Thursday 28 May 2015

Random Video Game Review - Kerbal Space Program

So for the past few weeks, I think its fair to say that my video game posts have been a bit odd. Now as someone who comes across some odd things in life, its really down to the fact that the past few weeks have been quite an experience with my health getting better and this newly found confidence that I have got. Its made me somewhat of a better person and in that time, I've been spending a lot of time on Steam, playing a number of indie games that you can only get on applications like Steam and the first of these, is a game that I made a promise to take a look at in one of my most recent Reviews of the Week and its all to do with doing the things that NASA do pretty much every day. So let's go one step for man and one giant leap for mankind and see if this simulator is worth your time:

So one of the biggest dreams that many of us have, is to have the once in a lifetime opportunity to go into space, but the reality of that is that unless you have qualifications for certain things or some other reason, its unlikely to happen. I mean we can almost certainly contribute to those who go up into space for a living and we are very much invested in all these different sci-fi things like Star Wars, Star Trek, Mass Effect, Firefly/Serenity, Star Fox and many others which give us an idea of space travel and on the rare occasion, make us feel like we are in space doing stuff. Kerbal Space Program is basically trying to show you guys a day in the life of someone at NASA where you get to build rockets and send them into space, while taking on a series of contracts, tasks and pretty much anything else that you generally get in simulation games like this. But as much fun as it sounds, it is very hard to get used to, even for someone who plays a lot of video games. But that is where the game shines. It makes you think about what is needed to make a rocket fly and what would be required to get the job done and after a while, it is fun, even if you have to make mistakes along the way.

Now I will go out in saying that I am working on getting a PC that is better equipped for hardcore gaming because as much as I enjoy using the PC that I have currently at the time of typing up this post, it is quite limited and therefore, the games I play, suffer with lagging and ok, but could be better graphics. But those things alone, didn't stop me from enjoying the game that this is. Yes it is hard and will take time to get used to, but if you find that going into space is nothing more than just a dream that will be near impossible to make into reality, Kerbal Space Progam is a game that will give you that experience, but keep in mind that it can be at times, not user friendly. But despite that, it is an enjoyable game, even if the people in the game, are not human which makes it all the more fun. 8/10

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