Thursday 8 October 2015

Video Game Review - LEGO Dimensions

So since TT Games got the rights to make LEGO games, they have made a lot of them which have all answered the question "What would this franchise be like in LEGO form in a video game?" and to this day, they are still getting that question being asked. And so after 10 years of making LEGO games, they bring us the ultimate mash up of franchises together in LEGO form. Now a LEGO crossover has been rumoured to be happening for a long time and finally, we get one and one that fully embraces the toy that LEGO is in more ways than one. So let's enter the portal and see what we discover:

So an evil mastermind of sorts called Lord Vortech (voiced by legendary British actor, Gary Oldman) wants control of the LEGO multiverse (a set of universes in one big one in other words) and to do so, he needs items that are known as the Foundation Elements which are scattered all over the multiverse and so calls upon an army of bad guys from across those universes to help him while also sending his assistant X-PO (voiced by Joel McHale, the guy seen in the first trailer in case you're wondering) away to some other dimension. In doing this, he manages to capture Robin of DC Universe, Frodo of Middle-Earth and Metalbeard of The LEGO Movie Universe, each one carrying one of the Foundation Elements. Batman (reprised by Troy Baker), Gandalf and Wyldstyle (reprised by Elizabeth Banks) respectively, follow after them and finding out about the multiverse and Lord Vortech's plans, team up to find their friends and various objects across the multiverse as well as stopping Vortech and his plan to make universes collide. So the game comes with a buildable base along with Batman, Gandalf and Wyldstyle as figures and a mini Batmobile as a vehicle and you can easily complete the game with just those characters and that vehicle, but for 100% completion, its recommended that you collect other figures, vehicles and objects as well which come from many different franchises. The base unlike that of Disney Infinity, can support more than two figures, vehicles and objects at any given time and in some parts of the game, the base can be used to solve puzzles and take advantage of the keystones that you collect which can be anything like growing big or shrinking to Ant-Man size, finding vortexes, using elemental powers and other things too. As you progress, you get more building instructions for the physical toys that you have which gives things some more interactivity outside the game which is great. Free play mode is not in this game as every level can let you use different figures and each figure has a unique character circle, health bar and abilities that pay tribute to their respective franchises. In addition to the story, you can also explore hub worlds based on the 14+ franchises in the game and each one is unique in their own way that makes them stay true to their source material. However, I will say that there is at least one or two franchises that are not well represented and not every franchise will be featured in the story, but that's OK for some as there isn't much one can do to make a level out of the particular franchise and one of them did have a video game made about that franchise earlier this year. As well as all that, all the usual LEGO game elements are here which as you may already know, are stud bars, minikits (with each set looking different in every level) and people in distress (again, different characters in every level).

So while there are still some more fun, level and team packs on the way, chances are that for 100% completion, you'll be waiting until early 2016 for that to come, though it may be longer as TT Games have promised that there may be some more franchises added over time. But for what you get now, its great. This is the LEGO game that we've all been waiting for and one that gives us the chance to mash up our favourite characters with one another such as The Doctor with Doc Brown and Emmett with Owen (its funny because Chris Pratt plays as both of them here and in their respective films). It also manages to fully embrace what LEGO really is, a toy with endless possibilities that are to be played well. Its a great game and one that will certainly not be topped any time soon and who knows, we may get a series of Dimension games if this proves to be successful. 9/10

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