Thursday 7 June 2018

Random Video Game Review - Super Lucky's Tale

Two years ago, a division of Facebook known as Oculus VR, released their flagship product the Oculus Rift. With it came a launch title called Lucky's Tale and despite having mixed to average reviews, it became the Rift's best selling game. So much so that the developers Playful decided to develop a sequel to be released as an Xbox One exclusive and thus we have Super Lucky's Tale and the title can be seen as a nod to the platforming games of the 80s and 90s seeing as back then, the word Super was heavily used on a number of titles while nowadays it's either on a Mario game or on a small handful of other games like this one. The platforming genre isn't the behemoth that it was back in the 80s and 90s, but games are still being made in the genre with many being great, but most not so much. So let's see how this game fares in the genre:

So unlike its predecessor which had a very minimal story, this time we have a story which sees our titular character (voiced by Caitlyn Bairstow) journey inside a book to stop a group of bad cats from terrorising the worlds and characters within the book of which he and the cats get sucked into. Anyone who has ever played any Nintendo 64 and/or PS1 platformers such as Banjo-Kazooie, Crash Bandicoot and the like, will have a good time here as the gameplay is very reminiscent of those kinds of platformers. The game has four worlds each with their own set of levels and their own hubs. The hubs are also levels too in that you will need a certain amount of coins or certain conditions met in order to access more levels. Each hub has at least five levels and various puzzles to complete and Lucky must find all the leaves of a clover in each level in order to free the book from the cats. Some levels are in 3D while others are 2D and there are boss fights too.

So as a platformer, its pretty good. The controls are solid, its got enough challenges to get anyone playing it and it has some pretty good graphics that make us feel like we are watching a cartoon of sorts. Although parts are challenging, the game may feel too easy for those of us who are used to playing platformers, but children are guaranteed to have a good time with this game. Is it the best modern platformer out there? Its possible, but should the franchise continue, its got a long way to go if its ever going to be like Mario or those other platforming legends (both mainstream and indie). 8/10

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