Saturday 30 December 2017

Best of 2017 - Video Games

So this year in video games we have had several sequels, prequels, spin-offs and crossovers from well established franchises. Nintendo released their newest console the Nintendo Switch while Sony and Microsoft release newer versions of the PS4 and Xbox One respectively to take advantage of 4K gaming. But among all the good things, loot boxes has been a subject of controversy as well as microtransactions in AAA games in general. Many gamers have realised that AAA games are just not as good anymore with indie games getting some much needed recognition in that regard. And we lost another gaming legend in Masaya Nakamura the founder of Namco and Alan Stone the co-founder of Nintendo in America. So following suite with the other lists, this is not a ranking list and the same rules apply here, but its all video games in the place of TV and films. Also it will be games released on the platforms I have which are PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS, Android, iOS, Oculus Rift and PC. Bear in mind that this is only games I have played and were released this year so your favourite may not be on this list. And unless there is something very new about it, remakes and ports will not count. But games that had early access or had episodic releases in previous years will count on the basis that the game wasn't in a complete form until this year. So let's game on:

Horizon Zero Dawn
When it comes to PlayStation exclusives, the one thing they do well at is innovation. Taking full advantage of what their consoles can do and make it live up to expectations. Now while some games can be too ambitious, Horizon Zero Dawn is kind of the same, but it is probably the most original game one can get. I mean who thought that cavemen and futuristic technology could work so well together. It is a very good game that is big, well presented and makes us wonder what the future holds regarding robotic creatures. But maybe best if you use advanced weaponry when going up against them.

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Since the first game, the Legend of Zelda series has had a pretty strong run, having made an appearance on almost every Nintendo platform to date since the NES. The timeline may not make much sense, but if anything, Nintendo know how to make a good Zelda game. Breath of the Wild is their most ambitious entry yet. Its and open world sandbox style game with all the usual trends of those sorts of games. But in doing that, we get a fully explorable Hyrule and in almost every part of the map, there is something new to discover. Not only that, but it is in glorious HD and because it was a launch title for the Switch, it easily got Nintendo their money and showed just how powerful the console is and just how much one little cartridge can hold. Innovation at its best and it will be hard to top this game I can guarantee it.

Assassin's Creed: Origins
Having had a year's break from the gaming scene (mostly), Assassin's Creed is back and this time, we're going to the very beginning. Where it all began. I have always said that Black Flag would be a very difficult game to top and yet somehow, Ubisoft did it. They made probably the most original Assassin's Creed game in a long time and with Egypt being quite a difficult setting to make into a game, they did it. Its beautifully presented and its got everything an Assassin's Creed game should have, but also goes above and beyond to make it less like the last few games. Good work Ubisoft, but again, it will be tough to beat.

Wolfenstien II: The New Colossus
A lot of us hate Nazis to the point that we would want to be rid of them. The Wolfenstien games have been around for a very long time and basically allow the player to beat up a lot of Nazis. In The New Colossus, you are tasked with starting a second American Revolution by any means necessary and bearing in mind that this is a ID Software game, there is a lot of blood and gore to go through here. I will agree with the critics that this is one of the best games of this year as it talks about racism, abusive parenting and anything that lacks any form of equal rights and it is great. Of course it is with its own controversy, but that's to be expected. Check it out. 9/10

Super Mario Odyssey
Much like with how I thought Assassin's Creed: Black Flag could not be topped until Origins came along, I have always said that both Super Mario Galaxy and its sequel could never be topped. I mean how can you top being in space. Yet despite how long we had to wait, Nintendo managed to do it by simply going back to the sandbox style of 64 and Sunshine (which were among the things fans wanted more than anything else) and give us fully explorable worlds that allow us to get as many collectibles as we want without going back and forth between the world and the hub world (the latter of which is non-existent here). And it is great. Most Mario games tend to use the same themes for the worlds which tends to get old after a while especially as some people theorise that Nintendo are trying to play it safe or the console the game is coming out on, has too many limitations. So where this game stands out is that all the worlds are unique and push the imagination to the absolute limit. The game just gives you more freedom than any other game and if anything, that's probably the best thing about it. That you don't feel restricted and you can do whatever you want. But yes, it manages to top Galaxy and its sequel and it will be tough to top it. Plus I also like Cappy as well and I hope he becomes a regular Mario character like Bowser Jr. and Rosalina.

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
For the last few games, they have been more action orientated than horror. But this time, Capcom decided it's time to do a full on horror and that's exactly what we got. Never mind the likes of Slender or FNAF as this is where terrifying is at its highest. Survival games are always very hard and that's why I don't play many of them because they are very hard even for a gamer like me. But with this being one of Capcom's biggest franchises, I decided to be brave and check it out and it is a huge improvement over 6 though it opts to go back to the game's roots and have little to nothing to do with the franchise as a whole even going as far as to have new characters instead of old ones (with the exception of Chris Redfield who appears both as a cameo and in the DLC). Play it for yourself and you'll know why I call it scarier than both Slender and FNAF. But it is well presented, very creepy and terrifying and will be very hard to beat (and yeah I'm going to stop repeating myself in that regard). 9/10

Injustice 2
Every since the first game, I always knew that a sequel would be right around the corner and we got it this year. So this time, the campaign has no multiverse travel (except for Green Arrow) and all the heroes despite their differences are seemingly working together to stop a new threat in the form of Brainiac. The graphics have been greatly improved and the ability to change a character's appearance is a great way of customisation. But as you'd come to expect, the biggest problem this game has is micro-transactions. Now I'm a firm believer that micro-transactions should only be a mobile thing and by adding it to triple A titles, it makes both the developers and the publishers greedy. And also, this is a DC game so regardless of the micro-transactions side of things, its going to make a lot of money anyway through the game being sold at retailers. But apart from that, it is a fine DC game that brings in some lesser known characters and some well known characters but with a brand new look. And its a lot of fun. Just wish Batman and Superman would just get along.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole
With the last South Park video game being fantasy, the natural approach for the next game would be superheroes and that's what we got. Set after the last game and sometime after Season 19, you the player get to become a superhero and help the kids of South Park with taking down the crime wave which is at an all time high. Many fan favourite characters appear in the game as well as a few celebrities that South Park previously mocked and unlike the last game, its all uncensored. Oh yes. Every single version of the game regardless of region is uncensored and it is glorious. But yeah it is a fun game that is probably better than Stick of Truth and is even funnier too (especially the boss fights).

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
A first for the series, we get a spin-off game to Uncharted which sees fan favourite Chloe Frazer on her own gig to find treasure. The gameplay and graphics all come from A Thief's End and the reason for that is likely because it was originally intended to be a DLC to that game before becoming stand alone. But despite its lack of innovation and originality, it's a fun game and gives fans what we want. Same old Uncharted action, but with Chloe Frazer in the place of Nathan Drake which is a nice change even if it just feels like a Tomb Raider game.

For Honor
As far as E3 is concerned, For Honor was one of its best presented games in the history of the gaming expo that it is. The developers hyped the hell out of it and what we got in the end was a solid game all about who is better out of Vikings, Samurais and Knights. Of course there have been problems with micro-transactions and technical issues (such is the case with many Ubisoft games nowadays), but its a very good game that while hyped greatly, at least we got what we expected unlike No Man's Sky which ultimately failed to live up to expectations. If you love wars with historical war factions, then this is the game for you. If not, then maybe the next game is your cup of tea.

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War
Shadow of Mordor was a fantastic game that gave us probably the best Middle-Earth video game to date. When it came to this game however, most of us knew that it would be quite a challenge to top Mordor and yet they did it. Not only does War run more smoothly and faster (depending on hardware of course), but it continues to establish links to the films and go through the history of Middle-Earth prior to the Lord of the Rings trilogy without trying to force it upon you. But what it does force onto you however, is the microtransactions which as previously mentioned are just not worth doing in big games like this. But if you love slaying Orcs and miss the films, then this is a good game to get, especially if you want to keep your greatest ally and your greatest enemy.

After years of delays, we finally have a game that accurately pays tribute to those old 1900s cartoons and while it is a very difficult game, it's nostalgia is where its heart is at. The graphics look great, the gameplay is flawless. But only the brave would be able to complete this game. But it is very fun. Just difficult (even for me). Mickey Mouse, prepare to eat your heart out.

Mass Effect: Andromeda
Yes I know this game has been seen as the worst entry in the series thus far, but despite that it does bring in a lot of requested features into the game. Fully explorable worlds are back and are not as boring as they were in the very first game. Full frontal nudity is a thing which previous games have lacked (especially the third game. I mean who showers with their underwear still on?!) and helps make the romance parts of the game more pleasurable. And while we get fan favourite species back like salarians, krogans, turains, asaris and of course humans, we also get some new ones too. I think where the game fails is its technical issues which can be seen as another example of a game being rushed. As well as the limitations it has with many of the NPCs. Almost every asari looks the same with Peebee being the only one that looks different. But it is nice to see more diversity in that we get female krogans and turians which have only ever been seen in the third game and back then their appearances were limited to certain points and DLC. Whereas in this game, they are everywhere as well as the male sorts as well. So yeah, not the best game of the series, but it gives the fans what they wanted and should we get another game, please don't rush it next time.

Many of you who grew up in the 90s will remember such games like Conker's Bad Fur Day and Banjo-Kazooie. With Rare not being quite like they were back in those days, a group of developers from Rare, teamed up to create a spiritual successor to those games called Yooka-Laylee which may be the most outdated video game on this list in terms of gameplay and story. But its very nostalgic, points fun at the gaming industry in the way it is today and for what it's worth, its a fun game. Most crowdfunded games often do well anyway in the long run. But I guess where this game falls flat is that its just there for nostalgic value more than anything. But hey if its the closest we'll get to a better Banjo-Kazooie game that's not Nuts N Bolts, I'll take it.

Sonic Forces
Two Sonic games came out this year and our first is the least liked of the two. In a way, this could be seen as a second attempt at doing Sonic 06 and while it is a much better game than that travesty of a game, its still not great. I mean yes you can play as two Sonics and your own character and it does have some familiar worlds and levels. But the avatar levels are weak and Classic Sonic feels unnecessary as we've already had a 2D Sonic game this year prior to this game's release. But at least it does manage to make things interesting by having Eggman being one step ahead for a change and its nice to see some familiar characters here with the more annoying characters such as Big the Cat being absent which is good. So it's not the best of the series as it doesn't take it in any new directions, but it's still pretty fun despite that. Even if the story of rebellion feels like something been done before.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
It is in every way, it's the exact same game as the original Wii U game. But where it shines is its improved gameplay and graphics and its overhaul of the 2-player battle arenas which were poorly received in its original release. It's also nice to see some of the more original characters from the Mario games such as King Boo (I mean who's idea was it to have a Pink Gold Peach?!) and it's great to be able to play it on the go thanks to the Nintendo Switch. If you want the more definitive version of Mario Kart 8, this is it so give it a try. 9/10

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
As someone who has never played the original games, this was a wholly new experience for me and for a game where the series originally came out on PS1, this is quite an improvement. The gameplay is as fun as it has always been, the graphics look fresh and make the game feel all brand new again and its just fantastic. Nothing more to say than just to give it a try whether you are a long time fan or just want to play a great platformer.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Its been a long time since I last talked about a Rabbids game and for what its worth, that is probably a good thing. I mean most of the Rabbids games haven't been entirely great (largely due to the restrictions of the console the games came out on), but the crossover between them and Mario seemed to be the most unusual crossover you could think of. Mario has never really been a shooting series of games so this felt like something fresh and new for him and the gang and it's a lot of fun. Lots of people find the Rabbids annoying as it is so just by the fact that you can shoot at them, makes this game all the more fun. Its very bright and colourful, but its fun and that's what matters in big games like this.

Friday the 13th: The Game
Making a game based on an iconic series of horror films can be quite a challenge. But with the state of licensed games being better than what they used to be, we got this game and it not only pays tribute to the great series that Friday the 13th is, but it also allows us to make our own adventures with Jason Vorhees and the teenagers who enter his territory. It's another crowdfunded game and while its currently multiplayer only, its fun even if the graphics are lacking. But you just got to watch out for Jason as he will come for you anyplace and any time.

Nintendo have always had some interest in boxing. Their first boxing game Punch Out!! was their first one and has since spawned a few sequels, a Wii remake and has been the inspiration for the Wii Sports and its Wii U remake. Now with the Switch being around, the next logical move was to make the game have extendable arms and with that, we get ARMS. A game that is basically boxing if everyone could move like Mr. Fantastic of Marvel and Plastic Man of DC. Its very colourful and a lot of fun. But I really don't know where Nintendo can go to next with their boxing games. We'll just have to wait and see. 7/10

LEGO Worlds
I previously reviewed this game this month and all I can say is that it is basically LEGO Minecraft. Its not blocky as such, but it does leave the imagination to run wild and gives us the opportunity to create our dream LEGO worlds without the need of a big room and lots of LEGO bricks. It's probably has less of an impact than Minecraft, but in some way it can give Minecraft a run for its money if anything. But yeah it's a lot of fun and is probably the most innovative LEGO game that TT have done since Dimensions.

Guardians of the Galaxy: The TellTale Series
Some time ago, there were reports that Marvel would be returning to the gaming scene and this year we have had a few Marvel games come out. This is our first one and following the success TellTale have had with Batman, they decided to create the first ever Guardians of the Galaxy game and its actually pretty good. Rather than be all about stopping those that threaten the galaxy, this game sees us put the Guardians in a more vulnerable situation in which Star-Lord has to make these big decisions which can ultimately lead to the team going against one another. Parts of the game feel like watching Vol. 2 all over again, but it is a very interesting game that goes against the films and does its own thing while still having the same characters and a very awesome mix of songs. All episodes were released this year and it looks like there will be a sequel coming so let's be awesome. 9/10

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
TellTale have always done well when it comes to doing The Walking Dead and with this year having given the TV series its 100th episode, there's no better time than now to play through the games again. Although this game started out this time last year, all the episodes after episode 2 came out over the course of this year. Graphics look great and the story is as emotional as ever with Clementine being one of two playable characters and newcomer Javi being the second. We also get appearances from Kenny and Jane (both dependant on player's choices from the previous games) as well as Jesus which is nice. Its another great entry in the already great series of games that it has become and I look forward to seeing how it all ends in the final season.

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
Sometimes waiting for a game can be very boring and annoying. With III still not being out, Square Enix gave us the third Kingdom Hearts HD compilation which unlike the last two games, it actually has some new material that gives us an idea on what the graphics and gameplay for III will look like. In the compilation we have an HD remake of Dream Drop Distance (previously released on 3DS) which is largely the same game but with enhancements to take into account of it being on PS4 this time. The second thing is a continuation of Birth By Sleep called A Fragmentary Passage which shows us Aqua during her time in the realm of Darkness following the events of that game and answers the question as to how Mickey helped Riku, Sora, Donald and Goofy in closing the Darkness realm in the very first game. And the third thing is a cinematic that is set during the X period and explores parts of the timeline never before talked about. As the third HD compilation and the first one for PS4, its actually better than the last two compilations in that it gives us some new content and an idea as two how III will play out. Fans will enjoy this immensely I'm sure.

Sonic Mania
So here is the second Sonic game and the best one of the two. Many have been asking for years for there to be a 2D Sonic game that is reminiscent of the Genesis/Mega Drive era of Sonic and in Mania, we finally have it. A game that plays out just like those old Sonic games and goes above and beyond to give us the best experience possible. New and familiar stages, new and familiar songs (with redone versions of the old ones) and a whole pile of new enemies to take on as well as Dr. Robotnik (or Eggman if you prefer). It is the most fun in a Sonic game that I have had for a very long time and I hope it's not the last. It is just great fun and shows that after many years of bad games, that the series can still bring out great games such as this. Well done SEGA. Well done.

Knack II
While Knack was just an OK game, I'd say it didn't really need a sequel as such. But we got one anyway and I got to say it is an improvement. The stakes are higher this time and co-op has gone from being pretty bad to pretty good in that both Knacks can be big and small and both can use the same elements. Lots of co-op gameplay is added such as solving puzzles and beating up the enemies has never been so much easier. The story while a tad predictable and using several cliches in story telling, is still pretty serviceable. But lots of fun is to be had here for sure. 8/10

Marvel VS Capcom: Infinite
It may be the most disappointing entry in the series due to it being mostly all MCU characters as opposed to all Marvel characters in general regardless of the rights. But the only reason why its on the list is because it finally has a story and one that takes full advantage of the hype for Avengers: Infinity War in that it uses the Infinity Gauntlet and Stones. Despite its limited amount of characters, they are pretty fun to control and use. But as a whole, it's not the best game of the series and Capcom's lineup could be better as well. But hopefully should the Disney and Fox deal succeeds, the future looks bright for Marvel VS Capcom.

The LEGO Ninjago Movie Videogame
I think its nice to see TT going back to making great LEGO games rather than spending too much time making level packs for Dimensions. In other words, what I'm trying to say is that the LEGO games they can release nowadays will have more quality in them than before which shows in the tie in game to The LEGO Ninjago Movie. Unlike most LEGO games, this one breaks the status quo by adding its own thing and isn't pulled down by the usual gameplay of other LEGO games which is actually a welcome change of pace. Its as good as the film (maybe even better) and its a lot of fun too.

LEGO Dimensions (Year 2b)
Speaking of Dimensions, this being its final year, we got quite a few packs which cover a lot more franchises and even though it has come to an end, I wished we could have some more for it. But like I say, by cancelling the game, TT can put more quality in their other games. But still we got some more Cartoon Network cartoons, some more 70s and 80s shows like Knight Rider as well as some films like Beetlejuice and The LEGO Batman Movie joining the fray as well. As the last part of the game, its been a great ride. I guess the toys to life market may be coming to its end with Amiibos being the only ones still around. But we got lots of LEGO to play with so it's not all bad. 8/10

LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2
Last of the LEGO games is their third Marvel game which like with Marvel VS Capcom Infinite, this game also suffers from using strictly characters from the MCU and their respective heroes and villains. Not just that, but due to the 2016-17 video game voice actor strike, many of the original cast did not return and were replaced by a whole new cast. But despite those two things, it manages to put all or most of the characters to good use with its own original story. So in a way it attempts to work with what Marvel can offer them and as long as it works out ok in the end, its all good. But yeah its basically just like every other LEGO game with its gameplay, but time and space travel is quite the unique twist in a game like this so good work TT. And with Fox hopefully soon joining Disney, we can get X-Men, Fantastic Four and Deadpool in the next game should there be one.

Minecraft: Story Mode (Season 2)
With the first game being successful (which includes its expansion as well), TellTale decided to give us a second season which to sum up, is basically the game breaking the fourth wall by giving us a villain known as the Admin who acts like a god and some other 4th wall nonsense. Not just that, but we also get the series first villager character and the first llama too. Is it better than the first game? Probably not, but it has lots of great characters and takes advantage of all the new things the main Minecraft game has been getting recently and its just fun all around. It can get intense and in some way, emotional. But fun is where its at. 9/10

And that's it for this year. So check out all these great games as well as the TV and films I mentioned and you can share your own opinions about them. So only one more post to go this year which is the monthly update and then we are done for 2017. Its been a pretty rough year, but we've had a lot of good and bad things happen. So here's to a hopefully better year in 2018.

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