Saturday 17 December 2016

AC17: Movie Series Review - Curious George

So we come to yet another film adaptation of a children's book series all about a monkey who is bought buy a man with a yellow hat to live in the city. I've never personally read the books myself so my review will be a non-comparison review and seeing as Netflix have got the first sequel, I'm going to review that too. Let's see if its good:

So kind of like the premise of Night At The Museum, the film's introduction takes place at a struggling museum (though not before a little short to establish our main character) where a school class are the only regular visitors. The guide called Ted (aka The Man in the Yellow Hat, voiced by Will "bonkers" Ferrell) is told by the owner of the museum (voiced by Dick "my cockney accent sucks" Van Dyke, huh small world) that the museum will soon have to close as its not making money and his son (voiced by David "why did I do Chipmunks" Cross) wants to tear it down and turn it into a parking garage. Ted is convinced that he can find something in Africa of all places to attract customers and wearing a yellow suit, he sets off, but may find something much better than just an artifact. So I hear that people find this to be a faithful adaptation of the book series, but as I previously said, I've never read any of the books so I can't really say if it is or not. But what I can say is that its a very sweet film that's full of heart, wonderfully colourful and bright and honestly, in the year that the Wii came out, its a great film. I have seen better films than this, but I like it and I can't flaw it either. A good film if you need something to watch to pass the time. 8/10

2: Follow That Monkey!
Ted (who this time is voiced by Jeff Bennett) is under pressure at the museum when he is asked by the owner to be his successor and to make a presentation for the board of directors of which Ted agrees upon. But when his loved ones are wanting some attention from him, this starts a series of events that ultimately have Ted do what the film says and follows George. Now I often find that most direct to home media sequels to not be as good as their predessor and I watched this film thinking as such. But honestly, its actually OK. The film opens up well with some decent animation of George being a good citizen, but for the most part, I'm not sure if parents will enjoy it. Children will, but I don't know about parents. An OK film, but not one that I would see again and again. 7/10

So yeah not much else to say. Its a good series of films. I have seen better and if anything, the films deserve at least one sit through and children will almost certainly enjoy it. Not much else to say other than that. 7/10

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