singing chops and shows that even the Muppets of all characters can do villain songs as well. I would've preferred using a song from a Muppet film where its about the Muppets more than the Muppets playing characters themselves, but this song takes the prize.

21 -  Oogie Boogie's Song (Oogie Boogie and Santa Claus, The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Even though this wasn't directly made by Tim Burton, many of his films don't have that many musical numbers. In fact most of them aren't musicals at all. But when they are, it then paves the way for some memorable music and characters and this is the impact Nightmare Before Chirstmas gave upon its release. Oogie Boogie's Song is one of those songs where the villain brags about himself and how great he is while also torturing one of the good guys (this case being Santa Claus) by telling them what they are in for. Its a pretty unusual song that has more talking than singing, but its definitely a villain song in every way imaginable and one that will make you feel more uncomfortable than anything else.

20 - Gaston (Lefou and Gaston, Beauty and the Beast)
When it comes to villains, they are always known to be the most motivated people in pretty much everything. Not just in fiction, but in history as well. But sometimes there are those villains who need that motivation to do what they want to do and that is certainly the case with Gaston. Having been rejected by Belle in both the animated and live action films, it then falls down to his sidekick Lefou and the villagers to cheer him up and give him that motivation back by telling him how great he is. Then eventually, Gaston himself starts to sing and everything is seemingly back to normal (or so we think). This is certainly one song that can motivate people in many ways and that's why its great.

19 - Shiny (Tamatoa, Moana)
And here we have another song where the villain brags about himself and how great (or in this case shiny) he is. Tamatoa is the sort of villain who doesn't act like one, but is ready and willing to stop anyone from getting in his way. His song is really all about himself as well as what he has planned when he finishes off Moana and Maui (but more the latter over the former). The best thing about the song is that it's one of the more memorable songs to come out of the film Moana (as well as You're Welcome and How Far I Go of course) because its very catchy and in some ways, groovy. Plus who knew that an actor like Jermaine Clement can sing very well. I think the thing we will get out of this is that no one could ever be as Shiny as this big crab who may or may not be related to Sebastian (watch the post credits scene for more).

18 - Second Rate (Jafar, Aladdin: The Return of Jafar)
As far as direct to DVD sequels are concerned, many of them will never be quite as good and up to the standard of the big ones which is definitely the case with Return of Jafar. Not only does it have Dan Castellaneta (aka the voice of one Homer Simpson) in the place of Robin Williams as Genie, but it also lacks a great deal in the animation department. However seeing as Disney were desperate at the time, this is understandable. But if anything, one good thing came out of it and that is the villain song. In the main Aladdin film, Jafar's song was more a rehash of Prince Ali than anything else and it wasn't very long either. But in a film where its all about him, he gets a much better villain song. This song is really comparing himself to Genie and calling him second rate which in other words, is him calling Genie mediocre or of inferior quality. But regardless, its the villain song he was waiting for and its a very good one at that even if the rest of the film feels like a suck fest.

17 - Sloprano (The Great Mighty Poo, Conker's Bad Fur Day)
Yes even video games have had musical numbers and when it comes to villain songs, nothing can ever top a song sung by a literal pile of s**t. Like with some of the songs already mentioned, this is another song about the villain telling the protagonist how great he is and that he doesn't stand a chance. The song itself is actually a boss battle where Conker must throw toilet paper in the soprano mouth of this literal pile of s**t to defeat him. And over the course of the battle, you hear new verses with some being more disturbing than others. Its one of the most unusual songs to be heard, but its execution is just far to hilarious for words. It just gives a whole new meaning for piles of s**t.

16 - I Can Change (Saddam Hussein and Devil, South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut)
South Park has been around for a while and when it came to doing a feature film, Trey Parker and Matt Stone made it as a last hurrah for the show as they felt it was coming to an end. But fortunately, it didn't and its still going today having reached its 20th season last year and having great games made by Ubisoft. So the film was largely a musical with many musical numbers parodying things like Les Miserables, the many films of the Disney Renaissance and other stuff. And as you'd expect, there is a villain song. But its not just any villain. Its actually a villain from the real world, but getting a South Park makeover. So Devil is wanting to rule the world alone, having had enough of his sexual partner Saddam Hussein. But in an attempt to win him back, Saddam sings and dances to convince Devil that he can change and in all honesty, its both hilarious but also kind of sad. But it is South Park after all so it is what it is.

15 - Robot Hell Song (Robot Devil, Futurama)
Its not your average villain song, but given that Matt Groening has racked up a number of Emmys just proves how good The Simpsons and Futurama can be. While Futurama has come to a close, it did have a few good songs in its entire run. But this being a villains list, we have a song where the Robot Devil sings to Bender about what his version of Hell is like and keeping in mind that this is being sang by the voice of Homer Simpson, its actually very catchy. It gives Bender a means to find a balance between good and evil as well as showing how far Fry and Leela will go to get their favourite bending unit out of trouble. So yeah its not a perfect villain song, but it is catchy and sang very well by the voice of Homer Simpson.

14 - Trust In Me (Kaa, The Jungle Book)
Sometimes when a snake tells you to trust in him, its best not too. So on his adventures, Mowgli stumbles across a snake called Kaa who using his power of hypnotism, briefly has Mowgli do his bidding. Its a song that is both creepy but also has a morale to it. The morale being that you should not trust strangers and the creepy side being that this is being sung by the voice of Winnie the Pooh. Yeah let that sink in for a while. But it shows that even a villain's song can give good advice to people even if its not its intention.

13 - Poor Unfortunate Souls (Ursula, The Little Mermaid)
Sometimes you get those villains who have no love for people and would rather watch them suffer in exchange for something in return. To many people Ursula is what many could call a sea witch. She's got evil all over her and what's to rule the sea. Her song is basically a sales pitch where she sells her product to Ariel by convincing her to achieve her dreams in exchange for her voice. And compared to the pitches I have seen on shows like The Apprentice, this one is really convincing as well as it being in song. But in the end, Ariel gave in and Ursula got what she wanted despite only for a brief moment. Still its a very chilling song and one that can beat any sale pitches. I know it may sound bad of me to compare this great song to a sales pitch, but its really what it feels like when listening to this. But otherwise, it is a very creepy song and one of the best to come from the house of mouse.

12 - Still Alive (GLaDOS, Portal)
Yes, even the evilest of machines can sing. When it comes to finding a great video game villain that's a robot, the first one that comes to almost everyone's mind is GLaDOS. A robot who loves nothing more than having its test subjects perform a series of tests in front of her very eye (yeah she has just one eye) and adds some humorous sarcasm for every action the player makes. Even though her song seems harmless, the chilling element to it is that it's hinting that she survived the events of the first Portal game and would therefore set up Portal 2 and that's exactly what we got. As evil and funny as GLaDOS is, at least it knows how to sing and do very good singing at that.

11 - Friends on the Other Side (Doctor Facilier, The Princess and the Frog)
Its not often that we hear a villain who sings about his or her allies more than him or her self. While the Princess and the Frog may have been a box office flop as well as the last ever Disney film to use hand drawn animation, it had a lot of catchy music, memorable characters and introduced a new Disney Princess. So much like with Poor Unfortunate Souls, Friends on the Other Side is another song where the villain this case being Doctor Facilier, does a musical sales pitch where he promises great fortune and luck to Naveen and Lawrence in which the former would get all the money in the world as well as a wife and the latter would never again endure being pushed about by people. However as it is with villains, one of those promises turns out to be a lie. So instead of what the good doctor promised, Naveen ends up as a frog while Lawrence takes the form of Naveen and serves as a sidekick to Facilier as part of his big evil plan. Its a great and catchy song, but also one that tells you to never trust anyone who makes these big promises.

10 - Toxic Love (Hexxus, Ferngully: The Last Rainforest)
And now we have a third helping of Tim Curry. So in comparison to Disney, Fox haven't really had many hand drawn animated films be made. Part of that is down to most of them not being very good. That being said, while Ferngully: The Last Rainforest may be seen more as a public service film that tells the world to protect the forest and not have people tear them apart, it's not without its songs. Hexxus in many ways, is a villain who can be seen as a villain based on the harmful fumes that many vehicles back in the 90s tend to produce a lot of. His song can be seen as Tim Curry channelling Dr. Frank-N-Furter just by how its being sung. Its a bit terrifying, very camp, but it is one villain song that brings about the extinction of this so called rainforest (or so we think).

9 - Savages (John Ratcliffe and Chef Powhatan, Pocahontas)
Despite the film, Pocahontas isn't without its songs and even if the film was the worst of the Disney Renaissance films, it had a lot of good songs in it. So I had a choice of villain songs here. The choice was Mine Mine Mine or this song. Mine Mine Mine is a villain song as well, but Savages is when Governor Ratcliffe goes on full villain to the point where this supposedly good man becomes pure evil. So evil that all he wants is the gold for himself and to wipe out Pocahontas and her people. But in a way, this song can also show both sides of the war thinking that the other means to harm them which is true in a way. But it all works out in the end as we all know. It is a real shame that this film didn't play out well with everyone, but it still has some good songs which many of us will be covering for a very long time.

8 - Playing with the Big Boys (Hotep and Huy, Prince of Egypt)
You know with DreamWorks Animation being Disney's main competitor, the thing that many of their films lack in comparison to the house of mouse is any form of musical numbers. I mean yes many of them have had their own soundtracks and people doing covers of other songs (something of which is heard a lot in the Shrek films more than the others), but when it comes to musical numbers, the first film from them that comes to mind, is Prince of Egypt. A film based on the biblical book of Exodus and following the story of Moses who was once a titular prince of Egypt before learning of his destiny to free the slaves and lead them out of Egypt. It was a very good film. But let's now talk about the villain song. So once again I had a choice between this one and the Plagues. Seeing as the Plagues is a song told from the perspective of both the main protagonist and the main antagonist, I went with Playing with the Big Boys. Its a song that warns the hero that he is messing with things far beyond his beliefs and by continuing down this road, he will suffer the same fate that many of the slaves faced. So in a way and despite the menacing tone of the song, it has a morale to it which is that you don't mess with those who have more power than you because if you do, something very bad will come out of it. A very good song and definitely one to use if you feel the power you have is being threatened by someone below your level of power.

7 - Be Prepared (Scar, The Lion King)
Sometimes if you want to get the job done, your forces need some motivation. So as everyone knows, The Lion King is a film that loosely follows the Shakespeare play of Hamlet with Scar playing the role of the uncle who kills the king and unintentionally giving the king's son some motivation to reclaim his rightful place on the throne. So in preparing his plan to become king, Scar motivates his people by telling them of his plan in song and to basically be prepared. Most of us who know the film well can see Scar's plans as being good for the kingdom especially the point of feeding hyenas who otherwise must rely on Scar to get what they want. But ultimately the plan has flaws such as the lions not being a higher priority over the hyenas and that by going across the land to find food, it will eventually wear thin. But going back to the song, its definitely one that can motivate people and one that just goes to show how motivated a villain can be to go about his or her plan.

6 - I Go Looney (The Joker, Batman: The Killing Joke)
Yes even the Clown Prince of Crime has had a song or two. So with the Joker, there was a choice of songs. There are his covers of various songs in the Arkham games, but as I wanted something that was more original, I went with this one. The Killing Joke is regarded as one of the best Batman stories ever told and a lot of people were hyped to see this film. And despite the 45 minutes of filler (because the actual graphic novel isn't very long), it was a very good film. As part of Joker's plan to make Commissioner Gordon go insane, he does song about just that. How someone like Joker can turn looney. Its pretty scary (and more so with Mark Hamill being the one that sings) and shows that even the Joker can be just as looney as he is without singing. Of course the plan fails thanks to both Gordon being immune to going insane as well as the timely arrival of Batman. But it is a great song and one that shows just how mad the Joker can be (as if we didn't know that already).

5 - In the Dark of the Night (Grigori Rasputin, Anastasia)
Pretty much every villain song list has this song and for good reason too. Anastasia is probably regarded as one of Fox's better attempts at making a hand drawn animated film and it actually talks about some historical events that have taken place. So Rasputin is an all evil sorcerer (though based on a real life historical figure) who wants nothing more than to see all members of the Imperial family to be killed. But his plan comes to a halt where two members manage to evade him and his forces. So many years later, he discovers one member Anastasia and make preparations to hunt her down and his plan is told in song. While the song is largely him talking about his plans rather than singing it, one of the best things about it is just how epic it sounds. For a lot of people, hearing this song makes them imagine it being seen in a Meatloaf music video. Of course its still good as it is in the film, but just hearing the song alone is pretty breathtaking. That even for a villain song is a pretty big deal and its just epic.

4 - No More Mr. Nice Guy (Rothbart, The Swan Princess)
While The Swan Princess again in comparison to Disney wasn't very good, it did have not many but a few good songs in there. Rothbart is one villain that just really wants to rule the kingdom with a queen by his side. But unfortunately for him, the person he wants isn't interested in the idea. So Rothbart being a wizard of sorts, he puts a spell on the person in question who is the princess and this turns her into a swan and the only way to break the spell is if she agrees to marry him. But eventually Rothbart grows tired and decides to sing a song about how great he is and what he can do to get what he wants. Its a good song which shows the level he will go to get what he wants. That's all I will say on that.

3 - Money is Such a Beautiful World (Aunt Figg and Lickboot, Tom & Jerry: The Movie) 
As a film, the Tom and Jerry movie sucks. Its not a great film and its also very disappointing when we all want it to just be about the two doing what they do best which is to try and destroy one another. But in the end, the film had to get itself a plot as well as some other characters. But despite all that, we did however get a song which is the villains singing about how the world goes by with money and that by getting that money, they will get what they want. Of course Tom and Jerry get in the way of their plans, but it does make me wonder how things would've worked out if they got the money. But anyway for a film that wasn't very good, there is at least some good that came out of it despite the irony of this being a villain song.

2 - Dance Magic Dance (Jareth, Labyrinth)
He may be gone, but David Bowie is still a music legend. I personally have not seen many David Bowie films and the one thing everyone expects from him in his films, is to sing. And in Labyrinth, that's exactly what we got. As a song, it's pretty silly and its one where unlike other villains, he actually thinks of his plans as he sings it. Its probably one of the most unique villain songs in that regard, but when its sang by one of the greatest music artists of all time, it just makes it all the more better and for good reason too.

So as always with many of these lists, here are some honourable mentions before we reach number one.

Honourable Mentions:
Its Our House Now (Villains, House of Mouse)
The World's Greatest Criminal Mastermind (Professor Ratigan, The Great Mouse Detective)
Secret of Survival (The Weasels, The Wind in the Willows (1996))

And now, my number one best villain song is:

1 - Hellfire (Judge Claude Frollo, The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Yeah I know its a bit predictable, but how can you possibly top this one. So Hunchback of Notre Dame is highly regarded as one of Disney's darkest films. Not just that but it tackles a whole pile of issues such as religion and people being accused of witchcraft. Judge Claude Frollo is probably one of the most evilest of Disney villains who wants nothing more than to rid the world of witchcraft with his one punishment being the guardian of one Quasimodo which happened only because he killed his mother. So let's talk about Hellfire. Its actually one half of a song with the first half being sang by Quasimodo about how he has seen Heaven's Light. So in going the complete opposite, Frollo begins to sing about Hellfire and how he wants protection and to destroy Esmeralda and send her into hell. Its a very powerful song that shows how far Frollo will go to get what he wants even if he has to get help from Hell itself and it shows how cruel and evil he can be. And that is why Hellfire is number one.

So I hope you all have a good Halloween and if you need some tunes to keep you motivated, this list will serve you well. And yeah I will see you all in November. Peace.

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