Tuesday 1 September 2020

Random TV Season Review - Umbrella Academy (Season 2)

I don't get why so many TV shows these days decide to style their titles as if it was a film sequel or something like that. Well anyway here we are with the newest season for everyone's favourite Netflix group of super-powered misfits. Looking back at the first series, I really enjoyed what I saw and so my expectations were of a high calibre when it came to the second series. I got to say, I really enjoyed the second series. Perhaps more than the first? Well let's see as we follow the Umbrella Academy into unknown territory:
At ten episodes long like the last series, the UA siblings land in the 1960s at different points in Dallas. There, Five (reprised by Aidan Gallagher) learns of a second apocalypse which prompts him to find and reunite his brothers and sisters in order to once again save the world. But as each one gets accustomed to their new way of life, they may be less willing than ever to do a darn thing. That may change however when someone dear to them is revealed to may be behind the assassination of then US President John F. Kennedy.

So the reason why I like this season more is because for a large portion of the series, it's in a whole new area both physically and in time. Most shows tend to stick to the same surroundings for its entire run, but not this one, and they waste no time in delving into how the 60s played out. For example racism is explored, the assassination of the President of the United States is mentioned and everyone is wearing clothes and using things that accurately match the decade that they are in. Moving onto the main story, I like how they use a lot of good songs to help narrate what's going on. Kinda reminds me of the Awesome Mixes from the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. So yeah its a good second series that is funny, adds emotional depth and some shocking revelations too. 9/10

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