Thursday 28 November 2019

Monthly Update - December 2019

Well as its nearly December, you all know what to expect.

Its a month of posts being on everyday in the lead up to Christmas followed by a series of best of 2019 posts.

But as its also the end of a decade, I might be persuaded to do posts on the best films, video games and TV shows of the decade too. But may leave this till January when there is less things happening.

So for what I have planned in December, there will be reviews of films that would likely be watched by families around this time of the year that I have yet to review. There will also be TV posts every Tuesday which will review Christmas Specials that didn't feature in my ranking list.

Finally, there will be another top 12 list but for what will be on that list, well you will just have to wait and see.

So yeah, nearly the end of a year with stuff to look forward to and not.

Merry Christmas.

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