I just want to say for the record, I'm not all too keen on the idea of AI generated writing and TV intros. If this is the way things are going to go for the major studios, then I see no hope for both the TV and film industry. That and if these strikes carry on, then we may as well just enjoy what we have and hope that one day, things can be resolved and work out. Big league companies like Disney and Warner Brothers are getting a little lazy in what they are offering, as well as their stance on streaming and how they treat their assets and staff. Universal feels like the only studio that gives a damn about films on the big screen and is more willing, than those two, to give cinemas a chance over a simultaneous release on streaming. I think Paramount is somewhere in the middle and Sony don't have a streaming service as far as I know and still rely on other streaming platforms to deliver their content. Not sure about the semi-major studios. But I bring this up because this miniseries has an AI generated intro which may look like a work of art for some, but to me, it looks like a lazy attempt to make a good TV intro. But this is based on a comic book series that, to me, is interesting and while not original these days, would be sort of original when the comics first did this story. So let's see how the struggling MCU does with this story:
Much of the series is about Nick Fury (reprised by Samuel L. Jackson) and his life between the films, where he continues his work on finding the Skrulls a home while they start becoming human figures. As time goes on, it soon becomes apparent that a group of renegade Skrulls are tired of waiting and seek to gain control of the world at large, even if it costs the lives of their kind. Secrets will be revealed, and no high ranking official is safe from them. Especially when one decides he wants to harness the power of all the Avengers that fought in the Battle of Earth, whose DNA has been collected.
While just another show to tie into the upcoming The Marvels film, I will admit that I'm kind of glad that Marvel took a risk with this one and went all violent, dark and mature in this series that honestly, I don't think anybody really asked for. However, it is far from perfect. The performance of the major cast members like Jackson, Emilia Clarke, Olivia Coleman, Don Cheadle and Ben Mendelsohn are pretty darn good as I would expect them to be. The whole conspiracy story is fine, but the ending just felt a bit rushed. The episodes are not long at 40 minutes, and they could've spent a bit more time in each episode rather than rush it. But I guess that's what happens when AI takes over, and people really need to be careful and not abuse that. Because soon enough, AI may take over everything and then everything won't be as good as it used to be. 7/10
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