Tuesday 20 October 2015

TV Episode Review - The Girl Who Died (Doctor Who S9, E5)

This time, the Doctor and Clara travel to the days of the Vikings in Doctor Who:

Before we talk about this, I just want to say how great it is to see actors from Game of Thrones getting some roles in Doctor Who. I mean being part of 2 very different fandoms where the only thing that is the same is that they are both in some way British, its a big deal and its either something people approve of, or not. But enough on that, let's talk about the episode. So our episode begins with Clara and the Doctor in space with the Tardis exploding and Clara doing what looks like a space walk. As all the chaos is happening, the Tardis manages to retrieve Clara and arrives in Viking times where the duo are captured by the local Viking warriors. Are they friend or foe? All is revealed in this episode.

This episode felt like watching a crossover of Doctor Who and Game of Thrones (which I will almost certainly be up for watching if it ever happened) and it was a great one that will please fans of both. One thing I especially liked is a moment in the episode where we find out why the Doctor chose the face he has which itself becomes a call back to an episode from the last series and one in series 4. Its also so far the first 2 parter to not have us stuck on a cliffhanger. 9/10

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