Monday 28 October 2019

Monthly Update - November 2019

So October is nearly over and soon it will be a month of remembrance, a month of fireworks and a month of sales. I am of course talking about November so here's what is coming up on my blog:

Reviews will be mostly on stuff I haven't had a chance to review yet and I may do at least one top 25 as well.

A bit vague I know, but plenty to look forward to I'm sure.

So now I would like to weigh in on two things:

Directors hating the MCU

So earlier in the month, acclaimed directors such as Martin Scorsese (Taxi Driver, Goodfellas and more recently The Irishman) and Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather films and Apocalypse Now) become very critical of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with both declaring the franchise despicable and not cinema. Now of course everyone is entitled to their opinion because it be a cruel world if it weren't possible, but to call a franchise that has flourished with Disney (unlike Star Wars to an extent) in terms of story telling, film making and acting all those things kind of comes across as an insult to those who have put a lot of heart and soul into making the films as well as the cinematic universe that it is. It also really annoys me that such great and respected directors like these would call them these things and actually never really bothered to see them. Yes they may be like theme park attractions, but the last two Avengers films were emotionally driven with a very complex villain and Black Panther was one of those very rare films in a genre not known for receiving huge awards to be given three Oscars. If that doesn't tell you how cinematic and undespicable these films are, then I guess you really don't know what you are talking about. I love watching Scorsese and Coppola's films to death, but I just don't like people judging things before seeing it for themselves. It really p***es me off.

The state of Brexit
I really hate Boris Johnson. He is a buffoon who knows not how to do Brexit right. Now in the past I have made it very clear that politics is something I really don't like talking about. But it just annoys me that Brexit is still being talked about with nothing being put in place. I'm glad that its now being moved to 31st January 2020 which I guess is to allow more time to get it done right. Boris just wants to get it done with or without a deal. Its the wrong mindset to have and its all built on lies. Show a bit of care to what you are doing and just get it done the right way. Man the guy is annoying.

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