Thursday 2 February 2017

Thoughts on the Nintendo Switch

As most of you know, I'm not very good when it comes to reviewing tech because from previous experience, there is a lot that I need to consider. The software, the specifications, the performance and just generally the look and feel. So rather than do a review of Nintendo's new console when it eventually comes out, I'm instead going to share with you all my thoughts on their new console, the Nintendo Switch. I've been pretty quiet about my thoughts on it so far and now my silence will be broken as we have a look at it:

So to start with, the idea of having a home and portable console hybrid is a new one to me, but gimmicks are not. Some people hate gimmicks, some people like gimmicks. But to make a console successful, the gimmicks have to work well and some serious thought needs to be put into them so that we get games that make good use of them and not games that either waste its potential or relies so heavily on them that it makes a game not fun to play (such was the case with Star Foz Zero, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and many other games). But if Nintendo make the Switch accessible by allowing games to use other controllers as well as the main ones like they have done with previous consoles, then I think we're going to be OK.

The next thing I want to bring up is how its similar to the Wii U. Now the main controller for the Wii U was the Gamepad and to me, the Switch looks like a suitable successor. I mean it looks and I'm sure it feels like a tablet based controller like the Gamepad was and its design looks much better and smoother than the clunky Gamepad which is a good thing. So kudos for Nintendo in that department.

Next is the dock. Now I'm not entirely sure if this will be the console itself or just something to plug into the console in which case the actual console has yet to be revealed. But either way, its different to what I've been used to using and I'm sure we'll be learning more of that and how it works as the launch day gets ever closer.

Next up, I answer the question if and how it will implement things seen in previous consoles. Now I personally have loved how Nintendo have essentially made their own emulator for games that came out in the previous generations of gaming and it has worked well for their consoles thus far. However the big problem that a lot of people have with buying said games, is the waiting times with each part of it. But having said that, the waiting times have improved greatly console to console that it just becomes the least of people's issues with Nintendo's consoles. But a virtual console service on the Switch would be a very nice idea to look into and Nintendo could with a bit of tweaking, easily put Wii U games on the virtual console service. Though I've still yet to see any Gamecube games on there, but I have heard that they are coming in some shape or form. It would also be nice to transfer data to the Switch from the Wii U as it would save time in the long run when it comes to setting it up and putting in the day 1 update that I'm sure it will no doubt have. Another thing I would like to see that has been seen on previous consoles, is the ability to allow third party apps and indie games to be bought and played as well as downloadable retail games too.

Next is the specs of the console. From what I've heard, this is Nintendo finally catching up with PlayStation, Xbox and PC in terms of graphics and that to me is a good thing, but could also be a bad thing depending on the games and how it performs. Obviously this isn't the first console that can have next gen graphics when used on the go as PlayStation previously made an attempt with the Vita, but it flopped big time so Nintendo really need to pull out all the stops to make this possible. I'm pretty sure it will be just fine, but we shall see.

Next is the games coming out. First of all, for them to have a successful launch, they need to have at least one of their first party titles available at launch and from what I've heard, Breath of the Wild will be that game and its actually reminiscent of when the Wii first came out as that had Twilight Princess on its predecessor as well which will be the same case for Breath of the Wild. As for the other games, its good to see Bethesda finally making games for Nintendo and its good to see Ubisoft and EA returning to make games for it as well. As for Nintendo's other first party titles, Super Mario Odyssey sounds interesting, their Wii Sports and Nintendoland-esque games look good and for its future I hope the Switch has these third party developers on longer than the Wii U but of course that depends on sales.

Which brings onto the next thing. What made the Wii so successful is that Nintendo advertised the heck out of it with TV advertisements everywhere. Billboards with the Wii on it. Basically the Wii was everywhere and the Wii U only survived thanks to the success of amiibo sales. So for the Switch to succeed in being a success, it needs to do something to attract crowds to it. Because even though advertisements and amiibo will be around to help sell it, it will definitely need to do something more to succeed so I hope Nintendo learn from their mistakes and what they failed to do from before and actually get this thing to as many homes or workplaces as possible.

So this brings us onto the big question everyone has. Will I be getting the Nintendo Switch? If I'm being honest, I'd say yes. I see the console as having lots of potential and it looks like it could be Nintendo's saving grace from past mistakes and its innovative to the point that it allows Nintendo to no longer have to make two consoles one made for homes and one made for being on the move. But moving forward, price drops for games won't go amiss and being nice to YouTubers can help too. But I probably won't get the console at launch, but I will be getting it whatever happens. Let's hope its a success.

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