Jake Blues (played by the late John Belushi) is released from prison after serving three years and is picked up in a battered former police car known as the Bluesmobile by his brother Elwood (played by Dan Aykroyd). The pair go to visit the Catholic orphanage where they were raised and learn from one of the sisters there, that it will be closed unless they can pay expensive property taxes which they are unable to do. When the pair visits a church during a sermon, Jake has an epiphany. He and Elwood decide to reform the Blues Brothers band, which disbanded during Jake's imprisonment, and raise money to save the orphanage. Seems like a difficult task with lots of obstacles, various so called "bad" guys to take on and more. But perhaps music will help them do this mission from God in the end.
With a largely all star cast and great humor and music, this is a great film. Bit insane towards the end admitedly, but great musical numbers and good comedy, makes this a fine film that is worthy of its cult status. Some of the references may be dated now, but all good fun in the end. 9/10
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