Monday 30 April 2018

Movie Review - Avengers: Infinity War

I think it's safe to say that after six years of waiting, the bigger bad of the MCU is finally getting off his chair and doing stuff. So since the very first Avengers film, its been said that within the MCU exists the six Infinity Stones. Stones that have immense power and whoever wields the power can effectively become a god of some description. Most of the films have either mentioned them or the stones themselves have appeared in some form or another. Now before I go on, I must make it very clear that this film contains plenty of spoilers if you haven't been keeping up with the films so far and while it has the largest amount of MCU characters in any film so far, not all of them feature in the film. I must admit that this is by far the most action packed, most intense and most emotional MCU film so far as well as the longest one. So let's see if this film was worth the wait:

So rather than delve into the story as a whole, I'm instead going to explain the different storylines in the film without spoiling it for you. In the first storyline, Thor (reprised by Chris Hemsworth) is drifting in space following an encounter with Thanos (reprised by Josh Brolin) onboard the ship that was full of Asgardians and teams up with Rocket Racoon (reprised by Bradley Cooper) and a teenage Groot (reprised by Vin Diesel) to help create a "Thanos Killing" weapon via the Nidavellir. In the second storyline, Doctor Strange (reprised by Benedict Cumberbatch) gets captured by Thanos's forces due to being in possession of the Time Stone so Iron Man (reprised by Robert Downey Jr.) and Spider-Man (reprised by Tom Holland) stowaway on the space ship he's on to rescue him and later meet the remaining Guardians of the Galaxy on Titan to formulate a plan to keep the stone away from Thanos. In the third storyline, Vison (reprised by Paul Bettany) who is in possession of the Mind Stone, fears that his life is at risk and together with a group of Avengers led by Steve Rogers (reprised by Chris Evans), he seeks refuge in the Avengers HQ and later on Wakanda in the hopes to remove the stone and destroy it before Thanos gets his hands on it. Finally in the fourth storyline, Thanos goes to find the stones while dealing with his adopted daughters Gamora (reprised by Zoe Saldana) and Nebula (reprised by Karen Gillan) who are both hunting for his blood. To summarise, Thanos is after the stones and both the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy team up to stop him before he can bend reality to his will and wipe out half the universe.

So my biggest worry about this film was the amount of people that are in it. The last time I saw a film with a large cast like this was X-Men: The Last Stand and that film just didn't give everyone enough screen time. But in this film, its long enough for everyone who starred in it to get that much needed screen time. As well as that, everyone also got a chance to fight Thanos so I'm happy about that. As you would expect, this film is the most action packed film to date with a lot of fighting with the biggest highlight (not spoilers) being the battle for Wakanda. The film also tackles previous events that include what went down in Civil War, Ragnarok and Guardians Vol. 2. But the most important things to know about this film is that not everyone survives and it ends on a cliffhanger that will likely be addressed in the as of yet untitled fourth Avengers film. But what does that mean for the other MCU films. Well from what I hear, they take place before Infinity War so yeah. Not the best overall MCU film, but it is certainly the most intense, action packed and emotional one with its running time clocking in at just under 3 hours. And yes there is a pretty sad but hopeful post credits scene and Stan Lee makes a cameo as always. 9/10

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