Tuesday 7 March 2023

Random TV Season Review - Black Lightning (Seasons 3-4)

So in light of the news that the Arrowverse is coming to an end (with some shows sadly being left unresolved), I've decided to spend the next few weeks catching up on all that has happened there. I went on hiatus from it because I quite simply felt that it had reached its course and the shows just keep going. So although cancelled because of some behind the scenes shenanigans, I am actually kind of glad that it's coming to an end. It had a good run for sure, but it's not quite been at the standard that people liked since the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover (at least in my opinion). So we shall begin this series of reviews with a show that didn't start out in the Arrowverse at first. In fact, it pretty much got incorporated into it during the crossover event and now shares the same Earth as the other shows. People would no doubt call this the Black Panther of DC, as it's a superhero series with people of colour in starring roles, and it's been pretty good. Here in the UK, it's on Netflix like Titans, while the large remainder of the Arrowverse is on Sky Max and Now. Except for Batwoman, which was on Channel 4. Having already covered the earlier seasons previously (well, sort of), let's see what's in store for the people of Freeland and our titular hero in these last two seasons:
Season 3: Books of Occupation, Resistance, Markovia and War
In this season, Jefferson (reprised by Cress Williams) continues to fight threats to his hometown, such as the ASA and the country of Markovia. All while adjusting to a new Earth inhabited by the likes of Flash, Green Arrow, Supergirl and more. Yeah, although there isn't an episode that's part of the Crisis crossover in this show, there is certainly a tie in to it at the mid-season finale, which makes sense. Despite being fictional, this third season manages to tackle a few real life issues that had been happening and probably still are happening at the time. Family separation and children being put in cages among many other racial issues, which is never good in my books. You'd think after everything that has happened in the world, people would change. But sadly no. We live in a vastly different world now, so get used to it, is what I'd say to all those people that are racist and all that stuff. Anyway, this third season gets from me a 9/10

Season 4: Books of Reconstruction, Ruin, Reunification and Resurrection
Continuing the fight in Freeland, Jefferson faces the challenge of living without meta powers alongside other meta humans in his hometown. Meanwhile, as he continues his rise to power, Tobias Whale (reprised by Krondon) sets about getting himself into the League of Assassins, which may be in tatters as he faces Jefferson one last time. So fortunately, Black Lighting is one of the fortunate Arrowverse shows that gets itself a satisfactory ending, while leaving things slightly open-ended should it ever continue in some capacity like comic books or somewhere else. Overall, it's a solid finale to the show and I hope we hear more of Black Lighting in the future because, well, he is quite underrated and unknown compared to the much larger DC heroes and villains out there. 9/10

Still is the Black Panther of DC, and it pretty much did what Static Shock did many years ago in terms of raising awareness of real life issues while giving us a pretty darn good superhero series. Of all the Arrowverse shows, this is one of the good ones. Four good seasons and it never wore down, not even once. 9/10

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