Thursday 12 November 2015

Top 45 Franchises that should be in LEGO Dimensions

So recently, WB Games announced that they plan to support LEGO Dimensions for the next few years and are doing that by bringing in some more franchises in addition to the ones that are already in it (all named above). And so the question most people have is what franchises should be in the game and just like many of you, I'm going to give you my answer. In the form of a top 50 list as there are so many things that I want to see in LEGO form. Now for this list, this is all personal preference. Its not which franchises are most likely to appear and its not all franchises that LEGO currently make sets for or used to make sets for. It all personal preference, but chances are that you may already know what's at the top. But I am ruling out any franchise that is exclusive to the likes of Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony (except for Sony Pictures of course) because of well, their console exclusivity. But enough talk, let's build away because everything is awesome (at least with LEGO anyway):

45 - Big Bang Theory
So while most of the list will be franchises that LEGO have or still make sets for, just keep in mind that that isn't the main reason why I put them on this list. Now the thing about Big Bang Theory is that it could work. I know sitcoms haven't really had the best of times in the gaming industry, but this being Warner Bros, I'd say to TT to give it a shot. We could have a level pack with Sheldon as the main figure and the level doing something similar to how the Simpsons one did in that its based on an episode that focuses on Sheldon. In my opinion, what makes Big Bang Theory great is that it shows us the life of a nerd trying to go through life while enjoying the things he/she likes. Its got nostalgia all around it which is what LEGO is known for being so let's see this happen.

44 - Men in Black
We all like our sci-fi and we also like Marvel. On most occasions, we often forget about a franchise's origins which was the case for Men in Black. It was one of a few films that didn't have the Marvel logo at the beginning though does mention it in the credits and I just hate it when someone thinks a franchises made its origins in film and didn't look into its true origins. But anyway, so Men in Black is one of these film trilogies that manages to be stupid but fun. Its a great trilogy of sci-fi films which is fun, goofy (in a intentionally good way) and show that Tommy Lee Jones can still act despite his age and that Will Smith has ended his Fresh Prince days and wants to do acting in films. In a way, his role reminds me of the fun he had as the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and that to me, is just a great call back to a very successful sitcom. But as far as Men in Black goes, I'd say it can work in Dimensions. It may take sometime to work out how a hub world can work, but I see us getting a team pack with Agents K and J if we do indeed get this franchise in Dimensions. Like I said, its tricky, but can work.

43 - Mad Max
Now granted that Mad Max did get a video game recently (a very good one in fact), but there is so much you can do if it was put in Dimensions. The hub world would be just a wasteland with things to do and as far as packs go, I see us getting a level pack featuring Max and his car with the level being another story from the Mad Max mythos. But it doesn't stop there as there could be several fun packs of characters seen in all the films with their respective vehicles and maybe if TT decided to expand the story a bit, we could very well get characters from other universes appearing. The possibilities are endless (literally in this case).

42 - Looney Tunes
Ahh, slapstick comedy at its finest. Looney Tunes in Dimensions does have a chance, especially as the game's publisher is the company who made the likes of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck back in the day. So having them in the game, can lead to all sorts of madness. Several fun and team packs of the characters and all of them have many abilities such as Bugs being able to dig underground, Elmer Fudd having a gun and Daffy turning into the Green Loontern at any point. Its all there, just make it happen, doc.

41 - Avatar
No, I'm not talking about the Last Airbender (no not that god awful film), that may come later on. No I'm talking about James Cameron's Avatar. There is plenty you can do here. An awesome hub world of Pandora, many packs can be made such as a level pack as an example and you can do so much with this and with the next couple of films on the way (one hopes), there is no better time to have it in the game. But that all comes down to Fox and Cameron. We already have The Simpsons so lets have another franchise of theirs.

40 - Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Bit of a bizarre one, but could work. The way that makes Fosters bizarre, is that the house despite its size, seems to be bigger on the inside with an infinite number of rooms (sounds familiar) and some pretty bizarre looking characters. This one was a little bit of a risk when I was making this list, but looking at it, it could work. The packs I would say may be smaller than what the other franchises have mainly down to the fact that making these characters in LEGO form may be quite tricky. Nothings impossible though so who knows, maybe the house of Imaginary Friends may get the LEGO treatment. We shall see.

39 - Samurai Jack
One of Cartoon Network's best shows which has all the greatness of being in Dimensions. The hub world would be a post-apocalyptic future like in the show and if it does get put into the game, chances are that we would get a level pack which will feature the titular protagonist Jack and the level would most likely go like the Back to the Future one in which it goes through the story that the series has had and who knows, maybe we can get some closure to it like how the level park for Portal did and how the game managed to answer the age old question of is the cake real or not. I hope that a franchise like this does get into the game, but we shall see.

38 - Ben 10
I'm going to be honest. If Ben 10 was put into the game and Ben Tennyson was a playable character, you won't need any other characters because him alone, would let you get to 100%. I mean he can turn into a number of monsters so there really is no need for other characters. Now I could explain what monsters these would be, but we would be here all day, so to summarise, just by the amount of monsters he has and what they can do, it would just make the game a lot more easier to complete. Its unlikely to happen, but you never know.

37 - Bill & Ted
I know we already have 2 time and space franchises, but why not add another. I mean the thing about Bill and Ted is that its just 2 dudes who don't know what they are doing and travel through time telling people to be excellent to each other. Its a fun set of films and as far as packs are concerned, I can definitely see a team pack made if anything.

36 - RoboCop
Dead or alive, you're coming with me. RoboCop is another well known sci-fi franchise which shows us a police officer that is part human, but fully robotic and can kick plenty of ass. This could work in Dimensions if they choose to put him in and I can almost certainly see a fun pack with our titular hero being made. It can work, so make it happen is all I can say.

35 - The Terminator
The Terminator has been compared to RoboCop for a very long time and by death battle standards, the latter wins whereas by rap standards, this guy wins. Its been long theorised that our world could very well be overthrown by robots like the Terminator in a few years time and we already have these drones that prove this point. But if we're ever getting something like this in Dimensions, I see there being several packs made. Maybe one of each if the developers can make a story out of it. We shall see. But if it doesn't happen, we'll be back.

34 - The Blues Brothers
With the exception of the Wizard of Oz, there seems to be a lack of other musical franchises and one that I think could work because of the possibilities it has, is Blues Brothers. This is another well known and beloved franchise that Dan Aykroyd was part of its creation. It was originally a reoccurring sketch on America's Saturday Night Live before becoming one of their many sketches to be expanded into a film and of those films, the first Blues Brothers was the most successful with A Night at the Roxbury being a close second thanks to its cult following. It is a little violent, but you just have to love the jazz and the mayhem that was put into the film. It is a lot of fun and could work for Dimensions. I'd think there would be a chance of us to have a team pack with the brothers inside, but as far as a level is concerned, I'm not sure how that would play out.

33 - Transformers
Let me just make myself clear that of all things Transformers, I like the franchise as a whole, except for the Bay films which if anyone has gone to see it at the cinema, shame on you as Bay has your dick (pardon my french). This is a tough one as I don't really know how it could work in Dimensions. I guess you could have minifigure versions of the transformers or just release packs containing transformable vehicles. It could work, who knows. Lets roll out.

32 - The Smurfs
Again I like the franchise as a whole, I just don't like the Sony films. We have a lot of Smurfs in this franchise so there could very well be many packs released for the game. But for our sakes, don't have the hub world as New York. Have the hub world as the magical kingdom that the Smurfs came from. That's all I ask.

31 - Tron
Now we're entering Disney territory. Disney have a lot of franchises and companies at their disposal and they are very protective of these things for many years. So the idea of a crossover from a franchise or two of someone else with Disney, may not happen, but it could happen. Of the franchises to possibly be put into the game by Disney, is Tron. Its a very futuristic setting which could work for Dimensions and anyone who loves Tron, would want there to be the possibility of doing things like light races, disc wars and the like. And for figures, I'd expect there to be a fair few of them and maybe even a level pack too.

30 - Power Rangers
They are very camp as we all know, but you just have to love Power Rangers despite the franchise having taken its course and on its way to becoming dated and overrated. But as maybe a one last hurrah, we could see the rangers appear in Dimensions with the chance to play as all generations of the rangers over the years. That would be a lot of packs for the game, unless you go the route of the Doctor and release packs of the rangers with the chance to play as your favourite ranger from whichever generation, in game. We could even get a level pack too.

29 - Assassin's Creed
I know Assassin's Creed is not typically a child friendly franchise, but I'd think it would be cool to have it in the game. You can travel to different time periods via the animus on the hub world and you can just think of the many figures that you could get. I will almost certainly expect there to be several fun packs featuring the assassins we all know and love or even a level pack. Now given that Ubisoft do release games in this franchise yearly, its hard to say if this franchise would even appear in LEGO Dimensions, but we can only hope. Nothing is true and Everything is permitted.

28 - Gremlins (confirmed for Year 2)
Ghosts is one thing, but what about throwing Gremlins into the mix. It does in a way sound quite similar to Ghostbusters, but there is a likeness to it so all I say is why not. As far as packs are concerned, it would most likely be packs of the Gremlins and their different personalities from the second film. It could happen. That's all I can say.

27 - Firefly
Joss Whedon is great when it comes to storytelling (except for Alien Resurrection of course) and Firefly was one of his best works. Sure it was very short and had a feature length film, but aside from Avengers and Buffy, everyone likes what Whedon did for this short lived franchise. And there's even work going on for a possible video game for the franchise which is great. Means that its still going and that there are people still out there who love this franchise. These broadcasting corporations seem to not understand that its not all about the view ratings. Its about the popularity and likeness of their shows and cancelling them would be the biggest mistake they would've ever made. I get it, its so that they can fit in some other shows, but Firefly was left without any closure (until the film that is). But as far as getting into this game is concerned, it could happen and there would be plenty of packs as well as people wanting to back this idea.

26 - Alien
So as I said above, I find the 4th Alien film to not be very good and its again, another not child friendly franchise. But given how big it is, it could happen. If it does appear, I would only expect there to be just a team pack featuring the above characters Alein and Ripley. That or perhaps a level pack and the level is similar to the Back to the Future one in that its a cut down version of one of the films. It could work. I know I've said that a lot on this list, but in all honesty, any one of these franchises have a chance in appearing in LEGO Dimensions because of the potential of them and not because of LEGO's history with the franchise in general.

25 - Borderlands
Having played 2 games in the franchise, I would see this appear in the game. I mean its got its charm and humor and everyone does enjoy that in any game. It can't be serious all the time. It just can't. And as far as packs are concerned, Claptrap could be a fun pack, Handsome Jack and Butt Stallion could be a fun pack and other well known characters of this franchise can appear as well. And hey, the developers are all up for a crossover. I mean Claptrap did play Poker in TellTale's Poker Night 2 along with some other well known pop culture characters. It can happen.

24 - Minecraft
So now we're kind of at the point of the list where I look at the franchises that LEGO have made sets for in the past and see if they can work in the game. The first of these, is Minecraft. The only franchise on this list that doesn't really have a story as such, but is very open source and therefore, its left to the imagination of us the people on what can happen. So with that said, TT Games have a lot of imagination so making a Minecraft hub world and maybe a level to be possible, is possible. There is a chance for there to be a team pack containing the generic character Steve and a creeper with the option to have a buildable spider and dragon. I'd doubt that if it was added that we would see characters from Story Mode, but saying that, The LEGO Movie was only released just last year so anything could happen.

23 - The Lone Ranger
Given the bad press that the film had, its probably unlikely that we would get the Lone Ranger into Dimensions, but if we did, a team pack with the ranger and Tonto would be made as well as a hub world and that's as far as it would go. I mean the film despite the overall negativity, has got a fanbase of sorts and I'm not entirely sure if its a cult hit, but it has the potential of being one. So unlikely, but I would be very satisfied if it did appear.

22 - Prince of Persia
So including this one, I have listed at least 2 Ubisoft franchises which are very similar to each other. Prince of Persia came first while Assassin's Creed which was originally a spin off to the former, became the more popular game and thus put Persia into the sand, literally. Even the film (which I personally thought was just OK) didn't do much to resurrect the franchise to its former glory. But despite all this, could it get put into the game? I would think so, but I'd say only if people want the franchise back. While I will always be an AC fan, lets not forget how it started in the first place.

21 - Spongebob Squarepants
The relationship that Nick has had with LEGO is a hit or miss as most of their franchises that LEGO made, didn't sell very well. Spongebob I would say was one of their more successful ones and looking into it, this has all the workings of being in the game. Bikini Bottom would be the perfect place to have as a hub world. The idea of what packs to have would be a challenge, but a fun challenge at that. And although most of the show is underwater, I'm sure the developers would find a way to allow non-underwater characters to be in it.

20 - Toy Story
You know, thinking about it, having a Toy Story world could be a challenge, but for everything else, not so much. Obviously most people will want to be our two main heroes Woody and Buzz as well as adding other characters into the mix as well such as Jessie for example. Their presence in Disney Infinity is already well known, but in LEGO Dimensions, I'm sure they would all be very handy for things like gold LEGO bricks and grappling.

19 - Breaking Bad
Now this show is one that's shows you how to be a badass in what you do. However it is very violent and not very child friendly, but if anything, there's a chance for us to have a level pack, a team pack with Hisenberg and Jesse inside and more. Of course its wrong to promote drugs like Meth, but for such a beloved show in recent times, all I can say is why not. And lets be honest, you don't want to p**s Hisenberg off. You really don't.

18 - Futurama
If Simpsons made it, then lets have Futurama in there too. Despite how short lived it was, everyone loved the show despite how more mature it was in a sense. The hub world would be great, the characters you could play as, there's just so many of them. Its really something and I personally would love there to be Futurama in the game. But let's make one thing clear. If its in the game, it needs to be represented right. The Simpsons was in my opinion, not very well represented with mostly archive footage and it didn't have the theme song either. So that would be where I say, if you put Futurama in, make it be well represented. That's all I ask.

17 - James Bond
So we've had its 24th film and in over 50 years, we have not had it in LEGO form. So let's have it then. Everyone loves a Martini to be shaken, not stirred and everyone just wants to shoot that hole we see in almost every film. There is no denying that James Bond is the ultimate espionage film and has set the bar for films in that genre for many years and seems to have never been topped by any other film in the genre (well except for the comedy that is). Its hard to work out how James Bond could work in the game considering that the actor is always changing, the gadgets and cars are almost always different and if it was added to the game, it would be a developers nightmare to make the most out of it. So all I'm saying is it could work, but it wouldn't be a walk in the park by any means.

16 - Star Trek
I'm more of a Star Wars person when it comes to picking out of the two, but I do enjoy Star Trek for what it is. But just like with James Bond, it would be hell to make it into the game. The vehicle wouldn't be too much of a problem. Its just everything else. But nothings impossible as we all know, but we can live long and prosper knowing that there is hope for a franchise like this to come into the game.

15 - Indiana Jones
So there's been some rumors spreading that Indiana Jones is coming back in LEGO form so there's no perfect time to put it in the game. Now granted that the second game was TT's first attempt at a game with hubs which didn't do well as it could've done (mainly down to 3 hub worlds dedicated to the then released 4th film which wasn't very good as we know). But its been almost 10 years since that game came out and things have changed for the better since then. So really, it all comes down to whether we want it to be in the game. Its kind of like how the film makers want the fans to say if they want more in order for a new one to come out, though at the hands of Disney this time around. And just because he's really the only popular character of the franchise, I would see there being a level pack with our titular hero and the level being about his latest adventure if anything.

14 - Adventure Time (confirmed for Year 2)
Aside from Batman: TAS which was the basis for the original Batman theme LEGO had years ago, there hasn't really been any Cartoon Network show that hasn't been in LEGO form (from I know of anyway). I have mentioned a few cartoons of theirs early on and of the ones that should be in the game, there most recent show Adventure Time, would be the perfect one in my opinion. I mean its got a very bizarre world that could work as a hub world and while the show is known for its incredibly bizarre cast of characters, the only ones that every fan would want to play as are the 2 main characters Finn and Jake so a team pack would be made for them. Now I know some of you may disagree with me, but while I haven't watch all of the show, these two are really the only ones I see people playing as, but whatever happens, it all falls down to TT and WB so who knows. There may be more characters, we shall see.

13 - The Hunger Games
With the last film coming out in a couple of weeks, I have to say, I kind of like these films. I mean yeah, it is following the trend that Harry Potter started in which the last book is split into 2 films in order to make sure that everything is given some form of closure, but this is by far, the better survival series of book to film adaptations when you compare it to the likes of Divergent and Maze Hunter (though I will admit, I have only seen the first film in the former and none of the latter) which are both just trying to be like Hunger Games, but failing at every level. But back to the Hunger Games, in LEGO Dimensions, it could work. I mean if TT are willing to incorporate more story levels, it could work like that Ninjago story level where Batman, Gandalf and Wyldstyle land in this world, only to find that they have entered the games as tributes from an unknown district. Obviously, people will want to play as Katniss so she is a must have for a figure and then I suppose the other tribute of her district as well, which would therefore make a team pack. That or just have Katniss in a level pack and leave it at that. Either way, its got all the makings of being in the game and with the last film only a few weeks from being released, there's no better time to have it in the game.

12 - The Matrix
I'm one of these people that loves the Matrix and unlike most people, I actually enjoyed Reloaded more than the other films despite the weak acting, cheap CGI and the hot and sweaty dance as well as the architect's gibberish. The first film was great in its own right, but something about Reloaded made me like that film more than the first. I don't know what it is, but its something. But we can all agree that the third film was not very good at all. The Animatrix on the other hand I quite liked despite being your typical anime where its all weird and bizarre. Anyway, if the game did have the Matrix in it, I would wonder if the characters would further question about it being a video game. Who knows. But I'd think there would no doubt be packs for Neo, Trinity, Morpheus and maybe Mr. Smith too (said to be the true chosen one according to one MatPat) should it appear in the game.

11 - The Hobbit
I know Lord of the Rings is already in the game and I would think given that the video game of this did not cover the third film, the developers do need to apologise for that. Don't get me wrong, the video game is fine, but it just didn't feel very complete as such. Now if this did appear in the game, I have very heavy doubts that the entire company of dwarves would be in it. So perhaps a pack with Bilbo inside and others with Thorin and Radagast and maybe a mini version of Smaug as well. Gandalf and Legolas are already in the game and I don't really know who else could be a character for the game. We shall see.

10 - Planet of the Apes
Or to be more specific, Dawn. Planet of the Apes is one of those franchises that you just have to love because of how strange it would sound if apes ruled the Earth (but saying that, we are part of their animal family anyway so yeah). The original trilogy was a hit or miss for me as I loved the first 2 films, but the others I wasn't too sure about. The Tim Burton re-imagined film was OK aside from the twist ending that didn't make sense. But of all those films, I think its the more recent trilogy that I love more than the others. Its more realistic thanks to motion capture, its well acted and just goes to show that not every post apocalyptic world has to be filled with zombies. Obviously a pack with Ceaser is an absolute must for this and maybe one for Koba too. That's as far as I would go with that.

9 - Universal Monsters
This is probably going to be very unlikely considering that some of these monsters do appear in the game anyway, either in the background of Cloud Cuckoo Land or just hovering in the world of Scooby-Doo. And as tragic as these monsters are, let us not forget that it was Universal that made them the popular monsters that they are today and while Universal are trying but failing to make a reboot cinematic universe with them in it, why not have a black and white world with these creatures inside it. I'm actually kind of surprised that of all the monsters LEGO have made minifigures out of, the invisible man, Frankinstien's Monster's Wife and the Phantom of the Opera are the only ones to have not been made into a minifigure. So why not make a world with these iconic characters and have packs of all these monsters for fans to play as. It seems unlikely as I said, but it could work. We shall see.

8 - How to Train Your Dragon
When you compare this to say Twilight, this franchise makes dragons cool while Twilight makes vampires and werewolves boring and depressing when they don't need to be. So with two very successful films under its belt, the How to Train Your Dragon franchise is a great one and one that I'd say could work well in LEGO Dimensions. I mean yes, we already have many flying vehicles, but not many flying creatures so it can work. What's more is that the packs that could be made, can be each of the dragon warriors and their respective dragons. That in itself sounds like the work of greatness. However, this may not happen due to the franchise having given the rights to someone other than LEGO (a big mistake for them I'd say), but as I've said for a number of these entries, we can only hope.

7 - The Walking Dead
While again not a child friendly franchise as such, I have yet to see if TT are willing to make a game out of some zombie apocalypse franchise and given its presence in gaming, The Walking Dead seems like the perfect fit. I mean unlike other zombie apocalypse franchises, this is one where its more to do with the emotions that the survivors are going through during a time where its all about survival. It was originally a comic book series, but the AMC TV series made it more popular than ever. As such, I already know who would be playable in the game should it happen and those are Rick, Michonne, Daryl and maybe a couple of others too. But I'd say those three have the most popularity in their respective fanbases than the others.

6 - Avatar: The Last Airbender
So we've got this keystone in the game that grants the player the power to use water, earth, fire and electricity. But if you came to a point in the game where there is no keystone and you lacked a character that can do any of those things, there is only one solution to this. Bring in the benders of The Last Airbender (the cartoon, not that awful live action film). I mean you've got a lot of these characters with these many abilities and a world that is breath taking. In fact, having all the main characters as packs would work in the player's favour. I'm not sure if this will ever happen, but you never know. It is a great cartoon and well worth checking out.

5 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
So while the sets have not sold well from what I've heard, I know the fanbase for the TMNT is huge and it is so popular that it should be in the game. I mean you have a city to explore, 4 turtles with weapons and attitude to play as and a wide range of enemies to come by (and all the pizza that you can eat of course). What's not to like? I have to admit that of all the franchises on this list, this one is among the top of those that everyone wants to see in the game and the next 4 are just as or more popular. We shall see.

4 - Pirates of the Caribbean
I think after 4 films with a 5th one on the way, POTC has had its day. I do like films that explore the mythos of the topics they try to tackle which the films of this franchise have done a reasonably good job of and having tackled curses, treasure, Davy Jones, the Kraken, Blackbeard and the Fountain of Youth, there's not really much else they can talk about. But saying that, there is much that can be done for the game. A lot of packs could be made, each featuring some of the more popular characters in the franchise like Captain Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones along with a mini version of their respective ships. But as for the hub world, it be too much of a challenge for it to be like AC: Black Flag, but as long as it has Port Royal and Tortuga, it will please fans old and new I would think.

3 - Harry Potter (confirmed for Year 2)
So recently, there have been rumors of Harry Potter entering the game and I'd say that it does have a chance, considering that WB do own the distribution rights to the franchise. There is a part of me that worries that if this does appear in the game, all the characters would do nothing more than just magic so TT do need to find a way to make each of them unique outside of just using magic. There are a lot of great characters in this franchise and any one of them could appear as a playable character for the game. But that's really all I have to say on that. So just as long as TT make good work of this, we should be fine.

2 - Marvel Superheroes
We all want it. We want DC to crossover with Marvel outside of their source material which is comic books, but we all know that it probably will never happen until their parent companies make amends or come to some kind of deal. Regardless of how you see it, Marvel would be great in the game. The amount of characters that you can play as, the world that you could explore. It would just be heaven for all fans. However, Its unlikely as there is a LEGO Avengers game on the way. But that's not to say it won't happen. We just have to wait and see.

Normally I would do honourable mentions here, but given how large this post is already as well as there being so many franchises that can work in the game, I'm not going to do it this time. Maybe next time. Now for my number one choice and trust me, its quite predictable on what it is.

1 - Star Wars
Their first LEGO game was a Star Wars game, their second LEGO game was a Star Wars game. And a  year or two later, they released a compilation of those two games with some new content and a few years after that, we got a game based on the Clone Wars. Star Wars is a huge franchise that has expanded from the films into other forms of media and what not such as books, graphic novels, audio books, TV shows, cartoons and of course, toys and video games. It was LEGO's first ever licensed theme which is still going to this day ever since and we love them for it. Yes, George Lucas has had some criticism over the decisions he made for some or all the films that have come out thus far, but you can't deny that he made this universe. I know most of us will say that it was he who made it the great franchise that it is, but for me, its the fans that made it a great franchise that goes beyond the borders of the films. And while it would be a monumental task to put in a hub world for Star Wars (because its a big galaxy out there), it can be made possible and there would be loads of packs to choose from as well.

So that's my list. As always, let me know in the comments on what franchises you would like to see in LEGO Dimensions and who knows, maybe TT Games could put them in. We shall see.

Thank you for 100 views guys. Much appreciated.

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