Thursday 10 November 2016

Random Video Game Review - Paper Mario: Colour Splash

So here's the thing. I have enjoyed playing all the Mario RPG games that have come out. Yes I will admit that some of them weren't very good, but I'd say they make better stories and gameplay than that of mainstream Mario games. That's not me saying that those games are bad, its just that I find rescuing the princess over a course of several predictable worlds (based on what the elements would be) to be very repetitive. Fun, but repetitive. As far as story is concerned, most of them do involve the princess in some shape or form and even if she gets captured, she does do stuff. She's not sitting around twiddling her thumbs, like in the main games (or so we are to believe). As for gameplay, its just what you expect for an RPG, just that little bit more fun with Mario. So after 3 great games and one game that completely changed things for the worse as well as a crossover, we come to our next Paper Mario game which is set to put some colour into our lives (yeah that was a terrible pun, but what else could I say). So let's have a look at this:

So Peach and Mario (yeah I'm not calling them Paper because why should I bother) receive a letter from Prism Island which just so happens to be a dried up Toad. Along with one of their Toads, Peach and Mario head to the island to find it lacking with people, but upon finding a talking paint can, our heroes set out to find colour and make the town great again (to a certain extent). As far as gameplay goes, it plays out similarly to Sticker Star which I know some people will get annoyed at because that game wasn't very good and just took a major step down from what the first three games gave us. Most of it is very user friendly and not like those hardcore RPGs which have complicated stories and over the top battles and whatnot (yes even though I do like you a lot, I'm looking at you Kingdom Hearts), but of course, the games have been known to be quite easy to get to grips with.

I prefer not to go on about it because what else left is there to say? Its an OK game that is admittedly an improvement on Sticker Star, but I find that even this game is kind of lacking in originality. I mean what's wrong with the series? Obviously Nintendo seem to think that there is something wrong seeing as they took a major step back with Sticker Star. But why change everything about a great series when it doesn't need any major changes. I will admit that Nintendo do lack in ideas and tend to not make many original IPs, but can't we just have another Thousand Year Door or Super Paper Mario game? Those games were great, but maybe with this new direction they are going, perhaps we will have a worthwhile Mario RPG. But until then, I will give a positive rating to this game just because I did find some enjoyment and as I said, it is an improvement on the previous game. But it could be better, that's all I'm saying. 7/10

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