Thursday 1 February 2018

Boxes of Stuff - January 2018

This time, Optimus Prime visits Nintendoland in Geek Fuel, my first IGN box gets some big hitters and it's all about being random in My Geek Box which will be the first one I have received in a very long time:

Geek Fuel
First Geek Fuel box of the year and it certainly wants to help you start the year off well. So from Transformers, we have a t-shirt of Optimus Prime which looks pretty good (though considering I have now got two Prime t-shirts, I'd say the other one is the best but that's just my opinion). From Nintendo, you get one of several notepads based on either Super Mario or Zelda (for me it was the latter) which are nice to have and the packaging for it was great. Steam game this month is The Marvelous Miss Take which is a $20 value game and I believe its a platformer, but I could be wrong. Finally we come to the small red box which contains a pin badge celebrating the new year (as opposed to being franchise based which is good I guess) and a lynard which although Geek Fuel state that it should be used for conventions, we can use them for pretty much anything. As the first box for the year, its ok. Not hugely big on the franchises it has in it this time, but some months will be less packed than others.

IGN Box - Big Hitters
So I have decided to try and save money by subscribing to UK based geek box subscriptions while also still recieving Geek Fuel which I haven't had much problems with since I first subscribed. So My Geek Box have teamed up with IGN to give us a box for those of us that are into the things that IGN covers which is more than just video games. Its another one of those boxes with themes and January 2018's theme is Big Hitters which would let the box contain items from franchises that were very big last year. From Super Mario, we got a pack of 8-bit Super Mario Bros. coasters which are always good for nostalgic value. From Star Wars and in my opinion is the weakest item, is an R2-D2 torch which looks pretty cheap and cheerful if you ask me. From Guardians of the Galaxy, we have Groot and Rocket Racoon as a figure in a similar pose to the Pop! one I got some time ago which is pretty cool. From Zelda we got two items in the form of a Tri Force bottle opener keychain and a Breath of the Wild poster which look great. And then there's the IGN t-shirt which is ok I guess, but could be better. So a pretty decent box for my first IGN box, but I hope things improve as the year progresses.

My Geek Box
I can't remember the last time I received My Geek Box, but it nice to give them another shot and although they generally stick to random things, that's ok. So from The Punisher, we got a t-shirt which looks like the logo of a gun store that Frank Castle would run which looks nice. From Adventure Time, we got a tin of some mini Pop! figures which though nothing special, its nice to have another set of characters from the show. From Doctor Who, we got another notepad with covers of various Doctor Who comics which look very retro indeed. From Super Mario, we got a cheap and cheerful figure of Yoshi which does look ok despite being a toy you can get from anywhere. Finally from Flash Gordon, we have an art card and because I haven't seen the film in full, I'm not going to attempt to butcher the character's name, but it looks nice. So for the first My Geek Box that I have had in a while, its an ok box with room for improvement here and there.

So January's boxes aren't perfect, but given that it is only the start of 2018, there is room for improvement on all of them. So the winner for this month is IGN Box on the basis that it had more variety and good items than the other two. Geek Fuel didn't have as many franchises this time and My Geek Box has room for improvement.

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