Thursday 24 October 2019

Random Video Game Review - Soma

You know when it really comes down to it, most sci-fi horrors tend to do really well. I mean yes there are traditional horrors out there and those that try something a bit different. But I think sci-if ones are among the most successful unless its any Terminator film after Judgement Day (though I hear that Dark Fate may be the next best film of that franchise). But as its a video game day here, let's look at a video game. Now not too long ago I did a review on Subnautica which is a game largely set in a water enviroment. Soma is kind of the same, but its set in an underwater facility thus making the game be completely underwater rather than out of the water as well as underwater as it is in Subnautica. So with that in mind, let's look at Soma:

In 2015, a man known as Simon Jarrett (voiced by Jared Zeus) manages to survive a car accident at the cost of severe brain damage and cranial bleeding. Simon agrees to have an experimental brain scan, but soon blacks out before regaining consciousness on the Site Upsilon of an apparently abandoned submarine research centre called PATHOS-II. There he discovers that its the year 2104 and this so called research centre is the last of humanity following a comet that devastated the Earth. He learns that his consciousness from 2015 was uploaded into a modified corpse that is revealed to be an employee of PATHOS-II and works on figuring out what went down in the past and figuring out his predicament and future. A survival horror video game told from a first person perspective in which players can meet various creatures that reflect on the themes that this game has going for it. Like with the BioShock games, Soma attempts to establish certain plot points through collectible notes and recordings. Players get to go through a series of puzzle solving elements while using stealth as and when needed.

Since its original release, a Safe Mode has been made which I guess is used as a means to progress through the game without the risk of monsters killing Simon. Anyway, this is a great horror game. It has an Alien like vibe to it and shows us a possible example of humanity at its weakest. It also works well as a psychological horror game in a genre that is otherwise filled with games with jumpscares and games that are more action horrors. So yeah a great horror game overall and one that is there if you are wanting something a bit different to other games in the genre. 9/10

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