Tuesday 14 April 2020

Random TV Season Review - Doctor Who (Revival Series 12)

So a bit later than I normally do TV reviews, but there was good reason for it. Wanted to keep the month of March to just DC (with one Star Trek show as well) and obviously with the coronavirus, I've been busy trying to adapt to this new and hopefully temporary way of life. So let's talk about Doctor Who series 12. It's been an interesting one that has seen the return of some beloved monsters and enemies and even some companions too. Plus we learn that the time lords aren't as cracked up as we thought and that Lenny Henry of all people can play a pretty good villain if only for a couple of episodes. So let's get started:

So after some adventures in time and space, The Doctor (reprised by Jodie Whittaker) and her companions (reprised by Toslin Cole, Bradley Walsh and Mandip Gill) take some time off to deal with personal problems and what have you. Graham learns he may or may not have cancer, Ryan tries to mend his friendships and Yasmin sees her family and tries to mend her role as a police officer. But when they are called in by MI6 to deal with unusual entities trying to enter Earth, Team Tardis unite and battle more aliens while exploring time and space once again. On their journeys, they meet a famous inventor or two, the person responsible for the book about one of the most famous monsters in history and have dealings with a Judoon faction, a revived Cybermen empire, a long forgotten incarnation of The Doctor (played by Jo Martin) and a revived Master (played by Sacha Dhawan) who goes insane upon learning the truth about time lords and makes it his mission to get the Doctor to learn about her true origins. Plus Captain Jack Harkness (reprised by John Barrowman) is back for one episode too.

After a series that was largely separate stories with very little returning characters and monsters, I feel it's nice to be back to form by having some monsters, aliens and characters return. Adds more emotional depth to the characters. I will say that seeing the Doctor being a tad aggressive and talking to herself does come across as a bit out of character. But overall it's been another decent series. Not perfect and very confusing, but not as bad as some of Steven Moffat's takes which were beyond confusing. 8/10

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