Monday 4 June 2018

Double Movie Review - Deadpool 2 + Solo: A Star Wars Story

So normally I would do a separate review for each film, but I thought on this occasion to do both of them in one post. Why? Well because they both came out at nearly the same time and that both Deadpool and Han Solo do have some if any things in common. Both of them use guns, they can make some wise cracking remarks and jokes. But the most important thing that they have in common is that they both tend to always shoot first no matter what the filmmakers or story tellers say. So with all that out of the way, two films to review so let's get right to it:

Solo: A Star Wars Story
So as part of the Star Wars Anthology series of films which are there to tell stories on specific parts of the expanded universe as well as the timeline, one of the planned films was a film to do with everyone's favourite smuggler Han Solo who in this film is played by recent newbie actor Alden Ehrenreich. And here it is. As expected, its an origin story for the character and tells us of the stuff that Han did prior to meeting Luke Skywalker in A New Hope. This includes when he met Chewbacca (reprised by Joonas Suotamo from The Last Jedi) and Lando Calrissian (this time played by Donald Glover) for the first time, how he got the Millenium Falcon (as well as the whole deal with who had the ship first out of Han and Lando) and how he learnt of the Rebel Alliance and how he knew about Jabba the Hutt (who while mentioned, does not appear in the film). In addition, we also learn of Han's first big score, who his first love was (who is played by one of the people in the running for the Iron Throne, Emilia Clarke) before Leia and that he had some ties with the Imperial forces. That is pretty much the film in a nutshell. It doesn't add anything new to the timeline or the overall franchise and played out just as I was expecting it too. But that being said, it is a pretty fun watch. Its very action packed with some humour and some pretty good acting from everyone. Without spoiling the film, the best part of the film for me was a scene where Han and the crew try to evade a space monster and the Star Wars version of a black hole and it was pretty dang epic. The music is very reminiscent of the John Williams music we know and love (though he did do some music for this film as well) and in lieu of a title crawl, we get some writing at the start, but not going up like in the main films. So for the fans, it is worth a watch. But for everyone else, if you want a good space western film that isn't bogged down with timeline or universe building nonsense, you'll enjoy this too. Of the recent Star Wars films, its not the overall best one, but its a fun and enjoyable watch with very little to non force talk and a slightly different line to the usual "I Have a Bad Feeling About This" line. 7/10

Deadpool 2
So like before, I'm not going to do a review of this film with Deadpool (reprised by Ryan Reynolds) doing the talking for me as everyone else will likely have that idea anyway. So the film begins with Deadpool annoyed that Hugh Jackman chose to have Wolverine killed off in Logan and blows himself up. In a flashback, we find out that on a job, his girlfriend (reprised by a legend in the geek universe, Morena Baccarin) was killed by a gangster which he then kills shortly after and blames himself for getting her killed and wants to join her in the afterlife. But Colossus (reprised by Stefan Kapicic) recovers his body in pieces and puts him back together before asking him to join the X-Men as a trainee which Deadpool agrees to as a means for healing. But on a job that should have been a simple "calm the f**k down" scenario, he gets sent to a mutant prison known as the Ice Box. A man from the future called Cable (played by Josh Brolin fresh from being Thanos in the MCU) arrives to take down a couple of mutants that will cause his future to happen, but Deadpool gets in the way and he makes it his goal to take Cable down at all costs, unaware of the consequences it may bring and forms a new team of mutants called the X-Force along the way. Like in the previous film, this one has meta jokes everywhere that take jabs at Marvel, DC, the superhero genre, Ryan Reynolds and his career up to this point as well as current events and stuff that has happened between the films. It is better than the first film as it features more characters that are associated with Deadpool (at least in the comics anyway) and also goes over the fact that Deadpool has a pansexual side to him. Its also very funny and takes jabs at racism and dubstep. And its just an overall good film that anyone who sees it will have a good time with. Sometimes the meta jokes can be too much and there are parts that can drag on for too long and have me go WTF just happened. But its a great film that as any sequel should do, builds upon what made the first great and makes it even better. I also like the fact that Reynolds cared about what the reviews for the film were like and wanted to make this film better than the first. No Stan Lee cameo this time, but there is a bust of him in there somewhere as well as an appearance from the X-Men of the First Class-Apocolypse era. 9/10

So there you have it. Two good films that are worth a watch so on to the next one.

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