Thursday 17 November 2016

Boxes of Stuff - October 2016

Due to one of these lovely boxes being delayed, I've had to move this post back later than usual, though seeing as it is the first time with one of these boxes, I suppose I should have expected this. But anyway, here it is finally so enjoy!

This time, there be dragons and a horror icon in Geek Fuel, a doctor of strange proportions is in Marvel Collector Corps and one of Batman's sidekicks along with Fox McCloud go to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza in my first ever Arcade Block:

Geek Fuel
So Geek Fuel continue to do great each month and I always look forward to what they give me. This time, I got a dragon egg from Game of Thrones that has 2 lids and can act as a pencil holder which is quite neat. Then from Firefly, we have a t-shirt that will no doubt make all brown coats happy. Next is an item that I believe is different for everyone which is a figure of a horror icon and I got Sam from Trick 'r Treat which is a horror film that I'm less familiar with, but it is the most recent so I might give it a watch one day. Our Steam game for the month is Luckslinger which is an 8-bit western game guaranteed to make you feel nostalgic. And just because its Halloween, I also got a box of Brain jellies. A bit random this month, but I like all the items and I will check out Trick r' Treat I would think.

Marvel Collector Corps - Doctor Strange
So October saw Marvel take on another risk for the MCU with another one of their lesser known heroes, Doctor Strange. A film that has been in development hell for years and we finally got to see him on the big screen. So as you'd come to expect with these boxes, its all mostly Funko items which for me is fine because I like Funko and what I get from them is pretty awesome as it is. So pretty much everything has Doctor Strange on it. The gold Buddha like figure, the pin, the patch, the mug and even the t-shirt and they all look great. Also, we have another comic which is normal in this box and I would be very concerned if there wasn't one in a box called Marvel Collector Corps. The comic is called Doctor Strange and the Sorcerer's Supreme which should be a good read. A pretty good box overall and for someone who hasn't got anything to do with Doctor Strange, this box does the job well.

Arcade Block
So yeah, this was the box that arrived late. Though I did look up and saw that these boxes do ship later than the Nerd Block I was receiving previously. I'm not annoyed about it, though if this is going to happen regularly, I will have to shuffle things around, but it will be fine. So Nerd Block have several different boxes each tailoring to a specific genre, age or type of item in addition to their main Nerd Block, the Classic. I chose to go for the Arcade Block as that's more aimed into what my interests and hobbies are and that the last few Classic Blocks were giving me items I had already. So from Batman: Arkham Knight, we have a Nightwing figure who looks very well detailed and has all his gadgets so I quite liked this item. From Star Fox, we have some socks which I know isn't the most interesting or exciting item to receive, but they felt pretty snug and warm so I can't complain much and I am a fan of StarFox so this item is a good one to have. From Five Nights At Freddy's, we have a build-able 8-bit Balloon Boy which actually looks pretty accurate to how we see him in those minigames in FNAF 3 so that's great and he's a Nerd Block exclusive too. From Mario Kart, we have a poster of the very first game so that will go on my wall at some stage. From Gears of War 4, we have our t-shirt which while I'm against wearing anything with skulls on them, its Gears of War so I will allow it. And then we also get a arcade style gun in the form of a pin badge and because this is to do with gaming, I also got a code to play the beta of a strategy game called Dropzone because well codes for games are a thing when it comes to boxes that are for gamers and sometimes geeks too. Well it was worth the wait and I like all the items in the box. Just wish it came sooner, but I understand that it wasn't Nerd Block's fault, it was just customs.

So I think to clarify, I get one box for the general nerd/geek which is Geek Fuel, a box for the Marvel fan which is Marvel Collector Corps and a box for the gamer which is Arcade Block. So in other words, I'm receiving some variety and its now not just exclusively geek/nerd boxes which for me is great. Its a hard one this time because all the boxes have great items inside and are mostly part of things I'm interested in which is great. Geek Fuel felt somewhat empty this time, though I know that not every box will have the same amount of items inside, but I did get some good items from them so I can't complain there. Marvel Collector Corps tend to do well anyway as all their items are high quality and they always accurately stick to their themes and I just liked that they gave me some items to do with Doctor Strange who I can now say I'm a fan of. And even though Arcade Block arrived late, it was worth the wait and I loved all the items in it. So this time, the winner despite the delay is Arcade Block.

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