Saturday 31 October 2015

Halloween 2015 Special - Top 25 Creepypastas

So I've touched upon monsters and villains so I thought this time, we look at the scary side of Halloween and we're doing that, by looking at creepypastas. What is a creepypasta, you may ask. Well is a way of describing a theory that is defined as being overly creepy. There will be myths, there will be plenty of scares, but above all, there will be a lot of creepyness. And keeping with what I talk about on this blog, most of these will be stuff related to pop culture and your childhood may be ruined along the way. So let's dive in and prepare to be scared:

25 - Lavender Town Syndrome (Pokemon Red and Green)
While I will say that I'm not a hardcore fan of Pokemon like most people are, I do find some enjoyment out of it outside of the anime and the games. But this creepypasta attracted my attention because its something that I'd never thought a Pokemon game let alone a Nintendo game (by the way, while Nintendo serves as the publisher, they are not the creators of Pokemon) would ever cause to happen. So basically in the Japanese release of Pokemon Red and Green, there is this town called Lavender Town which plays out this high frequency of music which only teenagers and children can hear because of their sensitive hearing and the result has caused some to become ill or develop afflictions and many to commit suicide. Now I think the creators were wise enough to change the frequencies for the western release of the two games and its just so bizzare that for a while when I heard it for the first time (which was on a YouTube video), I was put off from playing games like that for a long time and its one of the reasons why I never was truly able to get into Pokemon like others would. But as history has taught us, the creators have learnt from this and have made it so that any future game in the series would not have these frequencies again.

24 - Non-Fictional (Hey Arnold)
Sometimes when you watch a beloved cartoon, there are points where it can get too real for your liking. Hey Arnold, was one of those cartoons. A lot of theories out there can often say that the grandparents of Arnold are his real parents, but he doesn't see it that way because of something to do with the shape of his head. Now a lot of cartoon characters do tend to have odd looking heads, but the reality of Hey Arnold is quite scary and this is just the tip of the iceberg of how this show can get too real.

23 - Dead Bart (The Simpsons)
Throughout the Simpsons, there has always been a number of characters who have a motive into killing Bart. Homer, Sideshow Bob, Skinner and even Lisa are just some of these characters. And while he will truly die in this years Treehouse of Horror at the hands of Sideshow Bob (non-canon by the way), there is something that has haunted the creators and fans of the show to this day. According to the story, there was a season 1 episode titled "Bart Dies" and to this day, anyone working on the show who would get that question, would get angry and would forbid you from talking to Matt, the show's creator, about it. One fan, somehow managed to get the episode from Groening himself via a webiste and as you would expect, this episode exists, but only those who have access to this one website can view it. Apparently, the episode was so dark and had Bart die as expected, that its not an easy sit through and its one of the darkest secrets that the Simpsons has had and for as long as the show goes on, its an episode that many of us will never get to see.

22 - A Post Apocalyptic Future (The Flintstones)
Sometimes when you get several animated shows made, some people make theories that they all exist in the same universe and hint to a possible apocalypse that happened. So in this case, lets say the Flintstones are the subject of a post apocalyptic future where technology finally had its way and was destroyed, only allowing animals to act as the machinery. But some reckon that despite the crossover, the Flintstones and the Jetsons could very well take place after one another or exist together in the same universe with the former being on the ground and the latter being in the air. Whatever you may think, it does make a lot of sense in that back in the caveman days, you wouldn't have people talking like we do today, you wouldn't have cars and houses and most importantly, you wouldn't have animals acting as machines. Not the scariest of creepypastas, but it is one theory that makes a lot of sense when putting the two shows together.

21 - Only Angelica can see them (Rugrats)
Much like with Hey Arnold, this Nickalodeon show also had a very dark and scary creepypasta. This time, it was to do with Angelica. The oldest of the main characters who many believe is only imagining the other children, therefore meaning that they are not actually there. The theory goes on to explain the behaviours of the parents with some behaving in a very odd way and others also not pysically there. Its quite twisted and quite creepy too.

20 - Abandoned by Disney
While many believe that Disney is the happiest place on Earth, others know the truth. So as part of the Disney Cruise Line, they spent $30,000,000 on the Treasure Island resort in Baker's Bay, Bahamas. People would go there to relax and then few years later, it was abandoned. Disney then began work on a similar resort called Mowgli's Palace and again, that too was abandoned. Despite the popularity, Disney were ultimately not happy with a number of things and the two things were abandoned, leaving the happy locals to wreck the places to the ground. According to an article I read on the Creepypasta wiki (this is where I got most of the things on this list, from), its now haunted from what a fellow investigator said in the article. It goes more in depth but just know that when you hear about Disney, know full well that despite the happy and rich company that it is, it has always got some darkness in their too.

19 - Shared Universe (Powerpuff Girls and Samurai Jack)
Shared universe theories are everywhere and some are more scary to think about than you think. I started this list by saying that your childhood will be ruined and well, that's happening right now. So this theory has people thinking about Powerpuff Girls and Samurai Jack being in the same universe where at some point during Powerpuff Girls, the apocalypse happens (presumably at the hands of Him in an episode where the apocalypse literally happens and the girls are to blame for it) and the future that Jack is sent to be Aku, just so happens to be the one where what was once Townsville is now a wasteland where the only thing that can tell people that its Townsville, is the above advertisement of dog food. This theory has since been debunked by the shows creators and I have to stress this, that the makers of anything often like to reference their other work in the other bits of work they do. Its done in cartoons like these two, its also done in films, video games and other things too. It happens, but its still a good way to bring up theories about things like this.

18 - Herobrine (Minecraft)
The scary thing about this creepypasta is that it turns out to be true and just so happens to be something to do with the creator of Minecraft. So a guy plays on Minecraft and comes across this player who seems to look normal with the default "Dave" skin. Only changes that were noticable, was that this player didn't have pupils in his eyes. Further investigation led to the game being torn apart and eventually, other players were seeing this mysterious figure. This player who calls himself Herobrine, would then PM any players who would pursue him with the word "Stop!". The player's profile doesn't exist and further investigation led him to be a Swedish gamer and eventually, it turned out to be the brother of the game's developer Notch whom was sent an email about if he had a brother or not. Many days passed and he responded by saying "I did, but he is no longer with us" and that is the scary thing about this creepypasta. Its a true and heartbreaking story and anyone who would ever read this up, would never see Minecraft in quite the same way again.

17 - GLaDOS is a bound woman (Portal)
Did it ever occur to you that GLaDOS could bear some resemblance to a bound woman? This has been troubling me for a while. I know GLaDOS is a heartless machine, but looking at her, makes me realise that there could be a reason for it. In Portal 2, we see a more vulnerable side to her in which she looses control of of the testing chambers to Wheatley and becomes a potato whom becomes something that birds want to consume. I know its not really considered a creepypasta as such, but in a way, you do have to feel some sympathy for her and what machine she really is.

16 - Sewer Gators
So you have some baby gators and then all of a sudden, you flush them down the toilet and through the means of waste and other things going on down in the sewers, they come out and they become mutated and start causing havoc. This may not sound like a creepypasta, but when you think about it, it can be a scary thought to have when you have baby gators as pets. This also may have been the inspiration used for such characters like Killer Croc and even the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It just makes you think more.

15 - The Call of Cthulhu
This is quite a long and highly detailed one so I'm just going to do a brief summary of it. Most of us know who Cthulhu is. I mean the amount of Nostalgia Critic and South Park episodes where he appears, just shows how big and popular he is. He is basically the alternative to Satan in that if he is unleashed, worlds will crumble before him, the apocalypse will happen and all sorts of other things too. Basically if he's unleashed, its bad news. For all of us.

14 - We're in the Matrix
In more recent times, the Wachowskis have made a number of films, most of them generally them trying to make epicness, but failing at every level. The Matrix is one of a few film franchises which actually does have us question our existence. Is the world we live in real or just a simulation of how it could be real. Whichever way you see it, it is a creepypasta in the sense that its scary that there are things out there that we may never truly understand about our existence.

13 - Smile Dog
You'll be having nightmares of this image tonight, I can guarantee it. Much like with some of the other ones on this list, this is another highly detailed one so to summarise, an image of a scary smiling dog exists and anyone who sees it, will then start to lose their sanity. I am sorry if when you see this, this happens to you, but I can see why so many people would not want this image planted in their heads. What I will say however is that this isn't the true image as the original image itself doesn't exist on the Internet, but similar images have a likeness to it.

12 - Alfred is a villain (Batman)
When I watched this Dorkly video, I began to wonder if maybe they have a point. Like if there was a universe where all of Batman's enemies, turn out to be working for Alfred in the hopes to give Bruce Wayne's crusade as Batman, some form of purpose. The amount of other Batman media have dismissed this theory, but it does raise questions if there even is a universe where all of his villains are nothing more than just mere actors all playing along with Alfred.

11 - The Angel Statue
I wonder if inspiration for the Weeping Angels came from this creepypasta. It would make sense if it did but either way, that monster is one of Steven Moffat's best creations. Say what you will about him, but you can't deny, he knows how to make scary monsters. Anyway so the creepypasta goes like this. A couple go on a night out and leave the kids with a babysitter. The babysitter puts them to bed and finds a statue outside. She calls the parents to see if she can put a blanket over it as it made her nervous. The phone line goes silent and then the father tells her to take the kids outside and away from the statue while he calls the police. The police arrive, only to find dead bodies of the babysitter and the children, but no statue. That just makes any of us feel nervous around statues and its also the reason why the Weeping Angels in Doctor Who are up there as one of the scariest monsters on the show. Don't blink and don't look away. You'll regret it otherwise.

10 - BEN Drowned (Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)
While Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask wasn't intentionally scary despite the moon coming down throughout the game, some people claim that there is a cartridge of the game that is haunted. The person in question is called Ben who died in a drowning accident and is claimed to have his soul in a version of Majora's Mask with an empty Link character inside and a lot of bugs and glitches. It's said to be a much twisted version of the game with phrases that will haunt any who play this so called cursed game such as "You shouldn't have done that" and "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?". As if a moon plummeting the Earth wasn't creepy enough.

9 - Jake in a Coma (Adventure Time)
I've come across many cartoon conspiracy theories about the main or one of the main protagonists of a cartoon, having his or her adventures in his or her imagination, but in reality, they are in a coma. The one that striked me the most was the one to do with Adventure Time which for all the surprisingly right reasons, makes sense. I mean you get a world quite like the one in Adventure Time in real life so it must be in the mind of Jake. Now I'm sure this theory and similar theories have already been debunked, but it does make you think about whether the things you see in a cartoon are real or not (though anyone at my age will know its the former for a lot of them).

8 - The Cul-de-Sac is really a Purgatory (Ed, Edd N Eddy)
Ever wonder why the characters we see in Ed, Edd N Eddy are the only characters we see throughout the entire show (until the finale at least)? I mean we do see the kids and the Kanker Sisters a lot, but we never meet their parents, their older brothers and/or sisters. This theory has been talked about a lot and from my point of view, it makes sense. So each of the characters die at certain points in time which explains the technology used in the show. The Kanker Sisters serve as the demons of this purgatory that the Cul-de-Sac seems to be for the kids. It does in a way, strike as being very odd, but whether it gets dismissed or not, I say its a good theory to have even if its proven to be false.

7 - Squidward's Suicide (Spongebob Squarepants)
So much like with the Bart dies episode of the Simpsons that was never aired, this is an unaired episode of Spongebob Squarepants and its quite upsetting. I mean the title card alone says it all. It is another heavily detailed creepypasta, but it is one that I felt was far more creepier and upsetting than the Bart one because its kind of following suite with Simpsons, but this one I believe did not leave the editing room at all. It just remains as an unfinished episode that will most likely never be finished and never be aired. Because as fun and happy as Spongebob is, when you have a title card like that, no one is going to be laughing.

6 - Sonic.exe
Believe it or not, there is a game out there that is based on this very creepypasta and just like Majora's Mask, this is another game that is haunted. It starts out like the original Sonic the Hedgehog game that came out in the 90s, but as you begin playing, you soon realise that this is a twisted game where a demonic Sonic hunts down his friends and well, there is no escape. It is really creepy and just shows how twisted some versions of games can be. I knew Majora's Mask was bad, but this just makes it all the more creepy and twisted.

5 - You're a Dog (Courage the Cowardly Dog)
Most of us know that some animals may see things differently to us humans and I should know as my sister has a dog. Anyway, so a theory about Courage the Cowardly Dog and having read this myself, it once again, makes sense. The monsters that Courage comes across he sees as actual monsters where as his owners Eustace and Muriel see them as just ordinary people with some very sick and twisted minds. There is more to it, but that's the gist of it and as I said, it makes sense and the whole show is quite creepy in its own right. But one of Cartoon Network's best I would say.

4 - Secretly Revealing The Apocalypse (Pixar)
This theory has been talked about to death and there's even a dedicated Wikipedia page for it. So some guy reckons that all the Pixar films up to the upcoming Good Dinosaur, are all connected and point to the apocalypse. Now be as it may, the proof of this has come from the many Easter eggs that are seen in the films which proves that the films could indeed be in the same universe as one another and then its really just figuring out which film goes where. Now assuming that the Good Dinosaur is able to fit into this theory well, that would be the starting point of this universe with the events of WALL-E playing a huge part later on about where the humans go while the likes of the Toy Story films, the Cars films, A Bug's Life, Finding Nemo, Inside Out and Ratatouille each explain how various animals and objects can become sentient beings and how they are affecting the Earth. Brave would take place after The Good Dinosaur and the old woman in Brave is Boo from Monsters Inc. from another time period. The Incredibles would be next and would explain about the technology that Syndrome makes which Charles F. Muntz of Up would eventually acquire to find that rare bird of his. While the two Monsters films would show how the humans of WALL-E would evolve. The Pixar heads John Lasseter and Ed Cartmul have both dismissed this theory, but I'm always hopeful that maybe this shared universe is a thing. Who knows.

3 - Jeff the Killer
If you thought that smiling dog picture was super creepy and may give you nightmares, wait till you hear about Jeff. So there's this boy who saw these two freakish eyes near a curtain which told the bot to go to sleep. The boy refused and screamed. So the pair of eyes with an uncomfortable smile came down on the bed with a knife preparing to kill the boy. But his father arrived in the nick of time, the man threw the knife at the father's shoulder and left knowing that the police have been alerted. If he had the chance, he would've probably finished the father off. But one thing's for sure, that this image of the man will forever haunt the child for many years. The police to this day are still after the man who may choose to call him Jeff. Reports have suggested that his family moved somewhere. But I will say that this is one image that no one will ever get out of their heads for many years to come.

2 - The Slenderman
Yeah, you all knew this was coming. Anyone who doesn't know who Slenderman is, be glad because this creepypasta is one that will make you not sleep for days on end. Its said that the Slenderman has existed for centuries, having appeared on a number of occasions and is often seen wearing a suit with tentacles behind. If he finds you, you're dead. The creepypasta has since been adapted into a short but sweet video game simply called Slender which has you play a character who must find the pages while avoiding the monster for as long as you can and if he finds you, you're dead. And since then, a full length game has been released and its helped the horror genre in video gaming become the great genre that it once used to be and it may have also inspired another scary game which I know may be quite predictable because of my somewhat obsession over its lore, but I think its just more scary and more close to home than Slender. Don't get me wrong, it is one of the greatest creepypastas out there, no question. But I just think there is one that can top it. This may have also been the inspiration for the Silence on Doctor Who, but who knows.

1 - My Summer Job (Five Nights At Freddy's)
I apologise if the above gif image doesn't work for your device. Anyway, so everything I have read about FNAF's confusing timeline and how all the events fit in, makes this the ultimate creepypasta and one that can be very close to home if you happen to live not far from a place that has animatronics beings. I know someone has made a story about the first game, but trust me, playing the entire series and delving into the game's lore, just makes this a great creepypasta hence why its at number one.

Well thanks for joining me again for Halloween and I'm sure most of you will not be able to sleep tonight. I do apologise for that. But I will say its going to be hard work to top this next year. Happy Halloween everyone and sweet dreams.

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