Monday 21 October 2019

Random Movie Review - Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant

I think its fair to say that ever since the Twilight films were still big, lots of films featuring vampires and werewolves have suffered. I guess that series just made them out to be boring and dull, but for a long time they were great. So I guess this film tried to bring vampires back to being cool. But despite the all star cast and a decent premise, it become a box office bomb. Guess vampires really are not as popular or as cool as they used to be. But hey, we have a film to review so let's get to it:

Based on a trilogy of books known as Vampire Blood, we meet two 16 year old boys called Darren (played by Chris Massoglia) and Steve (played by a young Josh Hutcherson) who are best friends. The pair go to see a show at the Cirque du Freak where Darren discovers that one of the troupe is a vampire. This leads to a series of events that pits the two boys against one another when they become determined to be vampires themselves. Though we learn that one wants to be one for good and the other for evil purposes.

Despite having a good all star cast with decent performances and some pretty imaginative stuff, the film is ultimately pretty bland. It feels like something that has been done before and if you have seen Goosebumps, you will quickly start to make some comparisons. Nevertheless I'm sure at the time of its release, it was a welcome break from the Twilight films, but is just not enough for anyone to be interested with it which is a shame, but hey ho. 7/10

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