Monday 20 April 2015

West End Show Review - The Play That Goes Wrong

So before I kick off this review, the reason why the usual Friday and Saturday posts haven't gone up was because the time that I would have done them, ended up with me being hospital. Now for personal reasons, I won't go into much detail about it, but I will say that I am back home now on the way to recovery and its nothing life threatening so its all fine. I was really gutted that I couldn't give you guys my thoughts on these trailers that came out, but to summerize, the Star Wars one I liked, but I thought it may have given too much away about the upcoming film aside from the story that is. The Batman V Superman one, I also liked, but it just gave us what we already know about the upcoming film which did suck, but the talking in it, kind of made up for that. So things should be back to normal this week, but some of the posts may be slightly delayed, but not by much so yeah.

So with that out of the way, let's talk about a show where everything that can go wrong, goes wrong.

So before this thing with the hospital, I was with a friend in London and in an unusual change of pace, we decided to watch a show done by Mischief Theatre, a theatre company who do a lot of touring and have settled in London to do a series of shows including this very one that I will tell you guys about today:

The play is this murder mystery at some manor in England and everyone is a possibly culprit, but despite the serious nature of the play, its the things that go wrong during the play that make it more funny than serious. Set's falling apart which one of the actors described as a death trap and I agree, actor changes which included a cat fight, the script being repeated too much (I think that one went a bit too far than it needed to), people forgetting their lines, there was even people acting as the props themselves and there was a little bit of acting during the breaks as well which was both funny and nice. But of all the things that went wrong, there was a real technical glitch which I wasn't sure if that was scripted or not, but it was still funny to have something like that happen. The only thing I will say is what happened to this spaniel that they asked the audience about? That was the only thing left unsolved in the play, but I suspect that they were taking the mic with that. So yeah, it was a good play where the title pretty much summarized what would happen in it. It truly is a play that does go wrong and is sure to make you laugh a lot. 9/10

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