Friday 7 August 2015

Review of the Week

Let's see what's been happening this week:

DC News - Positive response to Batman on screen
So this past week, WB executives have been given the chance to see Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice (according to reports anyway) and it seems that Ben Affleck's role as Batman has had great praise by them. As a result, WB have locked the actor in for a decade of playing the Dark Knight which include his own set of standalone films (which he will direct), Batman's appearances in DC Cinematic Universe films and others too. The film apparently had a standing ovation. Now if that doesn't tell me that he is a great Batman, then I don't know what will. But we've got only several months left until we see him on the big screen so let's hope the WB executives are right about it all.

In other news, J.J. Abrams promises no prequel bulls**t in the next Star Wars film, the fee for PS Plus in Europe may go up, Ready Player One gets a December 2017 release date, more amiibo is to come out in September 2015, Cortana is stepping outside of Microsoft and into other devices, Fallout Shelter is to get another update and Fantastic Four is beaten by Mission Impossible 5 at the box office.

Now onto the week's film and video game releases in most areas:

Fantastic Four (2015) (most places with many more to follow)
Ricki and the Flash (some areas with more to follow)

Video Games:
Beyond Eyes (XB1, PS4, Win, OS X and Linux) (Worldwide)
Galak-Z: The Dimensional
Rare Replay (XB1) (Worldwide. Review coming soon)

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