Tuesday 11 February 2020

Random TV Season Review - Jessica Jones (Season 3)

The last for Marvel's Netflix shows and for the finale of Jessica Jones, things get pretty serious and interesting. Now I have enjoyed most of Marvel's offerings on Netflix but have always found them to be trying to be too much like The Avengers. What I mean by that is that the first seasons of each of these shows (as well as the second for Daredevil) only exist to establish the character in the MCU before leading into the Defenders miniseries in which they all team up. Sound familiar? This was almost exactly the way phase one went for the films. Establish four characters with extras within, give one of them two films and have it all lead up to them teaming up for the first time. But since then, the shows have gone down their own paths while featuring reoccuring appearances from different characters. So yeah that's how it happened and now that we have Marvel Studios in control, things may get better. So let's continue looking at what remains of Marvel Television with the final season in Netflix's offerings:

Jessica (reprised by Krysten Ritter) spends the season teaming up with her best friend Trish (reprised by Racheal Taylor) to take down what they find is a highly intelegent psychopath. That is until a devastating loss causes Trish to become a vigilante and starts taking down what she deems are bad people through violent and brutal means including murder. Because of this, Jessica is forced to take her down while learning what it means to be a hero of the people.

One of the most defining moments when being a hero is knowing how to be one and embrace what you really are and not what people are expecting you to be. I get that from this final season which sees Jessica become that hero while battling her own demons and trying to see things from Trish's point of view. Its a good season that gives the titular hero some space to make changes and we got lots of good this time too. So yeah really cannot think of anything more to say. It may not be a satisfactory ending, but it is an ending nevertheless and who knows. Maybe we'll see her and the other Defenders in the future should Marvel Studios want to move forward with them. 8/10

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